Spine Assessment Flashcards
Special Questions (8)
Do you have a recent injury?
Do you have a history of bone disease?
Have you been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis? juvenile arthritis?
Diagnosed with problems in the spine?
Have you had pins/needles in your hands?
Do you have any paraesthesia/anaesthesia?
Weakness or numbness in U.L. (L.L.)?
History of cancer? Unexplained recent weight loss? Night pain?
Objective Examination (3)+(4)
Special tests:
- Pain provocation (aggravates, ease)
- Neurodynamic
- Muscular (resisted, endurance)
- Neurological (dermatomes, myotomes, deep tendon reflexes)
Neck Pain with Mobility Deficit - Special Tests (3)
Limited and painful end range active, passive ROM.
Spring test
Trigger points
Neck Pain with Radiating Pain (cervical radiculopathy) - Special Tests (2)
Wainner’s Cluster (3/4)
- ULNT 1
- Painful ipsilateral cervical rotation <60°
- Distraction test
- Spurling test
Peripheral neurological examination
- Dermatomes
- Myotomes
- Deep tendon reflexes
Neck Pain with Mobility Deficits - Special Tests (3)
Limited and painful end range active/passive ROM
Spring test
Trigger points
Neck Pain Movement Coordination Impairments - Special Tests (4)
Craniocervical flexion test
Neck flexor muscle endurance test (Harris test)
Neck extensor muscle endurance test
Sensorimotor impairment (altered muscle activation patterns, proprioceptive deficit, postural balance)
Spring Test - Impairment, Sensitivity/Specificity, Structure, and Positive signs
Mobility Deficit
Sensitive test (rule out, no false negatives)
Spinous processes and facet joints.
Reproduction of pain, assessing segmental movement and pain response.
Cervical Flexion Rotation Test - Impairment, Sensitivity/Specificity, Structure, and Positive signs
Cervicogenic Headache
Sensitive .9 and Specific .88 (rule in), no false positives.
Upper cervical spine.
Firm resistance, reproduction of pain, limited ROM (17°++, 17-44°+)
Craniocervical Flexion Test - Impairment, Structure, and Positive signs
Movement coordination.
Deep cervical neck flexors.
Patient unable to hold 28mmHg in pillow.
Harris Test - Impairment, Structure, and Positive signs
Movement coordination.
Neck Flexor endurance test.
Without pain approximately 40s.
With pain approximately 25s.
Cervical Extensor Endurance Test - Impairment, Structure, and Positive signs
Movement coordination.
Cervical extensors.
Unable to hold chin tucked, unable to hold position for 20s, more than 10° of head flexion.
Wainner’s Cluster - Impairment, Sensitivity/Specificity
Cervical Radiculopathy
Positive if 3 or more positive tests:
- Painful ipsilateral cervical rotation <60°
- Distraction test
- Spurling test
Specific .94. Rule in.
Spurling Test - Impairment, Sensitivity/Specificity, Structure and Positive signs
Radiating pain.
Specific. Rule in.
Cervical nerve root, intervertebral foramen.
Reproduction of pain, shooting and/or paraesthesia in the arm.
Distraction Test - Impairment, Sensitivity/Specificity, Structure, and Positive signs
Radiating Pain.
Specific. Rule in.
Cervical nerve root, intervertebral foramen.
Decreased pain/paraesthesia in arm.
Fingertip to Floor Test - Impairment, Sensitivity/Specificity, Structure, and Positive signs
Mobility Deficit.
Lumbar spine.
Measurement men: 27.7 +/-16
Measurement women: 12.3 +/-16
Modified Schöber Test - Impairment, Sensitivity/Specificity, Structure, and Positive signs
Mobility Deficit.
Sensitive, rule out.
Lumbar flexion deficit.
Less than 5cm increase in length with forward flexion, decreased lumbar spine ROM.
Kemps Test - Impairment, Sensitivity/Specificity, Structure, and Positive signs
Radiating Pain.
Sensitive (0.7) Rule out.
Lumbar nerve root, vertebral foramen.
Reproduction of pain, shooting and/or paraesthesia in the leg.
Prone Instability Test - Impairment, Sensitivity/Specificity, Structure, and Positive signs
Movement coordination.
Limited diagnostic use on its own.
Lumbar spine instability.
Pain present at resting position but decreases or resolves in the second position.
Aberrant Movements (4) - Impairment and Positive Signs
Movement Coordination.
- Painful arc with flexion or return to flexion: pain during movement, not end range.
- Instability catch sign (active flexion test): Deviation from straight plane sagittal movement during flexion and extension.
- Gower’s sign: thigh climbing to return to flexion.
- Inverted lumbopelvic rhythm: bending knees when coming up from forward bent position to extend hips, shifting pelvis anteriorly.
Supine and Prone Bridge Test - Impairment, Structure, and Positive signs
Movement Coordination.
Lumbar spine.
Supine: < 30 sec, Prone: <60 sec until fatigue or pain.
Laslett’s Cluster (6) - Impairment, Structure, Sensitivity/Specificity, Positive Sign.
When 3/6 tests are positive, it indicates a Sacroiliac joint dysfunction. Reproduction of pain.
Sensitive .91 Specific .78.
- Thigh thrust test
- Distraction test
- Gaenslen’s test (with both legs in both positions)
- Compression test
- Sacral thrust test