5th Year- Winter Exam Essay Flashcards
I must say that the of a young person has changed a lot today
Caithfidh mé a rá go bhfuil athrú mór tagtha ar shaol an duine óig sa lá atá inniu ann.
It has changed a lot since my own parents were young
Is iomaí athrú atá tagtha air ó bhí mo thuismitheoirí féin óg
In this essay, I will look at the life of the young person in school and at home
San aiste seo, féachfaidh
mé ar shaol an duine óig ar scoil agus sa bhaile.
I will discuss the terrible pressure thart is on young people from teachers and parents due to the points system
Pléifidh mé an brú uafásach atá ar
dhaoine óga ó mhúinteoirí agus ó thuismitheoirí de bharr chóras na bpointí.
I will talk about peer-pressure, bullying and pressure from the media
Labhróidh mé faoi phiarbhrú, bulaíocht agus an brú ó na meáin chumarsáide.
I will also mention the facilities that are available to young people
Luafaidh mé freisin na háiseanna atá ar fáil do dhaoine óga
The youth have a good life
Tá saol maith ag an aos
I hope I will give you food for thought
Tá súil agam go dtabharfaidh mé ábhar machnaimh daoibh.
Firstly, I would like to define ‘the young person’
Ar an gcéad dul síos, ba mhaith liom sainmhíniú a thabhairt ar ‘an duine óg’
To me, that’s someone under 21 years old
Dar liomsa, sin duine atá faoi bhun 21 bhliain d’aois.
Now I will look at school life.
Anois féachfaidh mé ar shaol na scoile.
Not a day goes by that the word ‘exam’ is not heard in the mouths of secondary school students
Níl lá dá dtéann thart nach gcloistear an focal
‘scrúdú’ i mbéal daltaí meánscoile
There is terrible pressure put on young people
Cuirtear brú uafásach ar dhaoine óga.
This pressure comes from teachers and parents
Tagann an brú seo ó mhúinteoirí agus ó thuismitheoirí.
The reason for this is the points system
Is é an chúis atá leis seo ná córas na
If a young person wants to get the course of their choice in college, he
or she needs to get the points.
Má theastaíonn ó dhuine óg a rogha cúrsa a fháil sa choláiste, caithfidh sé nó
sí na pointí a fháil
Students often study for three or four hours after a long day at school
Is minic a bhíonn daltaí ag staidéar trí nó ceithre uair an chloig tar
éis lá fada a chaitheamh ar scoil.
According to reports, this issue is getting worse
De réir tuairisce, is in olcas atá an scéal ag dul.