HHD Chap 8 overview Flashcards
human development
creating an environment in which people can develop to their full potential and lead productive, creative lives according to their needs and interests.
human development index
a tool developed by the United Nations to measure and rank countries levels of social and economic development.
limitation of human development index
It doesn’t measure aspects such as gender equality and freedom meaning it is not entirely relevant.
Only measures countries levels of social and economic development
a strength of the human development index
it is effective for analysing progress that is made by countries over time
human development 3 dimensions
a decent standard of living
a long healthy life
four indicators of the human development index
expected years schooling
life expectancy at birth
mean years of schooling
access to
cleap in full detail
a safe environment where people can live to their full potential
productive and creative lives according to their needs & interests.
It’s about
people’s choices and capabilities , whilst improving their
knowledge, health and a decent standard of living.
This is strengthened by their
in the community and it’s decision making
environmental sustainability
ensuring that the natural environment is used in a way that will preserve resources in the future. eg, By using waste facilities in an appropriate way can lead to improved sustainability and the future generation will be better.
social sustainability
creating an equitable society that meets the needs of all citizens and can be maintained indefinetely.
economic sustainability
having an average income to sustain a decent standard of living
global trade
access to sanitation
access to safe water
economic characteristics of countries
poverty levels
global trade
average incomes
social characteristics of countries
gender equality
social systems
health systems
birth rates
legal systems
environmental characteristics of countries
access to safe water and sanitation
food security
adequate housing
carbon dioxide emissions
factors that contribute to similarities and differences in health status and burden of disease
global distribution and marketing of tobacco, alcohol and proccessed foods.
inequality and discrimmination (race, religion, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity)
access to safe water
extreme poverty
those living on less than $1.90 a day
non communicable diseases
long lasting and generally progress slowly
communicable diseases
infectious diseases which are transmitted from the environment.
through air, water food and other infected organisms (other humans).