Spent Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Spent Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup (PC) System?
The purpose of the PC System is to ensure the following: • Removal of decay heat generated by the stored Spent Fuel • Water cleanliness and clarity in the SFP, Cask Pit, Fuel Transfer Canal, UGS Pit , and the Refueling Pool • Adequate water level above the Spent Fuel such that personnel handling fuel are adequately shielded from radiation • Cleanup of the Refueling Water Tank (RWT) • Alternate source of borated water to the Chemical Volume and Control System (CVCS)
Draw a simplified drawing of the PC cooling system.
(see enabling objective 1.6)
What are the normal sources of makeup water for the PC system?
Normal makeup is available from the recycle monitor tanks (RMT) or from the condensate storage tank (CST). Both of these sources are non-borated and are intended to offset the concentrating effect of evaporative losses from the SFP. The refueling water tank (RWT) provides borated water supply makeup water to the SFP. This source is used to account for inventory losses from the SFP. (EO 1.6)
What system provides normal cooling to the PC system?
Nuclear Cooling Water (EO 1.3)
What system provides backup cooling to the PC system?
Essential Cooling Water (EO 1.3)
What kind of measuring device is used for local level monitoring of the Spent Fuel Pool?
The preferred method for obtaining SFP level is to obtain a reading from the PC control panel on the 120’ elevation of the Fuel Building. This panel receives input from the transducers on the north side of the SFP. (EO 1.13) A “yard stick” type level measuring device is mounted on the inside of the Fuel Pool for local monitoring (same for Refueling Pool). (EO 1.5)
Draw a simplified drawing of the PC Cleanup system.
(see EO 1.7)
Where are the PC Cooling pumps located?
100’ foot of the Fuel Building adjacent to the PC Cleanup Pumps. (EO 1.4)
Will Fuel Pool Cooling Pumps PCA-P01 and PCB-P01 be “load shed” during a Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP) event?
Yes (EO 1.8)
How is the Fuel Transfer Tube sealed during normal operations?
During Reactor operation, the Transfer Tube is sealed by means of a Quick Operating Closure Device (QOCD) located inside the Containment and by a gate valve (PCN-V118) on the Spent Fuel Pool side. (EO 1.10)
Do the Fuel Transfer Gates have redundant seals?
Yes. The Transfer Canal Gate, Cask Loading Pit Gate, and the Decon Pit Gate all have dual “Q” class gate seals to ensure leakage does not occur. The two ladders (A & B) in each seal are operated from separate control panels, and each operates one bladder in each seal. (EO 1.11)
What happens when PC System loses Instrument Air?
Low air pressure to the Transfer Gate seal, Cask Loading Pit Gate seal, or the Decon Pit Gate seal will actuate an annunciator on B-07. These gates have the backup supply bottles aligned to automatically supply backup air to these seals if IA is lost. (EO 1.15)
What is LCO 3.7.14 Fuel Storage Pool Water Level?
3.7.14 Fuel Storage Pool Water Level LCO 3.7.14 The fuel storage pool water level shall be > (greater than or equal to) 23 ft over the top of irradiated fuel assemblies seated in the storage racks. APPLICABILITY: During movement of irradiated fuel assemblies in the fuel storage pool. (EO 1.16)
What is LCO 3.7.15?
3.7.15 Fuel Storage Pool Boron Concentration LCO 3.7.15 The fuel storage pool boron concentration shall be >(greater than or equal to) 2150 ppm. APPLICABILITY: Whenever any fuel assembly is stored in the fuel storage pool. (EO 1.17)