FCAP Flashcards
VHF#3 Shall be addressed to Acars-Datalink communications (ACARS or DATA selected). (Airline Policy) Scan mask is defined
and selected by Maintenance.
Fuel Planning must not be based only on FMS predictions. If the values provided by the FMGS FUEL PLANNING are considerably different from the OFP fuel requirements,
the values shall be crosschecked with the tables “Quick Determination of F-PLN” FCOM / PER-FPL-FLP-QFP-10, according to the instructions provided on it. These tables will be available on EFB ADDOCS, in the file named FUEL DETERMINATION.
During flights operating at Santos Dumont and Congonhas the CM2 should
use present weather conditions to calculate and inform the MTOW to dispatcher with ATIS code via ACARS or when not available using VHF on AZUL’s frequency.
Perf Factor: Should be filled with
OFP value
PERF PAGE: • Insert the takeoff Acceleration Altitude and Thrust Reduction value from Fly Smart (MINALT) / DIM (minimum is 400 ft AGL), except for Santos Dumont where the Acceleration Altitude
is always 1500ft.
ZFW, ZFWCG and THS on FMS; • Update ATOW and T.O CG (basic or extended fwd) on FLYSMART, if necessary; • Validate all data entered on FMS with CM1.
The Pilots may consider a rolling takeoff as long as the conditions below apply:
a) Runway longer than 1.800m; b) Taxiway with direct access to the threshold (no back track); c) Select Modify Runway then choose ENTRY ANGLE of 76° (this configuration will reduce runway length in 76 meters); d) Line up following the yellow line.
When not to perform a rolling takeoff:
a) When penalize the payload; b) Contaminated runway; c) Heavy rain; d) Low Visibility; e) Technical conditions that may affect braking efficiency; f) SBSP and SBRJ Operations; g) Narrow Runways (less than 45m width).
Last Minute Change: • LOADSHEET
Maximum difference between Operational Flight Plan and Loadsheet (AZFW greater than EZFW) is
1300 kg.
If the difference is greater than this value, crew must consider fuel on board,
air traffic and weather before requesting additional fuel. It´s not mandatory to request another OFP. Using table below, crew may request additional fuel to account for weight difference
Set ATC to AUTO when
clear to start the pushback
Last Minute Change: • LOADSHEET
One engine taxi out
Important Information: a) Taxi is only performed by CM1; b) The start of Engine 2 is performed by CM2;
c) Before taxing the Y ELEC PUMP must be turned ON to provide nosewheel steering without using the PTU; d) Before start the Engine 2, the CM2 must turn off the Y ELEC PUMP to enable the PTU automatic test; e) Taxi must be performed in straight line at least 5 sec after selection of the ENG 2 master lever to ON, in order to ensure the PTU automatic test
Confirm runway signs/markings.
Confirm visually if
PERF Speeds and FLT Plan SID on FMS is for the intended takeoff runway.
After the engine has started, operate at or near idle for at least.
3 minutes before selecting high power
Flexible takeoff method should be used. However, it is not permitted on
contaminated runways. In SBSP Flexible takeoff is not permited with WET runway.
For takeoff, all external lights must be on, except
for the wing light
PM should start the Elapsed Time prior
for takeoff in order to monitor the flight time
The LAND LIGHTS must be immediately turned off
after flaps lever is set to zero
In Range Report
The following items must be informed: a) Actual time of departure (ATD)
Out of block time; • Out of ground time. b) Estimated Time Arrival (ETA); c) Delay code.
The following are part of the PF flight progress check: a) Weather: Destination and alternates weather conditions (ACARS and VOLMET);.
b) Step Flight Level: Manage the optimum flight level considering best fuel consumption, wind and turbulence; c) TCAS: Can be selected to BELOW position during cruise at any FL; d) Sec FPL: During cruise, SEC FPL may be used to simulate step climbs, alternate, and contingency routes, such as redispatch route
The following are part of the PM flight progress check: a) OFP: Should be filled up by PM and verified by both pilots during flight;
b) Wind Data: Wind entries should be made at waypoints when there is a difference of either 30° or 30 kt for the wind data and 5 °C for temperature deviation; c) Flight Monitoring: After the first flight hour ACARS free text message must be sent with the following information to DISPATCH:
Last Waypoint + Time Over + ETA (e.g. REMIG 1000 VCP 1130)
Flight Monitoring messages should only be updated in the following situations: • Change in ETA greater than 10 minutes (e.g. NEW ETA 1030);
• Unforecast turbulence encounter (e.g. LGT/MOD/SEV TURB FL390 OVER POS); • Weather deviations exceeding 40 Nm of track. (e.g. XW DEV 45NM R/L); • 30 minutes prior to redispatch point with ETO / Estimated fuel on board / CI / FL (e.g. POPMA 18:00 5.5T CI40 FL380); d) Report of failures that occurred during flight a message must be sent to MAINTENANCE (e.g. ELEC AC ESS BUS FAULT).
LDG CG configuration must be checked on
LOADSHEET (MACLAW) and correctly selected on FlySmart and QRH tables.
Conf A
RWY DRY; • Informed on Airport Briefing for each RWY. • RWY length/width equal or more than 2.200 x 45 CONF 3 2. REV IDLE 3. AUTOBRAKE LO
Conf B
RWY DRY; • Informed on Airport Briefing for each RWY. CONF FULL 2. REV IDLE 3. AUTOBRAKE LO
Conf C
RWY WET; • Informed on Airport Briefing for each RWY. • Required by performance. 1. CONF FULL 2. REV IDLE - RWY DRY 3. REV MAX - RWY WET 4. AUTOBRAKE MED
In Range Report a) The following items must be informed: • ETA; • Maintenance status. b) And if necessary:
GPU/LPU; • QTA/QTU; • Special requirements for passenger (ex. Wheelchair). c) Obtain parking spot and next schedule flight for aircraft. d) Obtain information if has connecting passengers that will remain on board
When LANDING GEAR is selected down,
the LAND LIGHTS must be turned on
At or below taxi speed, CM1 disarm the spoilers then After Landing Flow should be initiated, including
selection of Brake Fan
The flight crew must operate the engines at or near idle thrust for a cooling period of
3 min before engine shutdown, in order to thermally stabilize the engines.
One Engine Taxi is the normal TAXI-IN procedure. It must be disconsidered if any of following situations apply:
a) Overweight landing / High gross weight; b) Slippery taxiways; c) Uphill slopes; d) Low visibility conditions; e) Hi workload after landing; f) MEL ITEM related to: • AIR CONDITIONING; • APU; • ELETRICAL POWER; HYDRAULIC POWER; • PNEUMATIC.
The flight crew must operate the engines at or near idle thrust for a cooling period of 3 min before engine shutdown, in order to thermally stabilize the engines.
Y pump off
Since the aircraft system automatically disregard any unavailable satellite, Airbus does not require to
deselect the PRN number displayed in NOTAM AZUL.
OFP with Reclearance: With any difference (AZFW greater than EZFW)
a new Operational Flight Plan can be requested by Captain.
When performing a Take-Off, in case of a RTO due to Engine Failure, call: