Sources of Wisdom Flashcards
What are the four major documents produced by the Second Vatican Council
Dei Verbum
Lumen Gentium
Sacrosantum Concillium
Gaudium es Spes
Dei Verbum
The importance and interpretation of the scripture
Lumen Gentium
The nature of the Church, the role of each of its members and the idea that the Church is the Kingdom of God on Earth
Sacrosantum Concilium
Dealt with the ways the liturgy and services needed to be changed to allow people to take full part in the worship of God
Gaudium es spes
Dealt with issues relating with family life
What are the four marks of the Church
One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic
God is one, So is the Church, The Church is the Body of Christ
The Church is a community of sinners, We are made Holy by Baptism and guided by the Holy Spirit
The teachings of the Church are held by Catholics everywhere
Jesus chose 12 disciples to be the foundation for the people of God. After his Resurrection
Immaculate Conception
The belief Mary was conceived without original sin
Mary was asked to be the Mother of Jesus
The belief that Mary was conceived without original sin
Virgin Birth
Jesus Birth, conceived by the Holy Spirit
Death of Jesus
Mary stayed with Jesus when dying on the cross
The Assumption
Mary was taken into heaven body and soul after death
Mary : discipleship
She believed in Jesus form the moment of his conception. She accepts her role in God’s plan and her sacrifice started before Jesus’ birth
Model of Faith
She demonstrated Faith by accepting Jesus and obeying Joseph’s command to flee Egypt and return to Nazareth. She was told by Simeon a ‘sword of sorrow would pierce her heart’ but she still had faith in God
Model of Charity
She encouraged Jesus to solve the problem of lack of wine at the wedding at Cana. St Bonaventure describes her ultimate act of charity ‘Mary so loved the world as to give her only-begotten son.’
Natural law
Natural law is the belief that all moral law can be discovered by man, it applies to all humans and can never be changed.
Thomas Aquinas taught that humans should ‘do good and avoid
evil. This is in line with our purpose as humans and is supported
by the Catholic Church.
By following Natural Law we develop 2 types of virtues, cardinal
virtues such as self-control and theological virtues such as faith,
These then further develop who we are as individuals for the
The Magisterium is the teaching body of the Church. It can help us
to make an ethical decision because it is made up of the Pope and
Bishops who use their gifts to advise us on how to live our lives.
The Magisterium gives teaching relevant for Catholics in the 21st
century. They are contained in
the Catechism for all Catholics to
The Magisterium is guided by the Holy Spirit so it cannot be
wrong in its teachings.
Catholics have a duty or obligation to follow their conscience.
In St Paul’s letter to Timothy he said having a clear conscience is
something to aspire to.
The Catholic Church teaches ‘The Primacy of Conscience’, this is the
idea that God’s voice lies in your soul and it is a sin not to listen to it.
Our conscience is developed by our parents and families from we are
young children, it is a voice inside us telling us right from wrong.
Second Vatican Council
Pope John XXlll opened the Second Vatican Council 1962 and 1965
He wanted to open the windows of the church