SPE #1 S&S Review/Prep Flashcards
-malaise most common early symptom
-fever, chills, & sweats
-specific infected S&S
-tender lymph nodes
Infections S&S
-swollen + NON-TENDER lymph nodes (hard/immobile)
-P! similar time of night
-Unexplained weight loss of ≥ 5-10%
-Fever,chills,sweats (night) *in absence of infection
Cancer S&S
-P! in the neck, trunk (thoracic, lumbar, and abdominal), pelvic and/or shoulder regions due to multiple levels of interventions)
-dysphagia; swallowing difficulty
-food aversion/intolerance
-bowel dysfunction (color, shape, constipation)
Gastrointestinal S&S
-P! in neck and/or upper shoulder
-Thorax P! (shared T2-4 innervation) possibly exacerbated by:
-deep inspiration
-trunk motion
-SOB, wheezing, and/or altered breathing patterns
Respiratory S&S
-Family Hx of Heart Attack > 60
-P! in chest (angina) w/wo upper thorax, neck UE, and or face (due to shared T2-4 innveration)
-L UE more common
-UE P! is in ulnar n. distribution medially into little finger
-Especially upon exertion
-Dizziness/Lt. headedness (syncope)
***Show of Peripheral Vascular S&S:
-LE edema including weight gain indicated impaired R ventricle
-Diminished pulses
Cardiovascular S&S:
-Visual or auditory dysfunction
-Worst HA ever may be an impending stroke
Neurological S&S:
What are you looking for in infections?
–lymph nodes (>2cm in diameter), firm, immobile, tender
– possible abdominal quadrant assessment
–check vital signs
What are you looking for in cancer review?
–palpation of lymph nodes (NON-tender)
What are you looking for in a cardiovascular review?
–ankle brachial index
–LE systolic BP/UE systolic BP
– > .9 can be used for prediction
What are you looking for in a respiratory review?
–breath sounds w/stheoscope, precussions
What are you looking for in a GI review?
–abdominal assessment
What are example questions you can ask after receiving a chief complaint? (3)
“So what brings you in today?”
“I see you’re here for _______ pain”
“Can you describe/point to where P! at? (local/reffered)
Describe abnormal lymph nodes of cancer.
> 2cm, firm, immobile, NON-TENDER due to limited inflammation w/typical slow growth of most cancer
What are you looking for in a neurological review?
–neurological tests specific to region (dermatomes, DTR, myotomes,etc
What are must complete components or you fail?
–introduce yourself
–wash your hands/hand sanitizer
–handshake (optional)
–ask for NAME and DOB
–ask for consent
Onset/Context: example questions to ask? (3)
“When did you first notice the P!”
“Do you know of anything specific that you did to cause this P!?”
“Have you done anything differently in your daily routine recently?”
Symptoms Description: example questions to ask? (4)
“Can you describe your P! for me?”
**“Do you have any other symptoms besides P!?” **
“Have your symptoms gotten better or worse”?
“Do you have any numbness or tingling?
Symptoms behavior: example questions to ask? (3)
“What makes symptoms better?”
“What makes symptoms worse?”
“Is there ever a time you don’t notice symptoms?”
Symptoms range: example questions to ask? (2)
“On a scale of 1-10, 1 being no pain and 10 being you need to go to the hospital what is your pain at currently?”
“ “On a scale of 1-10, 1 being no pain and 10 being you need to go to the hospital what is your pain at usually?”
Daily impact: example questions to ask? (2)
“How do your symptoms affect your daily activities?”
“What time of the day do you notice at its worst?”
—–If at night “does your symptoms affect your sleep?”
IF yes, “Do you wake up around the same time?”
Prior treatment and results: example questions to ask?
“Have you been seen for this before?”
-Yes- “What was your prior treatment?”
Medications/Supplements: example questions to ask?
“Are you currently taking any medications or supplements?”
–Dosage: “What is the dosage”
–Frequency: “How often”
–Do medications help?
Diagnostic tests: example questions to ask?
“Have you had any imaging done?”
IF yes: “How long ago?” – “What did the imagining show”
Prior injuries/surgeries: example questions to ask?
“Have you had any prior surgeries?”
“Have you had any prior injuries?”
Yes: What, When, How recovery?
PMH: example questions to ask?
“Have you had any medical complications in the past?”
“Do your intermediate family members have any medical complications?”
Social Hx: exmaple questions to ask?
“Do you drink”
“Do you smoke”
“Do you do any recreational drugs”
IF yes: how often, how long
Patient perspective/goals: example questions to ask?
“What do you wish to accomplish while in PT?”
What must you do in conclusion of the SPE? (3)
summarize assessment + plan
ask final questions
thank them