Speech Midterm Flashcards
Why should a speaker adapt their message to their specific audience?
Everything a speaker says is filtered through a listener’s frame of reference and everyone has a different frame of reference.
What is your frame of reference comprised of?
Why is a little bit of nervousness a good thing?
Controlled nervousness helps the speaker get energized for his or her presentation.
What is visualization?
Mental imaging in which a speaker vividly pictures themselves giving a successful speech.
What if interference?
Anything that impedes the communication of a message. Interference can be external or internal to listeners.
What is ethnocentrism?
The belief that one’s group or culture is superior to all other groups and cultures.
What are ethics?
The branch of philosophy that deals with the issues of right and wrong in human affairs.
What is plagiarism and its types?
Plagiarism - presenting another’s work, languages, or ideas as your own.
Global Plagiarism - Stealing a speech entirely from a single source and passing it off as one’s own.
Patchwork Plagiarism - Stealing ideas or language from two or three sources and passing them off as one’s own.
Incremental Plagiarism - Failing to give credit for particular parts of a speech that are borrowed from other people.
What type of communicative activity do people participate in the most?
How is hearing different from listening?
Hearing - The vibration of sound waves on the eardrums and the firing of electrochemical impulses in the brain.
Listening - Paying close attention to, and making sense of what we hear.
What are the different types of listening?
Appreciative - Listening for pleasure of enjoyment.
Empathetic - Listening to provide emotional support for the speaker.
Comprehensive - Listening to understand the message of the speaker.
Critical - Listening to evaluate a message for purposes of accepting or rejecting it.
What type of speech are you giving if you are teaching or lecturing about a certain topic?
To inform the class about the beauty of Niagara Falls is an example of what type of statement?
Specific Purpose Statement
What are the rules for writing your central ideas?
Express them in a full sentence
Do not express them in a question
Avoid figurative language
Do not be vague or overly general
What is the most important thing when prepping for an interview?
Figuring out what questions you’re going to ask the interviewer
Define Hypothetical Example
An example that describes an imaginary or fictitious situation.
Define Paraphrase
To restate or summarize a source’s ideas in one’s own words.
How is a well organized speech related to a speakers perceived credibility?
Listeners want coherence and a well organized speech enhances credibility and makes it easy for your audience to understand your message.
Define Strategic Organization
Putting a speech together in a particular way to achieve a particular result with a particular audience.
What is Spatial Order?
A method of speech organization in which the main points follow a directional pattern.
History based topics following the time order in which something happened are using what kind of order?
Chronological Order
If you are giving a speech covering three Renaissance artists, what type of order are you using?
Chronological Order
Why should you work out the exact introduction wording you will be using in your speech?
So you have a strong attention grabber and a strong start to your speech.
Define Preview Statement
A statement in the introduction of a speech that identifies the main points to be discussed in the body.
What percentage of your speech should be your conclusion?
5% - 10%
Define Crescendo Ending
A conclusion in which the speech builds to a zenith of power and intensity.
Does the audience answer a rhetorical question out loud?
Define Simile
An explicit comparison, introduced with the word “like” or “as,” between things that are essentially different yet have something in common.
Define Metaphor
An implicit comparison, not introduced with “like” or “as,” between two things that are essentially different yet have something in common.
Peter Piper Picked a Peck or Pickled Peppers is what kind of figurative language?
When JFK says, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you an do for your country.” He is using what?
Define Nonverbal Communication
Communication based on a person’s use of voice and body, rather than on the use of words.
Define Pitch
The highness or lowness of the speaker’s voice
Define Monotone
A consistent pitch or tone of voice
Why do people in the US think it is important to make eye contact when speaking?
Eyes are “the window to the soul.” So we make eye contact to make a connection and to establish trust with the audience.
What is the most basic purpose of an informative speech?
To convey knowledge and understanding
Why should you assume listeners know nothing about your topic?
To make sure the audience understands your subject completely you want to present it in a way that somebody hearing about the topic for the first time would understand.
Does giving speeches help with anxiety?
Is using negative stereotypes ok?
When JFK says, “let every nation know that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” he is using what structural device?
What are the laws regarding plagiarism?
You can be sued, damage your career, lose money over copy right infringement
What type of website would you go to during your research to find US Census Information?
Should you ask tough questions when interviewing somebody? How should you go about it?
yes, but phrase the question neutrally. Even if your interviewee becomes irritated you’ll still get something out of it.
What is the first thing you should say at the beginning of a speech?
Generally, a greeting or an attention grabbing statement