Lower Limb Accessory Mobilization Flashcards
Hip Anteroposterior Glide - Position, Indications
Supine, 30° flexion, 30°abduction, 10°ER, open-packed position.
Palpate trochanter and wrap hand around it and push downwards (A-P).
To increase hip flexion, abduction and internal rotation.
Hip Posteroanterior Glide - Position and Indications
Femoroacetabular joint.
Prone, 30° flexion, 30° abduction, 10°ER.
Palpate greater trochanter and push downwards (P-A).
To increase hip extension and external rotation.
Hip Longitudinal Caudal Movement - Position, Movement and Indications
30° flexion, 30° abduction, 10° ER.
Knee fully flexed, hands anterior as close to joint as possible and foot between elbow and body. Apply inferior force with body weight.
Capsular tightness, painful hip, improves general hip mobility (flexion), increases abduction.
Hip Lateral Movement - Position, Movement and Indications
Supine, hip and knee flexed. Hands on medial thigh as close to hip joint as possible. Move body backwards.
Capsular tightness, decreased hip flexion and other stiff hip ROM.
Tibiofemoral AP Glide - Position, Movement and Indications
Supine, pillow under thigh, no more than 10° knee flexion. Fingers following joint line on tibia and push downwards (A-P).
To increase knee flexion, immobilization stiffness.
Tibiofemoral PA Glide - Position, Movement and Indications
Prone, supporting patients leg with your thigh, knee flexed. Hand on proximal tibia with little finger palpating joint line, other hand stabilizing anterior ankle. Apply downwards force (P-A), make sure you have the correct direction of force, perpendicular to the leg.
To increase extension.
Patellofemoral Joint Medial and Lateral Glides - Position, Movement and Indications
Supine, small elevation of the knee <10° flexion. Stand on the side of patient, diamond shape of hands around patella. Medial glide push with thumbs, lateral glide push with 2nd fingers.
Restricted medial-lateral motion of patella.
Patellofemoral Joint Longitudinal Caudal and Cephalic Glides - Position, Movement.
Supine, small elevation of the knee <10° flexion. Stand on the side of patient, diamond shape of hands around patella. Caudal glide push patella inferior with upper hand, cephalic glide push patella superior with lower hand.
Talocrural Joint AP Glide - Position, Movement and Indications
Prone, 90° knee flexion, 10° plantar flexion. Stabilizing hand just proximal to the joint line on posterior surface of tibia, mobilizing hand just distal to the joint line on anterior talus and pushes A-P.
To increase dorsiflexion.
Talocrural PA Glide - Position, Movement and Indications
Prone, 90° knee flexion, 10° plantar flexion. Stabilizing hand just proximal to joint line on anterior tibia, mobilizing hand just distal to joint line of posterior talus and pushes P-A.
To increase plantarflexion.
Subtalar Joint Medial Glide - Position, Movement and Indications
Side-lying on uninvolved extremity, ankle off the bed with towel under distal tibia. Stabilize tibia with one hand and hold around the calcaneus with the other, push downwards, evert ankle slightly to avoid inversion instead of glide.
To increase inversion or eversion.
Subtalar Joint Lateral Glide - Position, Movement and Indications
Side-lying on involved extremity, ankle off the bed. Stabilize tibia with one hand and hold around calcaneus and push it downwards.
To increase inversion or eversion.