Sports Flashcards
un sportif
an athlete, a champion, a top athlete
faire du sport
to do sport
un match
a match / a game / an event (to attend an event)
attirer un large public
to draw large attendances / lots of spectators / large crowds
un stade / le terrain
a stadium; an arena / a pitch
athletics / track and field
supporter une équipe
to support a team / supporters
un remplacent
a substitute / on the bench
un entrainement
a training session
battre / établir un record
to break / set a record
marquer / gagner
to score goals / to win competitions
Etre transféré (x4)
to be hired by a club / to be transferred / to change clubs / to be bought and sold like merchandises
être en forme / ne pas être en forme
to be fit, in good health / in poor health
une blessure
an injury / to be injured
se dépasser
to stretch oneself /to surpass oneself / tu push one’s limits
to have a sense of competition / to be competitive
participer aux JO
to take part in the Olympic Games
les produits dérivés
the spin-offs
Maillots de cyclistes / maillots de foot
jersey / shirts
to be a source of income
vendre des droits de retransmission TV
to sell TV rights
être côté / introduit en bourse
to be listed / to become listed on the Stock Exchange
être géré comme une entreprise profitable
to be run like a profit-making company
profiter de l’image d’un athlète
to capitalize on the image of an athlete
avoir un contrat de sponsor
to have a sponsoring contract with
le dopage
doping / illegal drug-taking / to take performance-enhancing drugs
interdire à un athlète de participer à une compet
to ban an athlete from taking part in a competition