Forms of Expression Flashcards
Catholic Church Architecture : Direction
Catholic churches are built pointing East,
facing Jerusalem, where Jesus rose from the
dead. The sun rises in the East, being in a
church reminds Christians they are part of
Jesus resurrection.
Catholic Church Architecture : Celings
Many churches are vaulted inside, this
means that they are built high, pointing
upwards to suggest a connection with the
heavens and to get as close to God as
possible. Many churches have a spire for
Catholic Church Architecture : Glass Windows
Stained glass windows tell stories from the
Bible, they were particularly useful when
Catholics could not read. They are now a
beautiful part of the tradition of Catholic
Catholic Church Architecture : Cruciform
Stained glass windows tell stories from the
Bible, they were particularly useful when
Catholics could not read. They are now a
beautiful part of the tradition of Catholic
Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam : conveys Catholic beliefs
God is shown as powerful; his body is
perfectly sculpted. God is dressed
demonstrates higher knowledge
Adam’s finger is bent, he isn’t fully
alive and so is dependent on God.
God brings Adam to life through his
almighty power.
Adam is a perfect creation; his
sculpted body portrays this.
God is ancient, he is someone who is
full of wisdom, Adam is new. Both are
in similar positions; Adam is made in
God’s image.
The reaching out to each other also
symbolises the close relationship
between God and Adam, bonded by
Michaelangelo’s Creation of Adam : does not convey Catholic beliefs
God created Adam from dust and
blowing into his nostrils. Not touch
which this picture portrays.
God and Adam appear to be the same
size, this suggests equality. Christians
believe God is more powerful.
God is presented as an old man who
is close to death. This picture does not
show God as someone who is eternal.
Symbolism of the younger son in Rembrandt’s Prodigal son
He returns in a wretched state having his wasted his inheritance.
He kneels before his father in repentance wishing for forgiveness having realized that even his father’s servants have a better life than him.
Symbolism of the Father in Rembrandt’s Prodigal son
The Father receives him with a tender gesture.
His hands seem to suggest mothering and fathering at once; the left appears larger and more masculine, set on the son’s shoulder, while the right is softer and more receptive in gesture.
Symbolism of the Elder son in Rembrandt’s Prodigal son
Standing at the right is the prodigal son’s older brother, who crosses
his hands in judgement; in the parable he objects to the father’s
compassion for the sinful son.
Symbolism of the Lighting and Color in Rembrandt’s Prodigal son
The Father is the lightest figure in the painting, and so is the younger
son who has submitted to the Father although we cannot see him. The
elder son, remains partly in shadows because of his response, but the
fact that he too wears red like the Father, suggests he is still one with
the Father.
Benefits of using art statues and sculptures
It brings a sense of realism as people are able to visualize the Bible stories and remember them.
Art and sculptures decorate a Church and make it more inviting to be in.
Art and Statues may be a person’s way of showing their
praise and thanks to God, a form of prayer
Useful for those who are illiterate to have the stories explained to them
Drawbacks of using Art, Statues and Sculptures
Some people see it as idol worship which goes against
the 10 commandments
Art and statues caused the violent iconclasm in the Church and caused splits in the Church
Art can misguide our understanding of God and the Bible stories, we need to sue the Bible to get an accurate
understanding of God
Art and statues can be a distraction to worship, we focus on the beauty of the painting not the work of God.
What is the fish a symbol of
Used by first Christians as a secret code to identify themselves to each other. The acrostic is ‘Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior. Connection with the apostles who were
made fishers of men’ by Jesus. Also connects with the 5 loaves and 2 fish miracle.
What is the Crucifix a symbol of
This is a clear reminder of Jesus death and resurrection. The figure of Jesus appeared on it the 5 Century. It is often a focus tor prayer and worn by Christians to show their faith.
What is Chi-Ro a symbol of
Symbol made from the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ. Used by Constantine on his shield before battling in Rome against Maxentius. Constantine won and converted all of Rome to Christianity.
What is Alpha and Omega a symbol of
First and last letters of the Greek alphabet. In Revelations 22:13, Jesus said He was the first and last. Represents the eternity of Christ as part of the Trinity and found on the Paschal Candle.
What is the Dove a symbol of
Symbol of the Holy Spirit. It appeared to Jesus in this shape at His baptism and brought renewed hope to Noah when returning with an olive tree lead after the flood. Also used for peace.
What is the Eagle a symbol of
Symbol of Jesus’ divine nature. In Isaiah 40:31, those who wait patiently for God will be rewarded with wings like eagles.
Quotes supporting music in worship
Catechism: Make melody to the Lord with all your heart!
St Augustin: To sing once is to pray twice.
Plainchant music
This is an ancient form of music that has a limited range of notes. These songs come from Christian tradition, it is good to maintain their use.
The limited notes helps to focus prayer and not be distracted by music. It is used in monasteries to sing the Divine Office.
it may be considered too outdated and not in touch with the young Church The limited range of notes means it is boring to listen to It is hard to decipher what is being said in these songs
Psalm music
The Psalms is a collection of 150 poems and songs. Many of these are connected with the great King David. They were used by the choirs of Israel’s temple. Catechism says ‘make melody to the Lord with all your heart
They are part of Catholic Tradition, singing these songs should be respected and protected. Some of these songs are based on Old statement stories, singing them will help Catholics remember the stories better. Singing Psalms instead of reading them beautifies the Mass.
Some may feel that the imagery of the songs will not engage church goers today. we need to update these. It may be uncomfortable for some having to join in with sung responses. The music may distract from the focus on the response itself.
Traditional hymns
These are hymns that have been sued by believers until the mid 1960’s.
These songs have passed the test of time, they are part of Church tradition. It helps Catholics gain a deeper understanding of their faith as they sing their beliefs. Many Catholics have sung these during their school days and in Church, everyone can join in.
Usually accompanied by an organ, may be out of
touch with the modern Church May make believers feel they are forced to participate in song, where they do not have to be. Prevents the Church from exploring different styles and types of music to bring to Church.
Contemporary songs
Modern music and musical instruments are used for worship The upbeat pace encourages believers to be enthusiastic in their worship.
There are also many reflective songs in contemporary music, there is a diverse range for worship to use as appropriate. This is one way to bring the Church into the 21* Century and encourage young believers in worship.
Some people may think this style of music is disrespectful. It can disrupt peoples focus and prayer to God, music takes over. We should always have a place in Mass for traditional songs and maintain the traditions, this type of music could dissolve this.