sport and rec aos 1 Flashcards
what a person likes over another.
e.g person may like to participate in activities indoors rather than outdoors.
something necessary
e.g client may need to lose weight to improve their health
what a person percieves they will achieve from participiating in the session.
e.g may expect to work up a sweat and burn a large number of calories.
What is a way you can clarify participants prefernces, needs and expectations.
Best and effective way is to ask them but depends on how much access you have to them before conducting the program.
competition or performance targets
Individuals may participate in a session because they enjoy being competitve or want to attain a certain level of achievement, such as improving their personal best effort.
assist with self improvement
people may want to improve their physical, social, mental, or spiritual health or their perception of themselves.
fitness targets
Person may need to improve their fitness levels and achieve specific fitness targets.
lifestyle adjustments
people hope to gain health benefits through being active reguarly, usually make lifestyle adjustments after putting weight on after getting a health scare or maybe advice from a doctor.
social oppurtunities
individuals may participate in a session to socialise and meet new people, they will achieve this if the session is group based.
special requirement
is anything necessary for a participant to take part in a program.
May relate to things such as a disability, injury or medical condition.
Obeserve special requirement
you may be able to observe specific needs, such as a participant having low self esteem and requiring extra support and motivation.
Lifestyle special requirements
A participants special requirements may also be to do with their lifestyle. Example of this could be participants time availability (due to work, study etc) or their physical condition (being overweight, unfit, elderly, pregnant)
Best way to observe the special requirments
Speak one on one with participants in more detail about their special requirements to determine, how best to provide support allowing them to participate in your program.
7 pillars of inclusion
Does the physical environment allow access by all?
Is access to your facility safe?
is your attitude towards inclusion positive?
does your program meet the needs of all participants?
have you allowed the option with people with special requirements to participate?
is there support around you that allows you to be more inclusive?
how can you communicate in a way that motivates individuals with special needs to participate?
are you working within an organisation that have policies to support inclusion
have you adapted or modified your program sufficiently to allow the inclusion of all participants?
Advising participants who should not participate
when conducting non instructional sessions you must identify and advise participants of any reasons why they should not participate in your program.
How can you advise participants when they should not participate
pre activity screening
you may find that a participant has a medical condition in this screening, existing or previous injury, or are on prescribed medications.
as an instructor you aren’t required to tell them what they can and cant take therefore you must refer the participant for external assistance.
Par Q questionaires
these can be used to establish if a participant needs to be reffered for clearance before participating in a program.
In the question aire if the participant ticks yes to any of questions you should ask them to get a medical clearnace from an appropriate medical professional before they participate in your program.
conduct a risk analysis for the program
in the sport and fitness industry its important that instructor identifies any potential hazards and minimises the risk.
Types of risk
physical risk
mental/emotional risk
social risk
physical risk
anything that has the potential to cause harm.
e.g unsafe use of equipment
mental/emotional risk
related to how you plan your program. if haven’t met participants needs and have planned too difficult this can cause stress and anxiety.
e.g activity that is too challenging
social risk
hazards caused by interactions within the group
e.g pre existing conflict, personality clashes
risk analysis 3 steps
step 1 : identify hazards
step 2 : assess risks
step 3 : control risks
step 4 : Review control measures
step 1 identify hazards
do a physical inspection of facility
ask experienced instructors that have used the facility
speak with facility managers or supervisor for advice
step 2 assess risks
identify likelihood that a participant is exposed to the hazard and the consequence of the exposure.
may use a risk rating matrix to rate the risk associated with identified hazards
5-almost certain
step 3 control risks
implement most effective contorl measure.
eliminate/minimise the risk
step 4 review control measures
these should be regulary reviewed to ensure they are working as required
when reviewing controls should ask the following questions:
-is the control still effective?
-has the control measure created a new hazard?
external assistance professionals
accredited exercise physiologists
accredited practising dieticians
medical practioners/general practitioners
occupational therapists
remedial massage therapists
sports physicians/sports doctors
about assitance with external professional
each of health professionals may be suitably credited to deal with participants presenting with a range of medical conditions and injuries.
