simplifies and expedites the process of project delivery while providing creative cost-effective solutions
design-build services
the architect renders professional services in the implementation. in the design-build services, he assumes the ?
professional responsibility and civil liability for both design and construction of project
- Project Definition Phase
- Schematic Design Phase
- Design Development Phase
- Contract Document Phase
- Construction Phase
Construction Phase
- Preparation of schedule of work, program, estimates of materials, labors, transportation, equipment, and services as reference for construction
- Organization and hiring of construction personnell, designation of duties and remunerations
- Negotiation and entering into contract with piecework contractors and evaluation of work accomplishments
- Procurement of materials, plants, equipments, licenses and permits
- Authorizing and undertaking payment of accounts
- Keeping of records and books of accounts
- Negotiation with government and private agencies having jurisdiction over project
- Management of all other business transaction related to the project construction
this method is essentially the same as Design-Build services by administration except that the owner/client is provided a guaranteed maximum project construction cost for construction of project
design-build services with guaranteed maximum project construction cost
the owner/client is given estimate of the project, and upon completion, if there is realized savings from the estimated project construction cost; it is divided equally between the owner/client and architect
design-build services with guaranteed maximum project construction cost
the project construction cost is guaranteed by architect not to exceed 10% of the estimated project construction cost. should the acrual cost exceed the estimated project construction cost plus 10%, the architect shall be liable for the excess amount but only up to the amount of his administration fee
design-build services with guaranteed maximum project construction cost
should there be additional expenditures beyond the guaranteed maximum project construction cost which are due to legitimate change/variation orders (CVO), extra work orders (EWO) substantial escalation of prices of cost of materials or labors as evidenced by data certified by NEDA, or to other causes not attribute to the gault of architect, the additional cost shall be shouldered by
owner/client (design-build services with guaranteed maximum project construction cost)
the project construction cost is guaranteed by architect not to exceed ??? of estimated project construction cost
if it exceed the estimated project construction cost plus 10%, the architect should be liable for
the excess amount but only up to the amount of his administration fee
manner of providing services in design-build services with guaranteed maximum project construction cost
- architect may be involved in construction, including his own design, by adapting different arrangement or from design-build services
a. architect is part of or a member of the entity constructing his design. he works in tandem with or authorized an entity
b. the architect is himself a state-licensed contractor implementing his design - In adapting any arrangements, the architect must follow
a. Architects must retain his separate/ distinct professional identity, prerogatives and integrity as an architect
b. he must strictly adhere to the tenets of the architect’s credo with the pledge that he shall disclose whenever required, any business investment or venture that may tend to create conflict of interest, and ensure that such neither compromise the interest of client
- architect may be involved in construction, including his own design, by adapting different arrangement or from design-build services
a. architect is part of or a member of the entity constructing his design. he works in tandem with or authorized an entity
b. the architect is himself a state-licensed contractor implementing his design
- In adapting any arrangements, the architect must follow
a. Architects must retain his separate/ distinct professional identity, prerogatives and integrity as an architect
b. he must strictly adhere to the tenets of the architect’s credo with the pledge that he shall disclose whenever required, any business investment or venture that may tend to create conflict of interest, and ensure that such neither compromise the interest of client
method of compensation
- the manner of payment to the architect follows the progress of construction. all labor and materials are paid by client
- cost of all permits, licenses and other incidents are paid by client
- architect may appoint, subject to owner/client’s approval, a construction superintendent, purchasing agenr, timekeeper, and property clerk side from usual labor.
the manner of payment to the architect follows the progress of construction. all labor and materials are paid by
the architect does not advance any money for payment or expenditures connected with the work, generally a revolving fund is given to the architect beforehand and is accounted for and subject to?
periodic auditing by client
cost of all permits, licenses, and other incidentals to the work are paid by
the architect may appoint, subject to owner/client’s approval, a ?
construction superintedent, purchasing agent, timekeeper, and propert clerk
salaries of construction superintedent, purchasing agent, timekeeper, and propert clerk are paid by