Specialised Cells Structure (Won't come up on test) Flashcards
Memorize the structures of specialized cells
Red Blood Cells Structure
Microscopic with a flat disk-like shape, with a small indent in the center. They don’t have a nucleus.
White Blood Cells Structure
Colorless tiny round cells with a distinct center nucleus.
T Cells Structure
A T cell has a membrane, receptors, a nucleus, and a cytoplasm. The cell has a slightly rounded irregular shape.
Sperm Cells Structure
A tail that propels the sperm forward, and a head containing the nucleus, as well as a middle piece containing the mitochondrion.
Phagocytes Structure
Has pseudopods that act as arms to grab harmful substances and lysosomes, as well as the Golgi apparatus, nucleus, and mitochondria.
Neurons/Nerve Cells Structure
Neurons have a cell body for processing, dendrites for receiving signals, an axon for transmitting signals, a myelin sheath for speed, and axon terminals for passing signals to other cells
Skin Cells Structure
Skin cells have a protective membrane, a nucleus for control, a cytoplasm with organelles, and keratin for strength and waterproofing. Desmosomes help them stick together.
Muscle Cells Structure
Muscle cells have a membrane for signal reception, cytoplasm for energy, multiple nuclei, myofibrils for contraction, and mitochondria for energy.
Egg Cells Structure
Large, centrally located nucleus covered in cytoplasm, with zona pellucida surrounding the cytoplasm, and corona radiata along the edges of the entire cell.
How a Red Blood Cell’s Structure Helps
They are small and flexible so they can fit through small spaces and are shaped in a way that maximizes their surface area to absorb oxygen
How a T-Cells Structure Helps
T cells have specialized receptors and coreceptors that recognize and respond to specific antigens. Their structure includes signaling molecules and cytoskeletal components that support activation and targeted immune responses.
How a White Blood Cell’s Structure Helps
White blood cells have a flexible shape to move through the body, a nucleus to control functions, granules to kill germs, and receptors to find and target threats.
How a Sperm Cells Structure Helps
The head contains the nucleus with genetic material and an acrosome that helps penetrate the egg. The midpiece is packed with mitochondria to provide energy, and the tail propels the sperm towards the egg for fertilization.
How an Egg Cell Structure Helps
Egg cells are large, round cells with a nutrient-rich cytoplasm that supports early development after fertilization. They have a protective outer layer called the zona pellucida, which helps regulate sperm entry.
How a Phagocyte Structure Helps
Phagocytes have flexible cell membranes that engulf and digest pathogens and debris. They contain numerous lysosomes with enzymes to break down ingested materials. Their structure is specialized for seeking out, capturing, and destroying harmful invaders to protect the body.
How a Muscle Cell Structure Helps
Muscle cells have a long, cylindrical shape and contain organized bundles of contractile proteins, like actin and myosin, that enable contraction. These cells are packed with mitochondria to provide the energy required for movement
How a Skin Cells Structure Helps
Skin cells, or keratinocytes, have a flat, layered structure that forms a protective barrier on the body’s surface. They produce keratin, a tough protein that provides strength and waterproofing.
Fat Cell Structure
Fat cells, or adipocytes, have a rounded shape and a large central fat droplet that stores energy. The cell’s cytoplasm and nucleus are pushed to the periphery due to the size of the fat droplet.
How a Fat Cells Structure Helps
Fat cells have a round shape and are specialized to store energy in the form of lipids within large fat droplets. Their structure allows them to expand and contract as they store and release energy.
How Neurons Structure Helps
Includes a cell body, dendrites, and an axon. Dendrites receive signals from other neurons, while the axon transmits electrical impulses to other neurons or muscles.
Epithelial Cell Structure
Epithelial cells are tightly packed together in layers. They have a flat or column-like shape and sit on a supportive basement membrane.
How an Epithelial Cell’s Structure Helps
Their structure helps form protective barriers, absorb substances, and secrete fluids.
B Cell Structure
B cells have a round shape with a large nucleus and a cell membrane covered in receptors. The inside contains organelles like the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus.
How a B Cells Structure Helps
The surface receptors help them recognize and bind to specific antigens and the Golgi Apparatus produces and secretes antibodies.