Sport and Society Applied to Equal Opportunity Flashcards
Define Society
An organised group of people associated for some specific purpose or with a shared common interest.
Define socialisation
A lifelong process where members of society learns the norms and values of society.
Name the two types of socialisation
Define primary socialisation
Socialisation during early childhood through influence of immediate family.
Core values are created during primary socialisation
Define secondary socialisation
Socialisation in teenage years through the influence of peer groups, friends, schools, TV/Social Media and local clubs.
Can occur over a long period of time and change core values due to peer pressure, choice and broad range of sources it can come from
Define social control
The way in which people’s thoughts, feelings, appearance and behaviour are regulated in social systems.
E.g. Mother’s may not give themselves time to play sport due to feeling pressured about childcare
Define social change
An alteration in the social order of a society.
E.g. More leisure centres now offer creches/childcare as part of the membership to increase female participation
Define social issues
Problems that affect many people within a society
Define inequality
The unfair situation where resources or opportunities and distributed unequally within a society
Define social stratification
Society is divided (into different levels/classes) based on wealth/status.
Explain why private school students have better access to sport than state school students
- Better facilities
- Better equipment
- Specialist coaching e.g. ‘head of rugby’
- Higher levels of competition
- Opportunities for foreign training camps
- More time dedicated to sport e.g. Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning
- Wider range of sports available
Define social action theory
A way of viewing socialisation, emphasising social action
Name 3 of the main concepts of social action theory
- Social action theory considers how sport can impact society
- Society is an interactionist theory
- By interacting with others, people create organisations e.g. schools/clubs/campaign groups
- These organisations influence people/shape wider society, eg expecting people to obey the rules of the organisation
- Interactions lead to change in the social processes that exist
- Social institutions are the product of the interaction of the people with and within the institution
- Promotes sports becoming more democratic/preventing the dominance of one group
- Individual motives/meanings for sports participation can vary
Define equal opportunities
The right to access the same opportunities regardless of factors such as race, age, sex or disability status
Define prejudice
To form an unfavourable opinion of an individual based on inadequate facts
Define discrimination
Unfair treatment of a person based on a stereotype or prejudice
Name the two types of discrimination
Define overt discrimination
Visible/obvious e.g. verbal racist abuse