Which health professional that is best suitable will depend on participants conditons and injuries.
if have a paricipant that needs to be reffered you should send them to…
If have participant that needs to be referred sending them to a general practioner as an initial contact will be beneficial. Gp will have expertise and training to assess their situation and refer them to most qualified health professional.
documenting consulation
Before continuing to plan your program you must document and record all participant information.
what should documentation information relate to?
-participants needs, prefernces and expectations.
-special requirements of any participants.
-any reasons you have advised participants not to participate in your program
-adviceyou have given regrading refferals to external proffestionals.
-information received from an external professional about participant inclusion.
2.1 plan the program
when planning a program you need to be organised and prepared. you will need to consider a variety of factors to run a safe and succesful program.
“by failing to prepare your preparing to fail”
sources of information
program scope
activity specific information
relevant legislation
work health and safety
equal oppurtunity and anti-discrimmination
privacy and confidentiality
working with childrens check
program scope
(topic =sources of info)
a program scope provides you with the boundaries for what should and shouldn’t be included in your program, once you have sourced this information, you will understand the programs objectives and begin brainstorming activities.
Activity specific information
(topic=sources of info)
as you from an idea of the activities you will include in your program, it is essential to fully understand how to appropriately deliver these activities.
to develop an understanding of your activities you could access sources of information such as coaches or instructors, internet, books or magazines. This can can include ideas for games and activities, the equipment you’ll need and risk management sugggestions.
relevant legislation
(topic=sources of info)
this must be kept in consideration when planning. this relates to the requirements and responsibilities enforced by law in Australia.
what are the basic aspects of legislation
(topic=sources of info
-work health and safety/occupational health and safety requirements.
-equal oppurtunity and anti-discrimmination
-privacy and confidentiality
-working with children check
work health and safety
(topic=sources of info)
this is vital in all workplaces to ensure the safety and health of employees and others in the workplace.
equal oppurtunity and anti-discrimmination
(topic=sources of info)
this ensures that all individuals are treated equally and fairly regarding employement oppurtunities, promotion, participation, and access to services.
legal discrimmination
you are u18 years you can not stay at this accomadation due to your age.
illegal discrimmination
you can’t play here due to your race
privacy and confidentiality
(sources of info)
participants privacy should always be protected, its illegal to pass on an individuals details without their permission. By keeping the info private protects an individuals personal details from being leaked
working with childrens check
(topic=sources of info)
its a legislative requirement for all adults in vic to have an up to date wwcc. It protects all children under the age of 18 years from sexual and physical harm.
establish program size, scope and goals
before identifying the suitable activiites and the resources required to deliver your program you must understand your working boundaries.
program size
programs will vary in the number of delivered sessions, and this is one factor that determines the size of your program.
The next factor that contributes to the size of your program is the number of participants, this is important because the number of participants will affect the type and szie of the chosen venue and the required resources such as equipment, staff, and finances.
Can ask as a manager or supervisor for the participants numbers, or you could ask partcipants to book/reguster for your program before a specific deadline.
program size relates to programs scope so sue info relating to the size to determine the programs scope
programs scope
this effectively outlines the critical details. besides the size of your program you will need to establish other info such as
participant details:
needs, expectations, preferences
skill level
previous experience (experiences or non)
pre existing group (school class, or sports team)
Programs details:
purpose of the program (why running it)
location/or and facility
date and time
resources available (physical, human, financial, transport and logistical)
program goals
these are what you want to achieve from conducting the program,these generally relate to its purpose.
After achieving your programs goals they will generally be determined whether participants successfully achieved their goals, you don’t want participants leaving the program feeling as though it was a waste of time and not worth it.
Identifying resource requirements
once you have determined your programs size, scope and goals you need to identify and plan the programs resource requirements.
what are the four resource requirements
transport and logistical
these include the equipment or items required to complete the session
e.g water, food, first aid supplies, suncreen, appropriate clothing.
these are the staff you require to run a successful program. You may require additional staff with specific training or qualifications to deliver the activities you have included in your program or simply need other staff to cover the supervision ratios.
this relates to money.
could be 2 ways that financial resources are determined.
you may be provided with a budget that you must work within
or you plan the program, including budgeting and have your spending approved by yopur supervisor/organsiation.
the program plan
to ensure program is successful you will need to develop a program plan. The porgram plan outlines all planning information and what will be conducted in each session that makes up the program.
