RUs 4 you: ignore at your own peril Flashcards
learn it, know it. seriously, this will be on every test from now on.
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-1 Cont. atmosphere
Gas channel is sensitive (early indicator of small RCS leaks, 1gpm detected in 1 hour)
Particulate and Gas Channels required by LCO 3.4.16
CIV close on CIAS
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-2/3 EW train A/B
Indicates RCS in leakage (RCP coolers if cross-tied to NC or SDC HX leak).
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
Isolated during SIAS, AFAS and MSIS. Supplied from SG sample line.
Slow transport time (~ 10 min)
Manually isolate associated SGBD if in High alarm (per ARP)
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
In-leakage from contaminated HXs (RCP coolers, letdown HX, etc)
Will not detect a leaking HPSC leak if EW supplying NC
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-7 AS cond receiver tank
First monitor alarm during U2 SGTR.
Re-aligns AS Condensate Return to LRS (isolates path to main condenser)
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-12 WGDT discharge
Isolates WGDT path (closes UV-34A/34B). Detects high Beta activity being released. Should not detect a WGDT leak.
- If non-functional, tank can be released if two independent: sample analysis, release rate calcs, and valve line-up
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-17 Incore Instrument area
Warns if incore instrument probe is retracted.
Turned off during power operations.
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-18 CR area
EAL (Alert) if > 15 mR/hr
Do not confuse this with starting CREFAS. It’s an area monitor… that monitors the area.
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-19 New Fuel storage area
Distinct alarm in areas to be evacuated.
TRM (If non-functional, take surveys every 24 hours)
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-29/30 MCR vent intake train A/B
Actuates CREFAS.
LCO 3.3.9
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-31 SFP area
Actuates FBEVAS. (TRM)
Cross trips CREFAS
Distinct alarm in areas to be evacuated
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-34 Cont. blding refueling purge
Indication of possible Fuel Handling Accident.
Can be aligned to monitor either power access or refueling purge exhaust.
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-37/38 Power Access Purge
Actuates CPIAS. LCO 3.3.8
Cross trips CREFAS
Outside CTMT. Area RU between power access purge and refueling purge exhaust ducts.
Prevent exceeding 10CFR100 limits.
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-139/140 MS line monitor
RU-139a/b: SG 1
RU-140 a/b: SG 2
Located next to the steam lines upstream of ADVs and MS safeties in the MSSS.
Measures dose rate from MSLs.
Monitors effluent doses from ADVs, SG safeties and TDAFW pump
Used for SGTR diagnosis.
May only detect > 10-15 gpm tube leak under normal failed fuel conditions at 100% power.
Response is proportional to reactor power (N-16 detectors)
Post trip, may not see the leak unless major fuel damage.
TRM (one channel required per SG – a or b)
Manually isolate associated SGBD if in High alarm (per ARP)
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-141 Cond Vacuum/GS exh
RU-141 Ch. 2: Most sensitive real time estimate of total tube leakage.
- Ch.2 alarms at 50 gpd tube leak
- Not diluted by GS exhaust (only reads vacuum exhaust)
RU-141 Ch. 1: Diverts CAR exhaust flow through the post filter blower unit. (Thru Filter)
- Ch. 1 alarms at 1 gpm leak with 1% failed fuel (1440 gpd)
~ 20 minute transport time
Both channels have a change in leak rate alarm (“Urgent” alarm)
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-142 MS line N-16 monitor
CH 1/2 SG 1
CH 3/4 SG 2
One per steam line. (140’ Turb Bldg / next to each other)
Alarm – detect 30 GPD leak in area of highest susceptibility (upper hot side tube bundle)
Tube leak – all rise due to proximity of RUs (affected 2 rise higher)
Indication will lower with reactor power (N-16↓)
Alarm on change in leak rate (“Urgent” alarm)
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-143/144 Plant vent gas
lo: 143
mid/hi: 144
Normal and post-accident conditions.
High range auto starts and low range shuts down when low range reaches max range.
Manual override provided in the event that the automatic feature fails.
Low range automatically restarted when the high range returns to the bottom of its scale.
Req at all times.
- Low range Gas non-functional (143):
- 12 hour grab samples OR alternate sample plan OR portable in-line monitor used
- Low range particulate / iodine sampler non-functional (143):
- Connect alternate, continuous sampler within 1 hour.
- High Range non-functional (144):
- Establish alternate sampler plan in 72 hours.
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-145 FB vent low range gas
Actuates FBEVAS. Cross trips CREFAS
Low range shuts down when it reaches max range.
Auto restarts when high range (146) returns to bottom of scale.
Manual override if automatic feature fails.
- Required in Modes 1-4
- Required if irradiated fuel is in Fuel Building (basically at all times)
- Low range Gas non-functional (145):
- 12 hour grab samples OR alternate sample plan OR portable in-line monitor used
- Low range particulate / iodine sampler non-functional (145):
- Connect alternate, continuous sampler within 1 hour.
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-146 FB vent mid/hi range gas
FB essential ventilation exhaust under post-accident conditions
High range automatically starts up when low range (145) is at max. Override is provided.
- Required in Modes 1-4
- Required if irradiated fuel is in Fuel Building (basically at all times)
- High Range non-functional (146):
- Establish alternate sampler plan in 72 hours.
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-148/149 Cont. Area hi range A/B
Radiation levels in CTMT during a LOCA.
Determine harsh CTMT environment (108 R/hr)
PAM LCO 3.3.10
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-150/151 Primary coolant
PAM LCO 3.3.10. Located next to each cold leg. Monitors RCS activity / fuel damage.
Stable instruments (result of the N-16 they are measuring).
Readings can be correlated to reactor power.
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
Indicates FEF, ~ 6 minute transit time to the RU. 10 mr/hr source.
Alarm: 1% failed fuel
EAL – NOUE if in alarm (RCS activity above LCO limit)
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-200 SG ovbd discharge
SGBD to retention basin. Auto isolates HV-1283.
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-8 AB vent exh filter
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-9 AB lower vent exh
Samples gas from 4 points. Points can be isolated to aid in determining source of leakage.
100’ and below
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-10 AB upper lvl vent exh
Samples gas from 4 points. Points can be isolated to aid in determining source of leakage.
120’ and above
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-13a TSC
Local indication only.
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-16 Operating level area
Operating deck of Cont. EALs
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-20-26 Area monitors
Solid Waste Processing Station, Solid Waste Storage Area, Loading Bay Area, Hot Chem Lab, U1 Central Cal facility, Controlled Machine shop, Sample room area
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-27/28 Waste solidif. system process control area
Stand-alone and are not connected to the communications loops for RMS.
Operate continuously in LOCAL control
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-33 Refuel maching Area
Used during refueling. Indication of possible FHA. (EAL)
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-61-69 Portable area rm’s
Nine movable units for local area monitoring.
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-149(?) Plant vent rel humidity
Monitors humidity in the plant vent.
Primarily used during BAC releases to secure or reduce release until humidity lowers.
Excess moisture shields the detector readings (non-conservative particulate readings) which are used to calculate release permits. Excess moisture causes incorrect flow readings
State the monitored system/area, auto actions w/ setpoints and any special characteristics associated with:
RU-152-158 Personnel Area radiation
Located in various areas. MSSS, Aux and Control buildings.
Some are post-accident / EAL