Instructional Design Flashcards
Drive curriculum
outline what students will be taught
Organized into scope and sequence
the span of the curriculum
the repetition and depth of the content.
Written by teachers to support standards
clearly state what the student is to accomplish
Written for the purpose of students knowing what they are responsible for mastering.
Teachers can accurately assess student achievement
you can achieve instructional alignment that maximizes effectiveness in teaching and learning.
By connecting standards, learning objectives, and assessments,
Behavior expected of student
content by which the learning occurs
degree of accuracy
Teachers use four parts to write an objective
The student in the school setting.
Example. The student will……..
Behavior expected of the student
written in the form of a verb that indicated to the teacher that the student is capable of accomplishing the desired outcome.
Example: The student will define……
Content in which learning occurs
the information with which the student is working on
Example: The student will define the parts of speech in a story passage.
Degree of accuracy
level of competence is expected to display
Example: The student will define the parts of speech in a story passage with 100% accuracy.
List standards, objectives, materials, and necessary accommodations for diversity.
Methods for assessing prior knowledge, motivation, teaching a new skills, practicing the skill, evaluating student learning .
Lesson Plans
Blooms Taxonomy
Levels of understanding that proceed from lower level thinking to higher level thinking.
Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation
Blooms Taxonomy
Rote memorization of specifics
Terms: Select, define, reproduce, list
explaining information in ones own words
Terms: estimate, describe, classify, discuss
Using information in an actual situation
terms: predict, solve, show, compute
Examining the various parts of information
terms: infer, separate, point out, diagram
Constructing something unique by combining information
terms: adapt, rearrange, construct, devise
Appraising information or data
terms: judge, conclude, critique, defend
direct instruction
teach-centered strategy
student-centered isntruction
focuses on guiding students to construct their own understanding
Teach centered has prevailed but student centered that considers prior knowledge, learning styles, affective thoughts, and social or cultural environment maximizes effectiveness.
Direct Instruction
teacher centered approach focuses on learning objectives, incorporating well-defined content with teacher-guided instruction.
Direct instruction step one
introduction and review of prior knowledge to focus attention and motivate students.
Direct instruction step two
presentation of information that might include examples, modeling, and an assessment of comprehension.