Spinal cord and periphery 1 Flashcards
In the spinal cord, where do motor neurones have their cell bodies?
Motor neurons have their cell bodies in the ventral horn
The white matter of the spinal cord is split into three columns
How are these arranged

What is the primary difference between descending and ascending tracts in the spinal cord?
Descending = motor
Ascending = sensory
What is the most important descending tract of the spinal cord?
Corticospinal / pyramidal tract
carries motor impulses from motor cortex to skeletal muscles
What are the 2 important sensory tracts in the spinal cord?
Posterior/ dorsal column:
- carries touch, tactile localisation, vibration sense, proprioception
Lateral spinothalamic tract:
- pain and temperature
Using the diagram, describe the pathway of nerve fibres in the Corticospinal tract

Pathway starts in Area 4 (motor cortex) and projection fibres pass through the posterior limb of the Internal capsule
These fibres then pass through cerebral peduncles and into medulla
Most fibres then cross over in the decussation of pyramids and are now Corticospinal fibres

In this diagram of the midbrain, where do the motor fibres run through on their way down

At different spinal levels, different nerves from the corticospinal tract (or any motor tract) may leave depending on which nerve it is
How do they leave the tract?
Nerve from tract will enter into the grey matter of the spinal cord where it synapses in the ventral horn
The second-order neuron will leave through the ventral root and so on…

What is the fate of corticospinal motor fibres that do not cross at the decussation of the pyramids in the lower medulla?
Very small number of fibres do not cross at the decussation
These travel in the Anterior corticospinal tract - which we dont care about
What is the pathway for motor fibres that are in cranial nerves?
10 of the 12 cranial nerves leave in the brainstem
Motor fibres in cranial nerves (eg oculomotor or something) will leave really high up
These fibres that leave early are “Corticobulbar”

Complete the schematic showing the route of descending fibres

2 neurons in the pathway. These are called the upper and lower motor neurons respectively
The ventral horn is the site of the lower motor neurones

How do ascending spinal tracts differ from descending tracts in terms of the number of neurones?
Ascending tracts (sensory) reaching conscious level will have 3 neurones between the peripheral receptor and the cortex
Identify the labels showing the route of ascending tract fibres

In the diagram of the Posterior/dorsal column (sensory tract) identify the labels
Use this to describe the route taken by fibres in this tract

1st order neuron enters via dorsal root and enters tract
This then synapses with 2nd order neuron in lower part of medulla and immediately decussates
The tract now is called medial lemniscus and passes through the medulla, pons and midbrain to reach the thalamus where 2nd Order fibres synapse with 3rd order neurons
3rd order neuron starts from the thalamus and axons pass through the Internal Capsule and radiate to the post-central gyrus (Area 2,1,3)