health and human development final sac Flashcards
what is SDG 1
No poverty
When families are poor (in poverty) they cannot afford food.
What is SDG 2
Zero hunger
Working to decrease the
What is SDG 3
Good health and wellbeing
What is SDG 4
Quality education
What is SDG 5
Gender Equality
What is SDG 6
Clean water and sanitation
What is SDG 13
climate action
2How can SDG 3 (good health n wellbeing) contribute to good health and wellbeing and human development globally
decrease materal mortality
decreasing non communicable diseases (some cancers stomach/bowel)
If you see the word sector what does it mean
what is a form of sector
gender equality and empowering women rights
What are different type of aids
what is bilaterial aid
Between two countries
aid given from the government of one country to the government of another country.
what is the multilaterial aid
Between many countries
aid provided through international organisations like world bank and WHO, pull donations from countries to use for countries in need.
what is the humanitarian aid
disaster in place the humanitarian aid will go to that place
what are the WHO priorities
achieving universal health coverage
addressing health emergencies
promoting healthy populations
What is the Non government organisation
World vision
They promote human developmenent by teaching them how to grow sustainable crops this is teaching them which is knowledge therefore promotes human development.
Outline an aid program that addresses one of the sustainable development goals
World food program
Relay for life
How does the aid contribute to health and wellbeing and human development
objectives of the SDG’s
rationale of SDG’s
Priorities of WHO
Adressing health emergenices
1 billion more people better protected from health emergencies
Priorities of WHO
Promoting healthier populations
1 billion more people enjoying better health and wellbeing
How do the sectors help improve health and wellbeing
What are two reasons for the introduction of the sustainable development goals
The Millenium development goals finished/expired in 2015, thus requring a new set of goals and targets to continue to progress towards ending extreme poverty.
Other reason for the introduction of them is due to new global challenges such as climate change and conflict had emerged that needed to be considered.
Three objectives of the sustainable development goals
ending extreme poverty
fight inequality and injustice
address climate change
4 key features of sdg 3
reducing maternal mortality
reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases
promote mental health and wellbeing
halve injuries and deaths from road traffic accidents
describe sdg 5
Gender equality:
Aims to ensure equal oppurtunity for both males and females
this includes leadership and decision making, access to economic and natural resources.
Also aims to end all forms of discrimmination, violence and harmful practices against all women everywhere.
discuss how achievements towards sdg 5 can help achieve a key feature of sustainable development goal 3
Achieving gender equality means girls can access education and women can gain employement. Women who are better educated are able to make positive decisions around their childs health and wellbeing. They are able to undertsand the need for vaccinations and adequate nutrition.
identify two governement organisations that provide aid to low and middle income countries and state a type of program they run
Oxfam Australia and caritas. Oxfam runs an ending poverty program to decrease it. Caritas runs a program that focusses on tackling food and water insecurity globally.
Explain some characteristics of NGO aid
They aren’t for private profit or gain
They improve the circumstances of disadvantaged people
and they address social, cultural, economic or political causes
Explain how Oxfam promotes health and wellbeing and human development
Works with countries in times of disaster and conflict
They provide basic resources needed to survive, including clean water, sanitation and food.
By accessing clean water, the spread of water borne diseases such as cholera is reduced, decreasing morbidity rates globally. This enhances the bodies ability to function efficiently, allowing individuals to live long and healthy lives. individuals who are free from ilness and disease are able to participate in the life of their community.
Outline two ways in which individuals can take social action
Donating money to NGO’s such as Oxfam.
Purchasing products that support social action
Discuss how purchasing products can promote health and wellbeing
By taking social action through purchasing products that support social action, improvements in health and wellbeing can be made. “who gives a crap,” is a social enterprise that addresses the problems of sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa. By purchasing their products, the money raised has gone to building a sustainable public toilet. This has decreased the water supply being contamminated, which means individuals are decreasing their risk of illness and diseases such as cholera. Individuals will have higher energy levels due to not being sick, which will allow them to participate in community activties promoting physical health and wellbeing.
World health organisation definition
The World Health Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health.
Universal health coverage described
all people have access to the full range of quality health services they need, when and where they need them, without financial hardship.
addressing health emergencies described
works with all countries and partners to ensure the world is better prepared for all-hazards health emergencies that threaten the health of individuals across the world.
promoting healthier populations described
WHO works to enhance people’s well-being and reduce their health risks associated with tobacco use, alcohol consumption and physical inactivity, thereby contributing to better population health
what is the role of private sectors
creating jobs, providing goods and services, and stimulating economic growth
example of a private sector is privately owned companies that are free from government ownership.
example of public sector and what it is
Australian human rights commision
public sectors include the public goods and government services such as the military and law
what is a health sector
& and example
This consists of businesses that provide medical services, manufacture medical equipment or drugs.
example is a hospital
Agriculture sector definiton & an example
A sector of economy which includes crop and animal production
Example is a dairy and a farm
Sector definition
bilateral aid
The provision of aid from the government of one country to the government of another country.
multilaterial aid
Aid that is provided by governments of countries and is distributed by a governing body such as the United Nations.
emergency aid/humanitarian assistance
Immediate assistance that is provided to a country during times of conflict or natural disaster.
NGO definition
Legally constituted organisations without participation or representation of any government.
Offical development assiatnce ODA
Financial assistance provided by donor government agencies to developing countries or to multilateral aid agencies. Also known as aid.
National health priority areas NHPA
A collaboritavely inititive endorsed by the commonwealth and all state and territory governments. It seeks to focus the health sectors attention on diseases and conditions that have a major impact on the health of Australians.
human development definition
creating an environment in which individuals can develop to their full potential and lead productive creative lives according to their needs and interests. It is about expanding peoples choices and enhancing capabilties, having access to knowledge, health and a decent standard of living, and participating in the life of their community and decisions affecting their lives.
aid definition
the help that we give to countires or areas in need, to promote their health and sustainable human development.
sustainable development definition
aim to transform our world
they are a call to action to end poverty, and inequality, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy health and justice.
Rationale of the un’s sdg’s
to end poverty, hunger, aids, and discrimmination against women and girls.
the work of the WHO
leads and champions global efforts to achieve better health for all.
features of australias aid program
enhancing economic management; strengthening the rule of law; promoting public sector reform; strengthening democratic institutions and processes; and strengthening civil society.
features of affective aid
accerlearating economic growth
milimenium development goals became outdated therefore requiring a new set of goals.
New global challenges were introduced such as climate action therefore needed new rules to address these particular challenges
sdgs objectives
end extreme poverty
fight inequality and injustice
address climate change
sdg 3 key priorites
decreasing maternal mortality
decreasing non communicable diseases diabetes
reduce mortality from communicable diseases
aid priorities
education and health
gender quality