Hip and Thigh Assessment Flashcards
Femoroacetabular Impingement - Special Tests (5)
Hip ROM (pain and decreased hip flexion and IR).
Hip Labral Tear - Special Tests (6)
Painful clicking
Hip dial test
Hip OA - Special Tests/Assessment (6)
Painful stairs, walking, squatting.
Painful and/or decreased passive hip ROM (mainly IR)
Painful active hip extension
Painful active hip flexion
Hamstring Tear - Special Tests/Assessment (6)
Pain over muscle belly.
Straight leg raise (no neurological signs, pain on posterior thigh)
Resisted isometric knee flexion (pain and reduced strength)
Single leg bridge
Slump test
90/90 test
Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy - Special Tests/Assessment (4)
Painful palpation of ischial tuberosity.
Heavy isometric knee flexion (pain and reduced strength).
90/90 test
Modified single leg bridge
Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (Gluteal Tendinopathy) - Special Tests/Assessment (6)
Painful lateral hip when stair climbing, crossing legs.
Derotation test
Ober’s test
Painful hip facing upwards in side lying.
FABER Test - Movements, Structure/Pathologies (4), Positive Signs.
Hip intra-articular pathology.
Flexion, abduction, external rotation test.
FAI, hip labral tear, hip OA, greater trochanteric pain syndrome.
Reproduction of pain.
FADDIR - Movements, Structures/Pathologies (3), Positive signs, Sensitivity/Specificity.
Hip intra-articular pathology.
Flexion, adduction, internal rotation.
FAI, Hip labral tear, hip OA.
Reproduction of pain.
Sensitive, not specific.
Hip Scour Test - Structures/Pathologies (3), Positive Signs.
Hip intra-articular pathology.
FAI, hip labral tear, hip OA.
Reproduction of pain.
Hip Dial Test - Pathology and Positive Signs.
Hip labral tear.
Increased ER on affected side, loss of elasticity in the hip.
Thomas Test - Structures (3)/Pathologies (2), Positive Signs.
Hip intra-articular pathology and muscle length.
TFL, Rectus femoris, iliopsoas.
FAI: pain in flexed hip and decreased ROM in extended hip.
Hip labral tear: pain in flexed hip.
Bridge, Single Leg Bridge, Modified Single Leg Bridge - Structures/Pathologies (2), Positive Signs
Hamstring tear: test level depending on grade of tear, grade 3 -> bridge painful. proximal hamstring tendinopathy: modified single leg bridge -> painful over ischial tuberosity.
Pain or not able to complete.
3 repetitions of all 3 movements.
90/90 Test - Structures/Pathologies (2) and Positive Signs.
Hamstring tear and proximal hamstring tendinopathy.
Pain and/or decreased ROM.
Straight Leg Raise - Structures/Pathology and Positive Signs.
Hamstring tear.
Pain through posterior thigh with no reproduction of neural symptoms.
To differentiate nerve or muscle.
Slump Test - Structure/Pathology and Positive Signs
Hamstring tear.
To differentiate nerve or muscle involvement.
Negative for neural symptoms.
De-Rotation Test - Structures (2)/Pathology and Positive Signs.
Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (gluteal tendinopathy). Gluteus medius and minimus.
Pain on lateral hip (greater trochanter) when contracting.
Trendelenburg Sign - Structures/Pathology and Positive Signs,.
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome (gluteal tendinopathy) Gluteus medius, minimus.
Contralateral pelvic drop.
Ober’s Test - Structures/Pathology and Positive Signs.
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome (gluteal tendinopathy) and ITB syndrome.
Pain on lateral hip and ROM deficit.
Squeeze Test - Structures/Pathology and Positive Signs.
Adductor pathology, tear or tendinopathy.
Reproduction of pain in groin/adductor region.
Tear: pain right away.
Tendinopathy: pain later in contraction.