Spiral - Chapter 2 Flashcards
Define program planning
The process of identifying needs, establishing priorities, diagnosing causes of problems, assessing & allocating resources, and determining barriers to achieving objectives
Define a mission statement
A statement of the distinctive purpose of and unique reason for the existence of a program. Can be one-sentence or a short narrative. Broadly defines the program’s purpose. Endure over time & identify the SCOPE or FOCUS.
Define goals
General, long-term statements of desired program outcomes & provide the direction upon which all objectives are based
Define objectives
Statements that describe the changes in behavior, attitude, skills, status, etc. that will occur in the intervention group due to the program. SMALL, SPECIFIC, SMART steps that allow the goal to be met.
Define stakeholders
Individuals/agencies that have a vested interest in the health education program
What is a CBO?
Community-Based Organization - Public or private nonprofit organization of demonstrated effectiveness that is representative of a community (or segment of it) and provides services to members of the community
What is social marketing?
The use of marketing principles to promote a product, idea, or attitude among members of a population. Good marketing sets behavioral goals, uses consumer research, uses theory, and segments/targets populations
What is health communication
An attempt to share information with, influence, and support a variety of audiences to engage in healthy behaviors or support health-related policies
What is the priority population?
The entire population if an intervention is being implemented for the total community
What is the target audience?
Individuals who are part of the at-risk population
What are participants?
The people who receive the intervention or participate in the program
What are the 4 communication channels used to disseminate messages about a program to the population?
- Intrapersonal
- Interpersonal
- Organization/community
- Mass media
What is a major difference between a partnership and a coalition?
Partnership involves just one other group - May be less complicated but offers less resources
Who should you involve in the program planning process?
- Individuals who represent the priority population groups
- Reps of other stakeholders who aren’t in the priority pop
- Individuals who have key roles in sponsoring organizations
Who should be included in a planning committee? (6)
- Reps from all segments of the priority pop
- Active community members
- Influential members of community
- Reps of sponsoring agency
- Stakeholders
- Effective leaders
Why are planning committees important?
Help increase community & stakeholder involvement to enhance the strategic plan. A leader can be selected or emerge naturally - This may change over time.
What are planning models?
Models that help lay out the program planning steps to ensure that a health education specialist has anticipated potential problems in a program & developed solutions (ex: PRECEDE-PROCEED)
How many phases are there in PRECEDE-PROCEED?
What are the (3) phases of PRECEDE?
- Social assessment (quality of life of priority pop)
- Epi assessment (health problems & factors associated with it)
- Educational/ecological assessment (predisposing, enabling, & reinforcing factors)
What are the (5) phases of PROCEED?
- Admin & policy assessment (resources)
- Implementation (strategies & activities, begin)
- Process eval (program feasability)
- Impact eval (immediate effects)
- Outcome eval (were long term program goals met?)
Social marketing includes the marketing mix. What are the 4 things in it?
Price, place, promotion, product
What is the typical objective format? (Order of sentence)
WHO will do HOW MUCH of WHAT by WHEN
What are some common types of objectives?
Program/outcome, behavioral, environmental, learning, administrative
What are the program/outcome objectives?
Related to goals, but SMART statements of what you want to accomplish with the program. The ends, not the means. Changes in health status.
What is a behavioral objective?
The behaviors/actions the population will engage in to resolve the problem & attain the goal (ex: Will start exercising, will eliminate fast food)
What is a learning objective?
Descriptions of behavioral, learned skills from the content being taught (ex: will know 3 weight-bearing activities, will know about importance of calorie control)
AKA impact objectives
What are administrative objectives?
Detail what program facilitators must accomplish for the program to succeed. Daily tasks. AKA process objectives.
(ex: Will place resources in each community, will contact OBGYNs for support)
What are environmental objectives?
Environmental or nonbehavioral influences on a health problem. These include social, physical, & psych environments
What are educational strategies?
Those associated with classroom courses, workshops, seminars, etc.
(ex: health fairs, panels, brainstorming, printed materials, etc.)
What are health engineering strategies?
Change the social/physical environment in which people live or work. Affect a large number of people. ex: Allowing only healthy foods in vending machines
What are community mobilization strategies?
Involving participants in the change process! Include coalition building & lobby. Community organizing, building, & advocacy.
What are health communications strategies?
Using all types of communication channels (print, media, web, self-help, etc) to change behavior, attitudes, etc. May provide cues for action & reinforcement of behaviors.
What are health policy and enforcement strategies?
Those that mandate actions through laws, regulations, policies, or rules. Sometimes justified to protect public’s health & common good.
What are health-related community service strategies?
Services, tests, or treatments to improve the health of the priority population. ex: screenings, teaching about self-exams, etc)
What is the difference between the plan for action & the plan for instruction?
Instruction plan - Scope & sequence of bigger picture of what program will look like
Action plan - The units & modules for the specific workshop being facilitated
What sense helps people learn most? Least?
Least - What they read (10%)
Most - What they do & say (90%)
What are some barriers to program implementation?
Lack of community support, lack of admin support, funding, over-extended specialists with no time, lack of coordination of resources, territorial issues with agencies. Plan for these!
What should a good learning environment be?
Physically & psychologically safe! Clean, safe, lighted, well-equipped, at the right temp, etc. Students must feel comfortable with methods, teacher, exam, etc.
Define programs
Set of planned activities over time to achieve specific objectives