Cognition and Knowledge Construction Flashcards
Instruction should be student centered, involve problem solving, and require students to interact socially and environmentally.
Knowledge Construction
Learner should be recognized as having prior knowledge , interpret and elaborate, encouraged to view errors as an opportunity to learn.
Knowledge Construction
If students participate in activities, the likelihood of transfer of learning to real life improves.
Student Centered instruction
Students should have experiences rather than the teacher just imparting experiences.
Student Centered instruction
If they have the experience, they can construct an understanding that connects with prior knowledge.
Student Centered instruction
retention and recall are improved when the students have experiences.
Student Centered instruction
Constructing concepts and applying them to problematic situations by going beyond given information or developing their own ideas.
Problem Solving
IF the situation represents the world outside of the classroom, it increases the likelihood of shifting their ability to other problem soling situations.
Problem solving
Knowledge construction is enhanced through social negotiation of understanding and meaning.
Interaction Socially and Environmentally.
Providing Opportunities for students to share their views and understand the views of others, increases understanding and tolerance.
Interaction Socially and Environmentally
Must assess prior knowledge before instruction begins.
Recognized as Having Prior Knowledge
Students come to school with prior knowledge and concepts that influence how future learning is assimilated.
Recognized as Having Prior Knowledge
prior knowledge must be considered as students will not arrive as blank slates.
Recognized as Having Prior Knowledge
Identifies students misconceptions that need correcting
Assessing prior knowledge accomplishes
Determines current levels of understanding
Assessing prior knowledge accomplishes
Establishes what students thought was important enough to remember.
Assessing prior knowledge accomplishes
Tells what students found interesting enough to remember.
Assessing prior knowledge accomplishes
Active learners are more likely to construct knowledge than passive learners.
Interpretation and Elaboration
Rather recognize a bank of facts, teachers should encourage students to go beyond the information.
Interpretation and Elaboration
human memory: Three major components:
Sensory Register
Working Memory( short term memory)
Long term memory
Human Memory
Keeps incoming stimuli in its original structure
Sensory register
Limited Capacity: one second for visual images, three seconds for auditory stimulation.
Sensory register
when students are paying attention the information goes into the working (short term) memory.
Sensory register
put classroom information to use quickly
encourage students to take notes
create a stimulating environment
Sensory register: Methods of increasing attention
Model enthusiasm
Decrease distractions in the classroom
Sensory register: Methods of increasing attention