Instruments Flashcards
The Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) displays mostly
flight parameters and navigation data on the Primary Flight Displays (PFDs) and Navigation Displays (NDs).
The Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor (ECAM) presents data on the Engine/Warning Display (E/WD) and System Display (SD) :
Primary engine indications, fuel quantity, flap and slat position, bleed air configuration • Warning and caution alerts, or memos • Synoptic diagrams of aircraft systems, and status messages • Permanent flight data
If DMC 1 or 2 fails (the “INVALID DATA” message is displayed on the DUs), the crew
manually selects the DMC 3 source (“CAPT 3” or “F/O 3”).
If DMC 1 fails (or DMC 3, if “CAPT 3” was selected),
DMC 2 automatically drives the ECAM.
If a DU fails, the flight crew may find one of the following displays:
‐ A blank screen with an “F” letter in amber, or ‐ A distorted display, or ‐ A blank screen with the “INVALID DISPLAY UNIT” message in amber.
In flight the IR1 fault light is flashing amber meaning
The IR1 may function for attitude and heading if selected to ATT.
In addition to degraded heading performance, what feature of the ADIRU is lost when the ATT is selected?
Position data.
During normal operations, when should the ON BAT light come on?
When each IR section is first powered by selecting NAV.
On the ground, if an ADIRU is operating on battery power, ______to alert the ground crew of the battery drain.
An external horn sounds and the ADIRU and AVNCS light illuminates on the Ground Power Panel.
How does the crew normally enter the present position information to all 3 ADIRU’S?
Normally the crew enters the present position on the MCDU.
Concerning the displayed range on the ND. If the mode or range data fails, the default display is the _____ mode with a default range of _____ NM.
Rose NAV / 80
ADIRUs Eight ADMs (Air Data Modules) which convert
pneumatic data from PITOT and STAT probes into numerical data for the ADIRUs.
FAULT light :
This amber light comes on with an ECAM caution if a fault is detected in the air data reference part
IR FAULT light : This amber light comes on with an ECAM caution when a fault affects the respective IR. Steady :
the respective IR is lost. Flashing : the attitude and heading information may be recovered in ATT mode.
IR rotary knob. ATT : IR mode supplying only attitude and heading information if the system loses its ability to navigate. The heading must be
entered through the MCDU and has to be reset frequently (about every 10 min).
When the aircraft is on ground and if at least one ADIRU is supplied by aircraft batteries:
‐ An external horn sounds ‐ The ADIRU and AVNCS light comes on amber on the EXTERNAL POWER panel.
The sideslip target is blue if:
Conf 1,2 or 3 is selected, and;
Any ENG EPR > 1.25, and
The difference between the ENG EPRs exceed .25
FD command bars flash for 10 seconds when:
First AP or FD is engaged; or reversion to HDG/VS mode, whether automatic reversion or manual; or change of selected flight level when ALT* (capture) mode is engaged; or, loss of LOC or G/S in LAND mode or loss of LAND mode.
The Flight Path Vector and Flight Path Director are displayed when the ________ mode is selected.
The FWC monitors main parameters such as
attitude, heading, and altitude
PFD - When pitch angle exceeds ____ nose up or ____ nose down, all the PFD displays except _______________________disappear
25 °/ 13 °/attitude, speed, speed trend, heading, altitude, and vertical speed
PFD - Beyond _____ degrees, ______________ indicate that the attitude has become excessive and show the direction to move the nose in order to reduce it.
30 °/large red arrowheads
The sideslip target is blue, if:
‐ CONF 1, 2, or 3 is selected, and ‐ Any ENG N1 > 80 %or one Thrust Lever > MCT (≥ FLX if FLX or DERATED TO), and ‐ The difference between the ENG N1’s exceeds 35 %.
Minimum Selectable Speed (VLS) The top of the amber strip along the speed scale indicates this speed. It represents the
lowest selectable speed providing an appropriate margin to the stall speed
VLS information is inhibited from
touchdown until 10 s after liftoff
Alpha Protection Speed - The top of a black and amber strip along the speed scale indicates this speed. It represents
the speed corresponding to the angle of attack at which alpha protection becomes active. It is displayed when in pitch normal law.
Alpha MAX - Speed The top of a red strip along the speed scale indicates this speed. It represents
the speed corresponding to the maximum angle of attack that the aircraft can attain in pitch normal law. It is displayed when in pitch normal law.
VMAX - The lower end of a red and black strip along the speed scale defines this speed. It is the lowest of the following:
‐ VMO or the speed corresponding to MMO ‐ VLE ‐ VFE
Stall Warning Speed (VSW) - The top of a red and black strip along the speed scale defines this speed. It is the speed corresponding to the stall warning. VSW information is inhibited from
touchdown until 5 s after liftoff. It is displayed when operating in pitch alternate or pitch direct law.
PFD heading - The track is indicated on the PFD by a
green diamond on the compass, in addition to the lateral movement of the bird in relation to the fixed aircraft symbol
The FPV appears, when the pilot selects
TRK/FPA on the FCU
The BUSS is displayed on both PFDs when
the flight crew turn off all ADRs. The activation of this BUSS is not reversible. The BUSS information is based on the angle of attack (AOA), and depends on the slat/flap configuration.
ND - Rose LS mode
Localizer Deviation Bar (Magenta) - This bar moves laterally with respect to the course pointer. Its scale has two white dots on each side of the zero deviation. Each dot corresponds to a deviation of approximately ±___°. If the lateral deviation exceeds ____ dot (0.2 °) above RA, both the bar and the scale flash
0.8 / 1/4 / 15 ft
ND - ROSE LS mode - Glide Deviation (Magenta) - This diamond moves on a vertical scale that has two white dots on each side of the yellow reference line. Each dot corresponds to a deviation of approximately ± ____ °. If the deviation exceeds one dot above _____ RA, both the scale and the diamond flash.
0.4 / 100 ft
ND - LS ROSE mode - The FMS flight phase is DES, APP or GA, or the FMS phase is CRZ and the along track distance to destination is less than _____ NM.
The recording system is automatically active: ‐ On the ground, during the first
five minutes after the aircraft electric network is energized. ‐ On the ground, after the first engine start. ‐ In flight (whether the engines are running or not).