Judaism Practises Flashcards
The Tenakh
Contains 24 books, all of which can be found in the Old Testament. It is split into 3 parts
Readings from the Tenakh are given 4 times a week in orthodox services
The Torah
This is the 5 books of Moses, it makes up the Jewish law
The Nevi’im
This is the 8 books of the Prophets and an account of the Jewish history
The Ketuvium
The writing, 11 books which record Jewish poetry, stories and advice
The Talmud
. In early Judaism the Jewish teachings were passed down by word of mouth
. This was dangerous however because by teachings could be lost when passed around this way
. Rabbi Hanassi wrote the core Jewish beliefs in Hebrew in 200CE this was called the Mishnah
. The Mishnah caused debate so in 500CE , the Gemara was written, this is a Rabbinical analysis of the Mishnah written in Aramaic
The Mezuzah
. The Mezuzah is a container found on the right hand door post of Jewish homes and on every doorpost within that leads to a habitable room.
. This reminds Jews of Gods presence
. It contains the Shema prayer to remind Jews of their duty
. By placing the Mezuzah on doorpost fulfills a Biblical commandment as it is a Jewish sign of identity
. Black leather boxes are worn containing passages from the Scripture
. Word on the forehead and upper arm, God is as the Head and Heart
. Helps Jews maintain total concentration on God
. Prayers should be said from the heart
. A prayer shawl made from wool or silk
. Tassels at the end called Tzitzit, reminds Jews of the 613 Mitzvot
. Usually white with black or blue stripes
. Worn around them to remind that they should always follow God’s laws
Shabbat in the Synagogue
. Jews welcome Shabbat in like a bride, with respect and admiration
. There are family services with story telling, discussion and games
Shabbat in the Synagogue (2)
. On the Saturday service, there are readings from the Torah, all 5 books of the Torah are read within each year
. The prayer leader takes a cup of wine on the Friday reciting a blessing known as the ‘Kiddush’ thanking God for giving Shabbat
Shabbat at Home
. Lay the finest cloth and the finest cutlery
. Pour wine into the Kiddush cup, this reminds Jews of joy and celebration
. Bake two ‘Challah’ bread, this is braided as dough before baking
. Lay out two candle sticks, to remember and observe the Shabbat
. ‘Challah’ bread reminds the Jews of the two portions of manna God provided in the wilderness
Shabbat at home (2)
. The Kiddush Cup is held up and Kiddush blessings are said. The family says amen
. The family wash their hands as an act of purification
. A corner of the Challah bread is removed, a blessing is said, it is then dipped in salt
. After each course, stories the Torah are read
The beginning of life
. Jews believe the life of the child begins when he/she is half way emerged from the Mother, the soul exists in the womb though born pure and free from sin.
Why can’t the mother touch anything in the sanctuary
Levictus 12:3 says ‘ she may not touch anything sacred and she may not enter the sanctuary’
. for boys this is 7 plus 33 days
. for girls this is 14 plus 66 days
When is a boy given their name
They’re given they’re English and Hebrew name after Brit Milah (circumcision)
When is a girl given they’re name
A girl is given they’re English and Hebrew name after the Father has read from the Torah in the Synagogue. There may also be a ‘rejoicing for a daughter’ ‘Simchat Bat’
How can the mother be purified
After birth the mother attends a ‘mikvah’ once she has stopped bleeding to be purified. During the Temple time. she would have made an offering
Brit Milah : Circumcision (pt.1)
. Circumcision remembers the Covenant that God made with Abraham. A reminder to the Jews that they are God’s chosen people.
