Special Diets Flashcards
What is fibre found in
Plant foods
What happens when cereals are processed and name one example
The fibre is removed. E.g white flour
Name 2 benefits of a high fibre diet
1) fibre prevents bowel diseases for example constipation
2) it also gives you the feeling of fullness
Name one effect of low fibre intake
1( constipation occurs when faeces(waste) becomes stuck in the bowel
How much grams are in a) high fibre and b) low fibre foods /100g
a) 6g or more per 100g
b) 0.5g or less per 100g
Name four guidelines for increasing fibre intake
1) choose whole cereals e.g brown bread
2) eat high fibre breakfast cereals e.g weetabix
3) include nuts/beans in diet
4) leaves skin on fruits and veg when possible
Function of sugar
When you eat sugar you get a quick energy boost, but it doesn’t last long
3 Guidelines for reducing sugar intake
- Drink water instead of drinks sweetened with sugar
- Choose low sugar breakfast cereals, biscuits and cakes
- Replace high star snacks with fresh fruit, veg and unsalted nuts
How many grams are in a) high sugar food b) low sugar foods per 100g
A) 10g or more per 100g
B) 5g or less per 100g
What is the recommend low - salt intake for an adult ?
Name 4 effects of high salt intake
- High blood pressure
- Stroke
- Coronary heart disease
- Kidney damage
Name 3 guidelines for reducing salt intake
1) reduce the amount of salt you add at the table and during cooking
2) use herbs and spices to flavour food instead of salt
3) choose fresh meat over processed meat
How many grams does a) low salt food b) high salt food have per 100g
A) 0.1g or less of salt per 100g
B)1.5g or more per 100g
What is obesity
Obesity means being 20% or more over the recommend weight
Name 2 causes of obesity
1) lack of excerise
2) over eating
Name 4 health problems with obesity
1) heart problems
2) diabetes
3) stroke
4) poor self image
4 guidelines for reducing risk of obesity
1) take regular excerise
2) drink water over sweetened drinks
3) remove visible fat from meat
4) choose low fat dairy products
How much grams does b) high fat food and a) low fat food have per 100g
A) 3g or less per 100g
B) 20g or more per 100g
3 Health problems with high fat diet
Heart disease, obesity and diabetes
How does coronary heart disease occur
When arteries of the heart become blocked with a substance called CHOLESTROL. It is a fatty substance that clinger to the walls of arteries.
4 causes of heart disease
Being overweight
Lack of excerise
Diet containing lots of saturated fat
4 guidelines to reduce heart disease
- Use low fat spreads
- Choose low fat dairy products
- Grill>frying
- Cut out fatty foods
Name the two types of vegetarians and what they eat
Vegan: plants and cereals foods.
Lactargeterian: don’t eat meat, but they eat dairy and eggs
4 reasons for choosing it be a vegetarian
1) religious
2) cheaper
3) healthy option
4) people believe it’s wrong to kill animals
4 Guidelines for planning vegetarian diet
Use veg stock
Eat wide variety foods
Choose whole cereals
Ensure meals are balanced
A person with _____ cannot digest ______
Coeliac , gluten
What is gluten and what happens when coeliac so eat it
It is a protein found in wheat. When coeliac so eat it it damaged their gut
Name 3 products coeliac a should avoid
Cereals, bread crumbs and packet soups
Name 3 foods allowed by coeliacs and the brands
Free form: bread, scones
Kelvin: gluten free cereals
Doves farm: self raising flour
What is diabetes
The body cannot produce insulin or use the insulin produced
Type 1 diabetes ( insulin dependant)
- Occurs she insulin isn’t produced at all in the body
* a person sigh type 1 diabetes must take insulin
Type 2 diabetes (non insulin dependant)
- insulin is produced but is not used in the body
- mainly in adults
- it is controlled by weigh loss and strict diet
4 guidelines for controlling diabetes ?
1) reach correct body weight
2) excerise regularly to balance sugar levels
3) eat regularly and never miss a meal
4) eat high fibre carbohydrates