Mots français à connaitre Flashcards
éviter de
to avoid doing sth
éviter que
to prevent sth from happening
empêcher que
to prevent sb from doing sth
faire que
to result in sth happening
laisser faire qq ch
to let sb do sth / to let sth happen
permettre qq ch
to make sth possible / to allow sth
permettre à qq’un de
to let sb do sth/ to allow sb to do sth/ to enable sb to do sth
obliger qq’un à
to make sb do sth/ to force sb to do sth
interdire à qq’un de
to forbid sb to do sth/ to ban sb from doing sth
interdire qqch
to prohibit sth/ to ban sth
faire attention à qqch
to be careful about sty/ to pay attention to sth/ to be aware of sth
faire attention à faire qq ch
to be careful to do sth
favoriser qq ch
to give priority to sth/ to contribute to (doing) sth
faciliter qq ch
to make sth easier
compliquer qq ch
to make more difficult sth
risquer de
to risk doing sth
proposer qq ch
to suggest sth/ to advocate sth
to evolve/ to change/ to make progress/ to get better/ to improve
to make progress
réaliser qqch (mener à bien)
to do sth/ to achieve sth
to do/ to carry out
réussir (tout court)
to succeed/ to be successful
réussir à
to succeed in doing sth/ to manage to do sth
être habitué à
to be used to sth/ to be used to doing sth
avoir l’habitude de
to do sth often/ regularly
penser à/ envisager de
to think of/ about doing sth/ to consider doing sth
soulever un problème
to raise an issue
créer un problème
to cause a problem
pour avoir fait (cause)
for doing sth
pour que
so that + modal
(pour) ne pas
so as not to
(une) volonté de
a desire to do sth
(une) manière de
a way of + ing
un moyen de
a means to do sth/ a means of transportation
une besoin de
a need for
avoir besoin de
to need sth
une raison de
a reason for
être responsable de
to be responsible for sth
le responsable (qui gère)
the person in charge
être confronté à
to be faced with a problem
faire face
to face sth
avoir peur de
to be afraid of/ to fear sth/ to be scared by
un travail, emploi
a job
une entreprise
a company
la population
une association
an organisation
la société
society (pas the)
l’économie (science)
l’économie (réalité)
the economy
la chance
to be lucky/ to have opportunities for/ to be likely to
niveau de vie
living standards / standard of living
mode de vie
pouvoir d’achat
purchasing power
wage/ salary
aide (humanitaire)
aid (tis singulier)
aide (sociale/ alloc)
aide (subvention)
a subsidy
de l’aide (général)
to receive help
to produce