Paper 1: Catholic Beliefs and Teachings Flashcards
The return of Christ to heaven
An act that is against God’s will
Bringing people together who were opposed to each other
A place of infinite peace in the presence of God
A preparation for heaven, a place of purification and healing
A place of eternal separation from the love of God
A belief that the body will be raised again to life but in a new, spiritual, transformed way
What do Catholics believe about the Trinity
Catholics believe that there is one God who has revealed himself in history as 3 persons, The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. There is only one God, the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit, these 3 are not the same as each other
The Son of God has always existed
He is of one being with the father (not separate, no distinction)
God the Son did not have an earthly father
Became man
He took on the limitations of human nature out of love for people
The Holy Spirit
He comes directly from God
Nature of Significance of the Oneness of God
. God’s unity was taught by Jesus as the greatest commandment
. God is omnipotent only if God is a unity can God be all powerful
. Teachings in Old and New testament show there is only one God
Nature and Significance of God the Father
. The father-child relationship known in human life should reflect a Christian’s relationship with God
Nature and Significance of God the Son
Jesus is God incarnated
God has become a human being and so, he experiences everything that we humans experience
God the Son was both fully human and fully divine
Nature and Significance of God the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit it the means by which God communicates with humans
The Holy Spirit inspired the writing of the Bible
The Holy Spirit is the means by which God assists the Church in helping the magisterium to formulate teaching
How is the Trinity reflected in worship
. The sign of the Cross at the beginning and end of prayers
. Nicene Creed said at Mass each Sunday
. Last verse of a hymn invokes God as the Trinity
How is the Trinity reflected in belief
. God the Father helps Christians to understand the power and creativity and his care for the world and its people
. God the Son helps Christians to understand the love of God in action
. The Holy Spirit helps us to understand the presence of God in the world
How the Trinity is reflected in the life of a Catholic today
. That Catholics are not alone with God as believers but are part of a family, a community
How is the Trinity reflected in the life of a Catholic today
That Catholics are not alone with God as believers but are part of a family, a community.
The Trinity enhances Catholic spirituality- it gives us a sense that God is ‘beyond us, with us, and in us.’
The Oneness of God in the Holy Trinity
Ten Commandments- ‘Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one.’
Isaiah 45:22- ‘For I am God, there is no other.’
1 Corinthians 8:6- ‘Yet for us there is but one God.
The THREEFOLD nature of God in the Holy Trinity
God speaks the world and the Spirit hovers over creation in Genesis 1:1-3
The Trinity in the Gospel account of Jesus’ baptism
God the Father speaks from heaven and declares Jesus is God’s Son, that the Father loves the Son and that the Son is doing the will of the Father.
God the Son, Jesus, is baptised.
God the Holy Spirit descends on Jesus in the form of a dove and who sends Jesus out in the wilderness to prepare for his ministry.
Historical Development of the Doctrine of the Trinity
Some church members- such as Arius- could not accept Jesus as anything other than a prophet for God. They did not believe that Jesus was truly God himself
Alexander did not agree with him and excommunicated him from the Church.
Emperor Constantine called the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD to finally settle their differences.
Council of Nicaea and the Trinity
The bishops agreed with Alexander and produced a statement of their beliefs to clear up any doubts. The Creed of Nicaea said that the Son was consubstantial- made of the same substance with the Father.
The Creed of Nicaea stated that both are truly eternal, having no beginning, both are truly God.
The Holy Spirit and the First Council of Constantinople
Basil produced the formula that God was one substance or reality in three persons.
The Council reaffirmed and expanded on the Creed of Nicaea to stress that the Holy Spirit was also fully God.