Transport and logistical
This relates to how the participants may get to the venue, methods may include bus, car walking.
the program plan
to ensure your program is successful, you will need to develop a program plan, a program plan outlines all planning information and what will be conducted in each session that makes up the program.
the elements of a program plan
-a prorgram description
–program aims and or objectives
-number of sessions, session dates and times
-location of sessions and facilities required
-the budget allowance
-participant details for example number and type of participants, plus any special needs
-equipment and resources required for the program
-session outline
Communicating the program plan with staff, participants and organisations
Once the program is planned it is important that all stakeholders including staff, participants and organisations are informed of key details.
Think about the necessary/essential for them to know and share it using an appropriate way.
Participants should be informed about the time of sessions, what to bring, clothing, money and activity details.
prepare for your program stage
after all documentation is complete and all resources have been organised and are available, you should then move onto confirming the budget, book or confirm the hiring of resources and begin the programs enrolment proccess.
budget constraint
during the planning stage you should have received budget information from your organisation, this information should tell you the funds of what you have available to run your program. This is your budget constraint.
What is a constraint
A constraint is something that restrcits something from moving. When its applied to your budget, it is the limit that stops you from spending additional funds.
Why is it important to follow budgeting procedure
This is important to follow as it ensures you do not overspend, to ensure that you adhere to the budget constraint.
Resources and personnel
During your planning atage you would’ve identified all resources that you will need during the next stage (preparation stage) you will need to check and confirm the availability of these resources.
Prep stage with staff
Steps leading up to your program
You will also need to ring the staff and confirm their availability and book their services for your program.
Send them a follow up email after your conversation to share the program details
also send them a text or ring them a week out to remind them before the commencement of your program.
If program is spread out over months regulary check their availability and continue this process.
prep stage confriming access to all physical and logistical resources that you will require for your program
It is vital to not just assume everything will be available you will need to make sure all the logistical resources as well as physical resources are availabe to use.
Contact the organisation or whoever is responsible for the equipment
Organise to view it
Then hire it for the required dates of your program
It is important to confirm your hire a week out from the session
Why is it vital to confirm resources and personnel
This is really important as you will be giving yourself enough time to make arrangements and modifications if things don’t go as planned.
final steps in the prep stage
the last 2 steps of conducting your sport, fitness or recreation program include
-preparing documention templates for conducting, reporting and evaluating sessions.
-organising the completion of enrolment and documentation proccess by participants
you must have all documentation in order before beginning your program so that it runs efficiently and successfully.
documents for conducting, reporting and evaluating sessions
All programs should start with a risk assesement, these are non negotiables document requirements for successful programs.
depending on the type of program you will be running, the documentation will vary.
Additional documentation required to conduct and report programs may include:
-individual session plans
-session attendance sheets
-tournament fixtures or draws
-score sheets or other recording templates
Feedback prep stage
Catergories you should target when seeking feedback include;
-suitability and safety of facilties and equipment
-content of program
-structure of content of activities or sessions
-participant progress
formal feedback
where a survey or questionaire is constructed and given to participants and other staff involved in the program to complete. They would then need to respond to a series of questions about the program.
Informal feedback
may be a quick conversation with participants about the program where you encourage them to highlight elements of the program that they are enjoying and identify any possible suggestions for improvement.
participant documentation
having the participants register for your program before its commencement is an advantage for you.
creating and providing appropriate documentation to participants during the registration process is essential.
This enables you to capture all information you need to plan your program
Once you have gathered all there information you must store it securely, therefore you will need to identify a safekeeping method and location for the information you collect.
conducting the program
this is easy if your program has been well planned and prepared.
When begginning the first session it is important to create and foster a positive environement.
