Spiral - Chapter 6 Flashcards
Define consultation
Process by which the knowledge of one person is used to help another make better decisions
Define informal consulting
Consulting that doesn’t require a written agreement/formal contract. Consultant is a resource person responsible for organizing health education materials & responding to requests for health education information/materials
Define formal consulting
Consulting that requires a written agreement/formal contract. Hired for his/her expertise in an area for which the client needs assistance, advice, direction, etc. Formal consulting follows steps - Diagnosis, recommendation, action, evaluation, & termination
Define evidence-based
Programs/strategies that have been evaluated & are found to be effective
Define health numeracy
The ability to understand numbers
Define primary data sources
Publications/descriptions of research studies or data written by the individuals who participated in the studies
Define secondary data sources
Publications of research studies/data written by an individual who did not participate in those studies
Define tertiary data sources
Publications such as encyclopedias or other compendia that sum up secondary & primary sources
What are two good primary sources for population & health statistics?
US Census & NCHS (National Center for Health Statistics)
What are voluntary health organizations? Examples?
Orgs that deal with health needs & rely heavily on donations/volunteers to function. EX: American Cancer Society, American Lung Association, Red Cross, etc.
What is Medline Plus?
National Library of Medicine’s website for consumer health information. Includes health topics, a medical encyclopedia, interactive health tutorials, & health news.
What is Healthfinder?
Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) website for consumer access to info from government agencies & their partners. Links to online journals, medical dictionaries, prevention/self-care info.
What is HON?
Health on the Net - Non-profit medical information portal that links to reliable & trustworthy medical sites on the internet
Define SOPHE
Society for Public Health Education
Define ASHA
American School Health Association
What are some (2) electronic mailing resources?
What are some (3) websites with health education materials?
- GEM (Gateway to Educational Materials)
- HRSA (Health Resources & Services Admin) by HHS
- National Health Info Center
What is MEDLINE?
Database of medical & health education journals. Access is through PubMed & the National Library of Medicine (NLM). FREE.
What is ERIC?
Education Resource Info Center - Contains journals & articles related to school health. Also proceedings from conferences or policies. FREE!
What is EBMR?
Evidence-Based Medicine Reviews - Collection of databases with evidence-based strategies, programs, & medicine.
What is HAPI?
Health & Psychosocial Instruments - Rating scales, questionnaires, interview schedules, coding, etc. for health & social sciences. Recognize valdity & reliability concerns. FEE!
What is PsycInfo?
Database about psychology
Which URL endings are best?
.org, .gov, .edu
What are some ways to communicate w/ a low health literacy population?
- Speak slowly
- Repeat key messages
- Plain language
- Analogies people know
- Avoid many stats
- Allow questions!
- “Teach back” technique
- Use multiple materials/strategies
What are some tools to assess readability/literacy? (3)
- Fry Readability Formula
- Flesch-Kincaid readability tests
What are the four components of the Institute of Medicine’s Model of Health Literacy?
- Cultural & Conceptual Knowledge
- Oral literacy (listening/speaking)
- Print literacy
- Numeracy
Define NCHEC
National Commission for Health Education Credentialing
What are some key components of andragogy?
- Adults are motivated when they have needs/interests the learning can satisfy
- Adults like life-centered learning
- Experience is best source of learning for adults
- Adults are self-directed learners
- Consider differences in age, time, place, & pace
- Get them involved in the process & make sure its relevant
- Explain value of topics
- Use problem-solving techniques
What is the ARCS model?
Considers motivational theories (extrinsic & intrinsic) = You must capture…. Attention, Relevance, Confidence, & Satisfaction
What is Gagne’s Theory of Instruction?
Categories of learning are - Verbal, Cognitive, Intellectual, Motor, & Attitudes. Nine events seen in book.
What is Bloom’s Taxonomy?
Classifies learning objectives. Learning in the cognitive domain should apply to higher-order of processes instead of lower-order objectives.. Objectives should be mentally demanding.
What are the components of Bloom’s Taxonomy?
- Knowledge
- Comprehension
- Application
- Analysis
- Synthesis (relate from several areas & draw conclusions)
- Evaluation
What is the basic premise of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
Each level of needs must be met before a person can move to the next levels.
What are the levels in Maslow’s Hierarchy?
- Physiological (food, water, warmth)
- Safety
- Needs of love (belonging)
- Esteem (status/achievement)
- Self-Actualization (personal fulfillment
Why must training be evaluated? (3)
- Justify its existence & its contribution
- Determine whether to continue
- Collect info on how to improve
What are the levels of training assessment? (4)
- Reaction (feelings)
- Learning (attitudes/knowledge changes)
- Behavior (are they using the skills?)
- Results (effects on org)
What is an internal consultant?
Health educator is informally advising colleagues within an agency - No contract
What are the steps in formal consulting (5)
- Assessment of client needs
- Reports/suggestions for action
- Implementation of agreed-upon actions
- Eval of suggested actions
- Final reporting of results
What are some benefits of partnering? (5)
- Increased credibility beyond individual organizations
- Leveraging/maximizing resources
- Improving reach to community
- Increased broad support for an effort
- Minimizing duplication of efforts
What are the components of informed consent? (4)
- Info about program, procedure, or research project
- Individuals’ roles/responsibilities
- Risks & benefits to participation
- Voluntary agreement