. God told Abraham to circumcise himself in Genesis 21 : 4
. Boys have the circumcision when they are 8 days old, this is when God commanded Abraham to circumcise Isaac
Brit Milah : Circumcision (pt.2)
. An empty chair is set aside for the Prophet Elijah so he can oversee the ritual
. A trained circumciser ‘mohel’ places the baby on the knee of the Companion of the Child ‘sandek’ an honored role given to the grandfather
. The family then celebrate with a festive meal
Redemption of the First Born Son Pidyon ha-ben
. Orthodox Jews give a small amount of money 31 days after the birth of a son
. This is to ‘redeem’ him from temple service
. 5 silver coins are given to a Kohen : a descendant of the Priests who used to work in the Temple
. The tradition comes from Numbers 18:16-16
Bar Mitzvah
Son of the Commandment
Bat Mitzvah
Daughter of the Commandment
Bar and Bat Mitzvah
. Represents becoming an adult
. Girls have it at 12, boys have it at 13
because girls mature faster
. These young adults must obey the commandments themselves
. Readings from the Torah are in Hebrew, the reading at Bat Mitzvah explains to girls their role as a Jew
. Sweets are thrown to represent symbols
. A party is held afterwards
Marriage is more than spending lives together, it is the fusing of two souls, a spiritual bond, A way to experience holiness in everyday life
What does Genesis say about Marriage
“That is why a man leaves his mother and father to be united with his life”
Orthodox Judaism and Marriage
In orthodox Judaism, parents ask a matchmaker to find their child a partner, this person is working on God’s behalf to find a soul mate for each person
Betrothal / Kiddushin
. Means to set aside or make holy
. Betrothal has a legal status in Judaism and can only be broken by death or divorce
. At this stage the couple plans their life together
. A wedding contract is made up known as a Ketubah
. In Orthodox Judaism this covers thing’s such as the husbands duties and the wife’s inheritance
. On Shabbat before the wedding the man recites the Torah and his intention to marry
. There is then a celebratory meal
Marriage place and dates
. Location : Synagogue or hotel
. Day : Any apart from Shabbat
. Canopy : Chuppah
. Bride is taken up by the mother
. Blessings said over the wine and the rings
. Contract is given to the bride
. Groom breaks glass to show regret from Temple destruction
Avelut : Mourning for the Dead
. If someone is ill, someone is always there to ensure they do not die alone
. Before a person dies they make a final confession and say he Shema prayer
. If someone they love dies, they tear a part of their clothes, for parents it will be over the hearts
. Jews say a blessing recognising God as the true judge, showing they accept that God is taking this person’s life
What are the 3 categories on the Mourning Scale
Shiva (7 days of intense mourning)
Sheloshim (31 days of lesser mourning)
Yud-bet chodesh (final mourning 11 months of mourning)
. Mourners stay at home
. Sit on low stools, not chairs
. Do not wear leather, shave or wear make up
. Prayer services 3 times a day
. Recite the ‘Kaddish’ thanking God for coming of eternal age
. Normal life resumes
. Mourners do not listen to music, go to parties, or shave or cut hair
. Males say Kaddish in the Synagogue
Yud-bet chodesh
. Still do not attend parties
. Kaddish is still said if it is a parent who has died
. Light a candle for 24 hours as formal mourning finishes. This is the anniversary of death, the Yahrzeit
The Funeral (1)
. Most Jews buried as soon as possible within 24 hours
. Body is carefully washed, wrapped in plain cloth and a talit for men. It is cut to show that it is no longer used in this life
. Placed in a simple coffin to show that everyone is equal in death
The Funeral (2)
. Funerals do not take place in the Synagogue, go to the cemetery in a ceremony lasting 20 minutes
. Psalms are said and Rabbi says a few words , Earth sprinkled on the coffin
. Mourners wash their hands to show death left behind
. Tombstone placed so person is remembered, this is part of Jewish law
The Funeral (3)
. Some Jews have a 12 month waiting period before the headstone is revealed. A ceremony is held to unveil it
. Flowers are not used to mark the dead, but use a small stone to show how they visited
Rosh Hashanah
. Recalls the day when God created humans, it is a day of judgement
. In the year, God creates a record of the Good and Bad deeds we have done, this is what our fortune is based on
. To encourage favorable judgement, Jews participate in charity to try and atone, or make up for the bad they have done.
. This festival helps Jews to recognize that their actions have consequences
Yom Kippur
. Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year
. It is based on Levictus 16 when Jews try to atone for their sin
. Also known as Day of Awe, Yom Kippiur is God’s judgement , it is the Jews last day to repent and mend their relationships with God.
. God forgives their sins which restore the relationship between God and humans
. Celebrates the giving of the Law of Moses on Mount Sinai . It also marks the wheat harvest in ancient Israel
. Marks the 49 day counting period between Passover and Shauvot
. Jews would travel to offer wheat from the harvest at the Temple
. Celebrate the gift of the Torah and explore the meaning of texts in communities
. Customs include eating diary
Sukkot is celebrated for 8 days as a holiday
. It remembers the time when Jews lived in huts in the wilderness
. There is a focus on hospitality to others
. Sukkot comes after Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
. During Sukkot Jews leave the comfort and security of their home and live in a Sukkah, a hut made form materials of the Earth
What is the Point of Sukkot
To remember those who are oppressed and what Jews can do to help them
Pesach : The Jewish Passover
Unleavened Bread - to remember the Jews that didn’t have time to rise their bread after their escape from Egypt
Horseradish - to show how bitter their time in slavery was
Charoset - remembers the cement that Jews used to build statues with
The meaning of Pesach
Remembers the event when God intervened to make it so that the Pharaoh would let the Hebrew people go free from slavery in Egypt.
. Moses told the Jews to sacrifice a lamb and paint it’s blood on the doorposts of the houses so that the Angel of Death would ‘Passover’ their houses
10 Parts of the Synagogue
- Ark
- Torah Scrolls
- Ner Tamid
- Menorah
5.10 Commandments - Rabbi’s chair
- Bimah
- Star of David
- Platform
- Seating facing towards the Bimah and Jersualem