Ways to foster a positive environment
-be early always and always on time
-have the equipment already set up before participants arrive
-welcome your participants enthusiasticly
communicating instructions and releveant information
when conducting the program ensure you use effective communication skills, this can depend on the location and nature of how you deliver the communication.
information must be clear, accurateand contains all required information/details.
Information that you provide participants at the begginning of your session
-introduce yourself and any other staff
-provide details on the facility/location, e.g where emergency and toilets exist
-overview of the program; including the goals and objectives and summary of what activities are included
-the details of the first session
information that you provide participants at the end of your session
-information about the remaining sessions
this could be in the form of aa handout that clearly states dates, times and locations of the remaining sessions and what to bring.
observing, monitoring and assessing partcipants
Program manager should always observe, monitor and assess the participant progress, and make necessary adjustments throughout the program.
Why can modifications be made
-participants aren’t progressing towards their goals
-participants are not engadging with activities in the way they should (if activity is too challenging or not challenging enough)
-If there are safety concerns
-if conflict is evident within the group
participation and safety
During the program you must constantly monitor participant involvement and implement the right stratergies to always maintain engadgement and safety.
e.g being aware of your position that you are standing in and don’t turn your back
Use the effective safety measures of TREE and CHANGE IT as they can assist with increasing participation. These models also assist in maintaining safe involvement in your program, you should then know how to manage participants who are being unsafe.
Participant progress
participants who are successfully achieving their goals should be the priority when delivering a program. To ensure this you must contantly observe, monitor and assess participant progress against participant aims.
If a participant doesn’t feel as though they’re making progress consider and implement modifications to the program to assist them.
Use surveys to help measure participant progress, from target questions where responses should clearly indicate feelings towards their progress.
participant feedback
Just as participants offer you feedback, you and your staff should continually provide them with feedback in a timely manner to the participants.
This will assist them in improving their performance and potentially being more successful.
When providing the feedback it must be positive and constructive.
Draw their attention to the areas that require improvement, and then direct them to this action that needs improving rather than blaming and judging.
Use the positive negative positive approach (feedback sandwitch)
Venue, resources and equipment
monitoring these things is essential to ensure the effectiveness from start to finish of your program.
Check availability of all items
Must confirm the avaliability of venue if hiring one a week out
Check the condtion of the equipment and ensure all equipment is safe for participants to use.
Keep checking over everything throughout your program to ensure everyone is always safe.
Conclude and evaluate the program
this is time where you need to conclude and finaise your program. This stage provides the last oppurtunity for you to communicate with your group of participants and your first oppurtunity to prepare for your next program by completing an evaluation.
by communicating with your participants at the end of your program allows you to:
-thank participants for their attendance and effort
-collect feedback on your program
-encourage everyone to seek oppurtunities to participate in and share information about future programs
feedback and evaulation
when concluding your program you should seek and acknowledge feedback from participants as well as relevant stakeholders.
Program stakeholders can include parents, staff, your organisation you are delivering your program for, your supervisor or sponsors of the program.
What can you seek feedback on for yourself
-communication and interpersonal skills
-how you interacted with participants
-organisational skills
-your ability to motivate particiopants
-flexibility and the ability to adapt to the program to meet participant needs.
evaluate program components and areas for improvement
this helps enable improvements to be made to your future programs.
examplr of evaluation proccess
engadge participants and stakeholders
-who are you going to ask to be a part of your evaluation process.
program description
-what was the focus of your program
collect data
-administer your feedback tool e.g questionaire, survey, interview.
analyse the date
-collect the data through your feedback tool
-what does it say?
action the results
-share your findings with relevant personnel (supervisor)
-create an action plan
self evaluation
you should also take the time to review your own performance and identify potential areas for improvement.
can be done by keeping a diary throughout your whole program and throughout it respond to same surveys you asked the key stakeholders to complete.
document records of program and evaluation
this is the last step of your program
after done the rest you should report the completion of your program to your personnel.
You should also notify them on where they can access the completed documents.
This can help you change things for future programs.
When finalising and storing program documents, consult your organisations policies and procedures related to record keeping.