SOP 2022 Flashcards
RADAR sw off, WINDSHEAR / PWS sw off, GAIN knob auto/ cal, MODE selector as rqrd
If the APU is started on batteries only, it should be started within 30 min after the selection of batteries to AUTO (35 min after battery selection to AUTO,
the battery charge is less than 25 % of maximum capacity).
Do not use APU BLEED, if the ground personnel confirms that a LP or HP ground air unit is connected to the aircraft. To determine if an HP ground air unit is connected,
the flight crew should also check on the BLEED SD page, if there is pressure in the bleed air system.
A fast IRS alignment must be performed if a complete IRS alignment is not necessary and the difference between the IRS position and the FMGC position is at or above
To perform an alignment, the aircraft must be stopped on ground. Do not align IRS during
engine start, or while the engines are running
Insert the flight information and press INIT REQ* and then CONFIRM* Once the uplink is received, insert
on second page the Crew RE and Uplift in kilograms. After Crew RE and Uplift insertion do not send again, the AOC will work automatically.
During flights operating at Santos Dumont and Congonhas the CM2 should use present weather conditions in order to calculate and inform
MTOW and/or Captain Fuel to dispatcher.
Prior to send this information insert the_________ used for computations in LSK 1L. Example: ACARS-W/B REQ - FREE TEXT MTOW 77.0 - MCF 1000
MTOW Z and CF should be accessed on ACARS at AOC MENU - REQUESTS - W/B REQ.
Prior to send this information insert the Runway used for computations in LSK 1L.
MTOW 61550/ CF 500 – M
In SBSP Flexible Takeoff is not permited on
WET Runway
OFP without Reaclearance: Maximum difference between Operational Flight Plan and Loadsheet (AZFW greater than EZFW) is
1.300 kg.
Insert the flight information and press
Insert the flight information and press
Use NAV FPA, TRK FPA or FLS for approach ‐ 0.1 degree of difference between the MCDU and
the charted final vertical path is acceptable
Use NAV FPA, TRK FPA or FLS for approach. 1 degree of difference between the MCDU and the
charted final lateral track is acceptable.
If a TOO STEEP PATH is displayed after the FDP, do not use
FINAL APP guidance for approach. Use NAV FPA, TRK FPA or FLS for approach
At FL100 NAV ACCURACY: If NAV accuracy is LOW, use
TRK FPA mode for approach
For RNAV(GNSS) approach: GPS PRIMARY. GPS PRIMARY must be available on
at least one FMS.
RNAV GNSS The vertical guidance requires a precise BARO setting. The maximum acceptable discrepancy between altimeters is
100 ft.
At the FDP, a blue arrow on ND indicates
that FINAL APP engagement conditions are met.
If the FMA does not display MAN GA SOFT or MAN TOGA, immediately
set the thrust levers to the TOGA detent.
When the runway is vacated
To avoid damage on the RTLU (Rudder Travel Limit Unit) mechanical stop, the SLATS/FLAPS should be retracted
before all ADIRS are set to OFF simultaneously.
When parking with a flat tire on the nose gear,
keep the parking brake on, to avoid aircraft yawing at parking brake release.
Parking: Check that the sum of the fuel on board and
the fuel used is consistent with the fuel on board at departure. If the flight crew detects a discrepancy that is not usual, maintenance action is due.
Parking: Icing conditions identified with OAT +3 °C (37 °F) or below TAXI-IN TIME
Record in the LOGBOOK
Securing for transit greater than 90 minutes or Airbus recommends performing the following procedure when
the aircraft is left unattended: i.e. no qualified flight crew or ground crew are in the cockpit to supervise and monitor the aircraft systems.
Securing: PARK BRK handle.CHECK
ON CM1 Keep the parking brake on to reduce hydraulic leak rate in the brake accumulator.
After the shutdown off the ADIRS, wait at least
10 s before turning off the electrical supply, in order to ensure that the ADIRS memorize the latest data.
Wait until the APU flap is fully closed (about 2 min after the APU AVAIL light goes out) before
switching off the batteries. Switching the batteries off before the APU flap is closed may cause smoke in the cabin during the next flight. If the batteries are off while the APU is running, APU fire extinguishing is not available.
During daytime operation, set NAV sw to ON prior to external inspection and turn
NAV sw to OFF after external inspection is finished. During night operations, set NAV sw to ON.
(Every time day and night) Set WING LT sw to ON prior to external inspection and turn
WING LT sw to OFF when external inspection is finished.
Do not transmit on HF during
refueling operations (i.e. refueling, defueling, fuel transfer) ‐ Only perform HF radio checks when appropriate (i.e. no personnel in the immediate vicinity).
Idle Factor: should be
0,0 ‐ Perf Factor: Should be filled with OFP value
If the flight is cleared for a close-in turn or close-in altitude constraint, the flight crew may preselect
green dot speed on the PERF CLB page. Once the CLB phase is active, the preselected speed will be displayed in the FCU speed window and on the PFD (blue symbol). Once the turn is completed or the altitude cleared, the pilot will resume the managed speed profile by pressing the SPD selector on the FCU.
If, during the engine start, the ground crew reports a fuel leak from the engine drain mast, run the engine at …
idle for 5 min. If the leak disappears during these 5 min, the aircraft can be dispatched without maintenance action. If the leak is still present after 5 min, shut down the engine and request the maintenance personnel to investigate the leakage source.
In case the electrical power supply is interrupted during the start sequence (indicated by the loss of ECAM DUs)…
abort the start by setting to OFF the ENG 2 MASTER lever. Then, perform a 30 s dry crank.
At ISA sea level: N1 about 19 % N2 about
68 % EGT about 520 °C FF about 290 kg/h (650 lb/h) Grey background on N2 indication disappears.
Engine start: At 55 % N2 …
Igniter indication off.
Engine start: At 63 % N2…
Start valve starts closing
PTU FAULT is triggered, if the last engine is started within…
40 s following the end of the cargo doors operation.
After the reset, the flight crew may observe an indication of up to 0.3 ° (L or R) in the
RUD TRIM position indication.
LANDING PERF DATA…………………………………………………………CROSSCHECK BOTH L2 Both flight crewmembers
compare their EFB to ensure that the computations are the same.
WET runways (runway surface condition GOOD), the flight crew may select REV IDLE, if all the following conditions are satisfied: ‐ A
landing distance assessment has been made with the following parameters: • MEDIUM TO POOR landing performance level for the in-flight landing distance computation • No reverser credit. ‐ The result of this landing distance assessment is within the LDA.
Landing preparation…Identify the
Missed Approach Point.
From time to time during stabilized descent, the flight crew may select FPA to check that the
remaining distance to destination is approximately the altitude change required divided by the FPA in degrees