Special Education Flashcards
Law passed in 1975
Requires states to provide FAPE for every child between 3 and 21.
Provided to children of those ages regardless of handicap or severity of handicap
Individualized Education Plan (Covers age 3 to 21)
Law today state
Children from birth to 21 have rights to services and require and IEP.
1997- Individuals with Disabilities Act
States that educational rights are to be granted to all people from birth age to age twenty one who have cognitive, emotional, or physical disabilities.
Law Guarantees Five Rights
FAPE Fair and Nondiscriminatory evaluation IEP An education in the LRE Due Process
Identification and Evaluation
Referral to special ed can come from parents, teachers, or physicians.
School and parents must agree to the testing
Initial referral determines whether the student is eligible for services.
Evaluation must be
Non discriminatory
All areas that can impact the educational setting are tested
Identification and Evaluation
If testing determines they are eligible, an IEP is developed.
Identification and Evaluation
Identification and Labeling is important because
Teachers can make generalizations regarding choices involving social and academic development
Identification and Labeling is important because
Social and political interest groups can promote and support the special interest of students receiving special education services.
Identification and Labeling is important because
Federal funds are only provided when students have been identified as having special needs.
Present Levels Strengths and Needs Annual Goals and objectives Instructional Strategies Support Services Evaluating Criteria
Participants of the IEP process
Sp.Ed Teacher Gen Ed Teacher Parents administrator(LEA) IEP Specialist, more than likely a sped teacher
students who are 14 and older should be encouraged to participate in their meetings.
Provides present levels, unique needs, necessary modifications, related services, goals, and transition planning.
Placement opportunities exist for students with special services.
The LRE mandated by the IDEA adovcated that students should be placed in the general education classrooms setting if their academic, physical, and social needs can be satisfied there
inclusive setting
students are placed in the regular classroom and are provided with necessary support services to ensure success.
individualization for all students and involves cooperating teachers in which two teachers, regular education and special education teach all students
Research shows
Special education students achieve at a higher rate when placed in settings with non disabled classmates.
Also cites
improved behavior, opportunities to interact with non disabled peers. enhanced self image, and improved attitude towards school
Adjust size of assignment vary the time allowed increase the amount of support provided decrease level of difficulty alter extent of participation provide alternate assignments that highlight strengths
Legal Implications
Due process serves a safeguard. It guarantees the involvement of parents in the placement of their child
Parents have access to records, opportunity for independent eval, and right to interpreter.
If needed and reimbursement for legal fees if a parent prevails in law suit against the school and district.
Teachers are responsible for following though with IEPs. By implementing IEPs, teachers draw upon the strengths and adequately compensate for weaknesses increasing success.
Legal Implications
Clearly defining behavioral expectations ensures success for students with special needs.
Consequences and rewards must be consistently applied.
Legal Implications
To encourage positive social interaction between students with special needs and those in general education, teachers may employ peer tutoring and collaborative learning groups.
Legal Implications
Cognitive or academic challenges characteristics
Characteristics: challenges in cognitive processes such as memory, language, or perception.
Cognitive or academic challenges manifestations
Learning disabilities, speech, and communication disorders, ADHD.
Cognitive or academic challenges Strategies
Implement the IEP, create routines, limit distractions, analyze students work to identify and assist with specific challenges.
Social/ Behavoral Challenges- Characteristics
Exhibit behaviors that are disruptive and. or notably disrupt academic performance.
Social/ Behavoral Challenges- Manifestations
Autism and Behavioral Disorders
Social/ Behavoral Challenges- Strategies
Implement IEP, Create routines, limit distractions, establish clear guidelines, cooperative learning and peer tutoring, limit unsupervised activities.
Delays in cognitive/ social performance- characteristics
below average intelligence, insufficient adaptive behavior
Delays in cognitive/ social performance- Manifestations
Mental Retardation
Delays in cognitive/ social performance- Strategies
Implement IEP, create routines, establish reasonable goals, use direct instruction and peer tutoring.
Physical/Sensory DIfficulties- CHaracteristics
Medical or physical conditions of the body or senses
Physical/Sensory DIfficulties- Manifestation
Hearing or visual impairments or loss, health or physical difficulties.
Physical/Sensory DIfficulties- Strategies
Implement the IEP, provide means for participation, assistive technology for instructional goals.
Advanced Cognitive development- Characteristics
advanced intellectual ability or talents
Advanced Cognitive development- Maninfestations
Advanced Cognitive development- Strategies
Implement the IEP, encourage autonomy by teaching research strategies and promote the use of higher-order thinking skills.