physical education sac Flashcards
setting based approach to physical activity
benefits of physical activity
decrease stress + anxiety
increase life expectancy
SEM model
social environment
individual (education)
physical environment
Am I able
-self effiacy
Is it worth it?
Recipical causation
Individual effects the environment and the environment affects the individual.
e.g friends play sport influences you to play sport
what is being done/what your doing
the measure of what you did
e.g heart rate monitor
domains of physical activity
leisure time activity
active tranhsport
dimensions of physical activity
intensity (talk test)
NPAG Guidelines birth-1 year
supervised floor based play should be encouraged from birth
should not spend any time on electronic devices or watching TV
2-5 years
no more than 1 hour a day sitting and watching tv or electonic devices
5-12 years
at least 1 hour mod-vig activity per day
at least 3 days per week including some muscle strengthening activity
sev hours of physical activity should be encouraged
no more than 2 hours of tv/electronic devices and long periods of itting should be broken up
young people aged 13-17
at least 1 hour of mod-vig activity per day
3 days per week including muscle strengthening
sev hours of physical activity should be encouraged
no more than 2 hours of tv/electronic devices per day and long periods of sitting should be broken up
adults 18-64
Be active on most days of the week
2.5-5 of mod activity or 1.25-2.5 vigorous activity per week
2 days of at least incorporating strength activity.
minimise amount of time spent sitting
long periods of sitting should be broken up as often as possible.
older adults 65+
Be active on most, preferebly all days of the week
at least 30 mins mod activity most but not all days
At least 2 days a week include muscle strengthening activities
No specific sed behaviour guidlines
physical activity inititives
walk to school
jump rope for heart
walking school bus
ride to school
Why were aus phys activity guidelines created
They were created for all Australians to understand how much physical activity they need for optimum health. They were first created in 1999, based on worldwide scientific evidence and consulations with various stake holders.
What do the physical activity guidelines measure
In order to determine the right advice, following factors were taken into account;
the amount of physical activity people do- including the amount, frequency, intensity and type of activity.
The amount of time people spend sitting or lyding down
-The amount and quality of sleep children and young people get.
policy level
Refers to legislation, regularatory or policy making actions that have potential to affect physical activity.
urban planning policies
health policices
physical education classes
Individual level
This is at the centre of the Sem model this level includes personal factors that increase or decrease the likelihood of an individual being physically active.
social level
Social environment comprises the relationships, the culture and society with whom the individual interacts.
This level has a significant influence on physical activity.
Spouse or partener
Environment level
Physical environment includes the natural environment and the built (or man made) environment.
Physical environment are likely to influence the amount and type of physical activity, this influence can be positive or negative.
geographic location
what is the SEM model
the sem model refers to a multifaceted approach to getting people active and it looks at what influences and motivates people to be physically active.
What is the YPAP model
youth physical activity promotion model is a framework for promoting physical activity in youth, and highlights the many personal, social and environmental factors that influence physical activity behaviour.
Why do we use the YPAP model
people use the model because youth are motivated and influenced in different ways compared to adults. It is a similar model to the Social-ecological model.
-it acknowledges the unique characteristics of children in relation to their physical, mental and emotional development.
someone who runs the intervention stratergies, basically a boss/ceo