Spórt i Saol An Duine Óig Flashcards
Firstly, there is a link between sport and health
Ar an gcéad dul síos tá nasc idir an spórt agus an tsláinte
There is no surprise that sport creates a good healthy life
Níl aon amhras ach go gcothaíonn an spórt saol breá sláintiúil
If you play sport often, you will become more athletic
Má imríonn tú spórt go rialta, beidh tí níos aclaí
Your heart, your bones and your muscles will be stronger and healthier as well
Beidh do chroí, do chnámha agus di mhatáin níos láidre agus níos sláintiúil freisin
As well as this, young people who play sport have less stress
Chomh maith le sin, ní bhíonn a lán strus ar dhaoine óga a imríonn spórt
In just a few words, you get a good healthy life
i mbeagán focal, beidh tú in ann saol breá sláintiúil a chaitheamh
I think there is more interest for young people in health matters these days
Measaim go bhfuil níos mó suime ag déagóirí I gcúrsaí sláinte sa lá atá inniu ann
Sport does good for the mind too
Déanann an spórt maitheas don aigne freisin
There is a necessity for teamwork, compromise and leadership in every team agus one learns how to take blows and insults without going overboard
Bíonn gá le comhoibriú, comhghéilleadh agus ceannaireacht ar gach foireann agus
foghlaimítear conas buile agus maslaí a ghlacadh gan dul le báiní
Sport gives relief and enjoyment to supporters from the worries and stresses of life and for a couple of hours people can forget the problems of life while he/she is screaming at the referee or at the other player
Tugann an spórt faoiseamh agus taitneamh don lucht leanúna ó bhuairt agus ó anró an tsaoil agus ar feadh cúpla uair a chloig is féidir le duine dearmad a dhéanamh ar fhadhbanna an tsaoil fad is atá sé/ sí ag screadaíl ar an réiteoir nó ar imreoir éigin
Secondly, sports helps young people to develop teamwork skills
Ar an dara dul síos, cabhraíonn an spórt le daoine óga scileanna comhoibrithe a fhorbairt
They learn how to play and work with other young people
Foghlaimíonn siad conas imirt agus obair le daoine óga eile
The meet new friends
Buaileann siad le cairde nua
As well as that, they take an active part in the community
Anuas ar seo, glacann siad páirt ghníomhach sa phobail
They play in matches with their home team and because of this they become more proud of their home
Imríonn siad cluichí d’fhoireann an bhaile agus de bharr seo éiríonn siad níos bródúla as a