Focused Flashcards
Avelut : Mourning for the Dead
If someone is ill, someone is always there to ensure they do not die alone
. Before a person dies they make a final confession and say he Shema prayer
. If someone they love dies, they tear a part of their clothes, for parents it will be over the hearts
What are the 3 categories on the Mourning Scale
Shiva (7 days of intense mourning)
Sheloshim (31 days of lesser mourning)
Yud-bet chodesh (final mourning 11 months of mourning)
. Mourners stay at home
. Sit on low stools, not chairs
. Do not wear leather, shave or wear make up
. Normal life resumes
. Mourners do not listen to music, go to parties, or shave or cut hair
. Males say Kaddish in the Synagogue
Yud-bet chodesh
. Still do not attend parties
. Kaddish is still said if it is a parent who has died
The Funeral
. Most Jews buried as soon as possible within 24 hours
. Placed in a simple coffin to show that everyone is equal in death
Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year
it is the Jews last day to repent and mend their relationships with God.
Rosh Hashanah
Recalls the day when God created humans, it is a day of judgement
Celebrates the giving of the Law of Moses on Mount Sinai .
It remembers the time when Jews lived in huts in the wilderness
What is the Point of Sukkot
To remember those who are oppressed and what Jews can do to help them
Food Pesach
Unleavened Bread - to remember the Jews that didn’t have time to rise their bread after their escape from Egypt
Horseradish - to show how bitter their time in slavery was
Charoset - remembers the cement that Jews used to build statues with
Michaelangelo’s Creation of Adam : does not convey Catholic beliefs
God created Adam from dust and
blowing into his nostrils. Not touch
God and Adam appear to be the same
size God is more powerful
does not
show God as someone who is eternal
Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam : conveys Catholic beliefs
God is shown as powerful; his body is
perfectly sculpted. God is dressed
demonstrates higher knowledge
Adam’s finger is bent, he isn’t fully
alive and so is dependent on God.
God brings Adam to life through his
almighty power.
God is ancient, he is someone who is
full of wisdom
Benefits of using art statues and sculptures
people are able to visualize the Bible stories and remember them
may be a person’s way of showing their
praise and thanks to God
Useful for those who are illiterate to have the stories explained to them
Drawbacks of using Art, Statues and Sculptures
Some people see it as idol worship which goes against
the 10 commandments
Art and statues can be a distraction to worship
Art can misguide our understanding of God and the Bible stories
Quotes supporting music in worship
Catechism: Make melody to the Lord with all your heart!
St Augustin: To sing once is to pray twice.
Plainchant music
This is an ancient form of music that has a limited range of notes the limited notes helps to focus prayer
it is boring to listen to It is hard to decipher
Psalm music
The Psalms is a collection of 150 poems and songs
Some of these songs are based on Old statement stories, singing them will help Catholics remember the stories better
Some may feel that the imagery of the songs will not engage church goers today
Traditional hymns
These are hymns that have been sung by believers until the mid 1960’s.
helps Catholics gain a deeper understanding of their faith as they sing their beliefs
make believers feel they are forced to participate in song
Contemporary songs
Modern music and musical instruments are used for worship
This is one way to bring the Church into the 21* Century and encourage young believers in worship.
Some people may think this style of music is disrespectful