Shoulder Assessment Flashcards
External Subacromial Impingement - Tests (6)
Jobe +
Neer + (anterior pain)
Hawkins +
Apprehension + (anterior pain)
Primary impingement: relocation -
Secondary impingement: relocation + (release of pain)
Internal Posteriosuperior Glenoid Impingement - Tests (5)
Jobe -
Neer + (posterior pain)
Hawkins -
Apprehension + (posterior pain)
Secondary Impingement: relocation + (release of pain)
Primary Impingement: Rotator Cuff Pathology - Test
Full can test
Secondary Impingement: Scapular Dyskinesis - Special Tests (2)
SAT: Scapula assisted test
SRT: Scapula retraction test
Secondary Impingement: Instability - Special Tests (3)
Sulcus sign (inferior laxity)
Load & shift test (anterior laxity)
Posterior laxity (subluxation) test
Secondary Impingement: Biceps/SLAP Pathology - Special Tests (3)
Biceps load II
Secondary Impingement: GIRD - Special Test
Internal rotation ROM
Jobe Test - Positive/Negative
Positive: external subacromial impingement.
Negative: internal posteriosuperior glenoid impingement.
Empty can test.
Reproduction of pain -> Positive.
Hawkins Test - Positive/Negative
Positive: external subacromial impingement.
Negative: internal posteriosuperior glenoid impingement.
Reproduction of pain -> Positive.
Neer Test - Internal/External Impingement
Positive for internal impingement when pain is posterior.
Positive for external impingement when pain is anterior.
Apprehension Test - Internal/External Impingement
Positive for external impingement if pain is anterior.
Positive for internal impingement if pain is posterior.
Relocation Test - Positive/Negative
Positive if pain disappears -> secondary impingement.
Negative if pain stays -> primary impingement.
Full Can Test - Impingement, Pathology and Positive Signs
Primary or secondary impingement.
Rotator cuff pathology, mainly supraspinatus.
Positive if pain is reproduced.
Scapula Assisted Test (SAT) - Impingement, Pathology and Positive Signs
Secondary impingement.
Scapular Dyskinesis.
Positive if pain is relieved with manual assistance.
Serratus anterior, lower trap weakness, upper trap over working.
Scapular Retraction Test (SRT) - Impingement, Pathology and Positive Signs
Secondary impingement.
Scapular Dyskinesis.
Positive if pain is relieved with manual stabilization of scapula.
Sulcus Sign - Impingement, Pathology and Positive Signs
Secondary impingement.
Inferior translation will be proportional to the instability.
Load and Shift Test - Impingement, Pathology and Positive Signs
Secondary impingement.
Anterior translation will be proportional to the instability.
Posterior Laxity (subluxation) Test - Impingement, Pathology and Positive Signs
Secondary impingement.
Positive when a clunk is felt during the slow horizontal abduction and external rotation.
O’Brien Test - Impingement, Pathology and Positive Signs
Secondary impingement.
Superior labral anterior to posterior injury.
Positive when pain decreases with the shoulder in external rotation.
Biceps Load II Test - Impingement, Pathology and Positive Signs
Secondary impingement.
SLAP injury.
Pain during elbow resisted flexion.
Speed’s Test - Impingement, Pathology and Positive Signs
Secondary impingement.
SLAP injury.
Pain during the resisted manoeuvre.
Shoulder Internal Rotation ROM - Impingement, Pathology and Positive Signs
Secondary impingement.
Glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD).
Positive when there is >20° difference to contralateral side.
Infraspinatus Test - Movement Being Tested and Positive Signs
External rotation.
Pain and/or weakness present.
Subscapularis Tests (2) - Movement Being Tested and Positive Signs
Lift off test
Belly press test
Internal rotation.
Pain and/or weakness present.
Painful Arc Test - Movement Being Tested and Positive Signs (2)
Active shoulder abduction.
Positive for external impingement if pain is present in middle 1/3 of ROM.
Positive for acromioclavicular pathology if pain is present in last degrees of ROM.
Acromioclavicular Joint Test - Movement Being Tested and Positive Sign
Horizontal adduction with shoulder internal rotation.
Pain is present in the AC joint area.