Special Areas Flashcards
What are the contents of the quadrangular space?
Posterior circumflex humeral artery and axillary nerve (C5,C6)
What are the borders of the quadrangular space?
Teres major, teres minor, surgical head of the humerus, and long tendon of the triceps brachii
What is the apex of the axilla?
Cervico-axillary canal - bounded by the first rib, clavicle, and superior edge of the scapula
What are the boundaries (walls) of the axilla?
Anterior wall - pec major, pec minor, and pectoral and clavipectoral fascia
Posterior wall - scapula, subscapularis, teres major, and latissimus dorsi
Medial wall - thoracic wall and serratus anterior
Lateral wall - intertubercular sulcus of the humerus
What is the base of the axilla?
Concave skin, subcutaneous tissue, and axillary fascia - forms the axillary fossa (armpit)
What are the contents of the axilla?
Axillary artery and its branches, axillary vein and its tributaries, nerves of chords and branches of the brachial plexus, lymphatic vessels, and several groups of axillary lymph nodes
What are the divisions of the axilla?
First, second, and third part of the axillary artery
What artery is the axillary artery a continuation of?
Subclavian artery
What does the axillary artery continue distally as?
Brachial artery
What does the brachial artery continue distally as?
Radial and ulnar artery
What are the borders of the cubital fossa?
Superiorly - imaginary line connecting the medial and lateral epicondyles
Medially - pronator teres
Laterally - brachioradialis
What are the boundaries of the triangular space?
Teres major and teres minor
What are the contents of the triangular space?
Circumflex scapular artery
What are the boundaries of the triceps hiatus?
Triceps brachii, humerus, and teres major
What are the contents of the triceps hiatus?
Deep artery of the arm and radial nerve
What is the floor of the snuff box?
Radial artery, scaphoid, and trapezium
What are borders of the snuff box?
Extensor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis
What can be palpated in the snuff box?
Radial styloid process proximally and the base of the first metacarpal distally
What is the floor or the cubital fossa?
Brachialis and supinator muscles
What is the roof of the cubital fossa?
Continuity of the brachial and antebrachial fascia, reinforced by the bicipital aponeurosis, subcutaneous tissue, and the skin
What are the contents of the cubital fossa?
Terminal part of the brachial artery and the commencement of its terminal branches (the radial and ulnar arteries) accompanying veins of the arteries, biceps brachii tendon, median nerve, and the radial nerve dividing into superficial and deep branches
What are the main contents of the cubital fossa from lateral to medial?
TAN - biceps tendon, brachial artery, median nerve
What is the extensor mechanism?
Comprised of the extensor digitorum, lumbricals, interossei, and a series on non-contractile tissue which contribute to the extension of the digits