some facts to learn physical Flashcards
what proportion of worlds water is stored in:
- Oceans
- freshwater
- saline
Oceans- 96.5%
Fresh- 2.5%
Saline- 0.9%`
Of the 2.5% freshwater, how much is stored in the cryosphere and groundwater
- 7% Glaciers
30. 1% ground water this includes atmosphere, rivers swamps, soil moisture and living things
how much of the groundwater water is stored in rivers?
0.49% less than in swamps which is 2.6%
ice core dating has found that some water in Antarctica is how old?
how much rainfall is in the sea
rainfall 74% of rainfall is in sea
what is the annual precipitation in polar regions
200mm or less
how much rainfall returns to amazons local water cycle
constant high temps and 50-75% of rainfall returns by evaportransiration
where is the rain that falls in the amazon distributed to
75% of precipitation consumed by trees
>less than 25% of rainfall reaches the rivers or other surface water
whats the annual precipitation in the rainforest
what % of global rainforest area is amazon
how much of amazon is cut down in last 50 years
what proportion of known world species in rainforest
when were there large forest fires in the amazon
when did demand for soy beans increase
what % rainforest protected before 2012
28% including strict reserves/ sustainable use and letting indigenous people conserve forest
what % rainforest protected after 2012
when was deforestation at a low
2012 due to the protection of forest
what % increase in deforestation of rainforest would be catastrophic for the environement
how many people live in murray darling basin
how many HEP sites are along the Yukon river
how long is the yukon river
3,540 km
how large is the amazon basin
1 million km2
chalk aquifers supply what % of londons drinking water
how many people live in london
13 million
what can cause variations in the climate of the Murray darling basin
the El Nino effect
when was carbon taxation on high emission cars scrapped
this policy was put on hold in 2015 and lower road taxes for low-carbon emitting cars was scrapped
how many trees will the big tree plant in uk plant
the big tree plant campaign is to plant 1 million trees particularly in urban areas
how many trees worth of sequestering does 1 CCS plant do
40 billion trees
when is UK hoping to be carbon neutral
UK be able to reach goal of being carbon neutral within the next 10-20 years
when was carbon taxation “Carbon price floor” enforced in UK
tax on fossil fuels used to generate electricity
(Renewable switching) how much has swedens dependence of fossil fuels fallen by?
75% of energy mix in 1970
now 20%
how much of swedens renewable energy is HEP or nuclear
how much of sweden renewable is wind
how much does Canandas boundary dam ai to cut emissions by
90% by trapping it in the ground rather than atmosphere
how many times more have arctic temperatures risen by compared to the global average
> arctic temperature have risen twice as much last 20 years
where is Yukon
territroy in northwest canada with a significant part in the arctic circle
how much has ice area in Yukon decreased by
shrunk by 22% since 1958
how much have inflows to yukon river increased by
> inflows to Yukon river increased by 39% due to these processes
when was the hottest year on record so far
1 degrees above the pre-industrial era
how much less rain will the sahal and Mediterranean receive
20-30% less rain
when was there a big drought in the amazon
2005, 2010mand 2014-15
how much of terrestrial vegetation crbon store is in the amazon
what were the impacts of drought in the amazon
billions of trees died
rivers dried up, fish died
less carbon stored in forest as drier
how much co2 does rainforest usually absorb per year
1.5 billion tonnes of CO2 a year
how much CO2 was released in amazon in 2005
5 billion tonnes
how much CO2 was released in amazon in 2010
8 billion tonnes
how much of coral reefs may be bleached
80% eg great barrier
how many bird species are effected by fewer bird habitats in north america
what % of land species with limited adaptability to chnaging climate will go extinct
what are the rates of extinction of all species
15-40% all species particular those in arctic
how much further north do species of butterflies move north each decade?
wood to use as fuel which is the source of how many people globally
how much of world oxygen do coral reefs produce
how much of ocean floor do coral reefs cover
what % of marine species live in coral reefs
home to 25% marine species
how long ago was the continental drift
3 million
how long do milankavich cycles last
milankavich cycles last over 100,000 years
how many degrees does axil tilt change by
from 21.5 degrees and 24.5 degrees
how long do axil tilt cycles last
41,000 cycles
how long do axil wobble cycles last
results in 21,000 year cycles and changes the severity of the seasons
how much longer are summers when orbit is more circular in a perihelion
Summers will eb around 4 days longer in these conditions which also means winters are shorter so there is less ice.
an aphelion is furthest point away and has opposite effect
how many sherpas live in sagamatha national park
how much have glaciers shrunk in sagamatha NP
shrunk by 13%
impacting HEP, farming and creating lakes that could cause flooding if breaches glacial debris dam
what magnitude was the earthquake that hit nepal an how many people did the consequent avalanch kill
-7.8 magnitude struck 220km from everast
killed 22
how many people do avalanches kill a year worldwide
how many visitors does Zermatt in Swiz attract a year
how many at peak season
2 million
35,000 a peak times
how much of the worlds fresh water do glaciers store
how many glaciers on chinese side of tibetan plateau
how many depend on glacial water supplies
2 billion
how many reservoirs does china plan to build
when was antarctic treaty set up
Antarctica is protected by international treaty
since 1959
how big is the alaska wildlife refuge in km2
when did sagamatha become a national park
what about UNESCO world heritage site
how big is sagamatha np
what % of land are zermatt reforesting
revegetating areas to cover 85% of areas
how much of nepals forest now remains
how many residents in the Alps
14million residents
how many tourists in the alps
120 million tourists
how many countries have signed the antarctic treaty
60 which is representative of 89% of worlds people
What is the population of Caribou in Greenland in 1993, compared to in 2001?
1993 = 7000 2001 = 140,000
What is the population of Greenland?
When was the Kyoto Protocol introduced?
When was the Paris Agreement signed?
How many countries signed the Paris Agreement?
How much did the Paris Agreement give the US for Climate Risk Insurance?
$420 million
How deep is Continuiouss Permafrost?
How deep is sporadic Permafrost?
What % of the Caingorms National Park is “wild land”?
What % of the Caingorms National Park is protected by European Laws?
How many people live and work in the Cairngorms?
periglacial landscape example
yamal peninsula
How deep is the permafrost on the Yamel Peninsula?
On the Yamel Peninsula how long is the Railway which has been built?
What is the population of the Nenets on the Yamel Peninsula?
ethnic group native to northern arctic Russia, Russian Far North.
How far can the Nenets migrations be?
1000km each way
what % of earthquakes occur on pacific ring of fire
how many volcanos are there in the world and how many erupt each year
50 yearly
indonesia has the most
what % of earthquakes are along plate boundaries
give example of transform fault and how big was the last earthquake here
san andreas
1906- 8.3
when was the loma prieta earthquake
how hot are lava flows
1170 degrees
how big and fast are Lahars
vary in size and speed can we 100m’s wide and travel 10m/s so too fast to outrun
over last 300 years how many have died due to volcanic hazards
how many evacuated in iceland eruption
how much did airlines lose in iceland eruption
$1.7 billion
how high did the plume of very fine volcanic ash of icelands volcano go
33,000 ft
which spread over west europe
how many passengers unable to board flights in icelandic eruption
10 million
how much did europe economy lose in iceland eruption
$5 billion
when was the eyjafjallajokull eruption
how many people died in indian ocean tsunami
how many commercial flights cancelled in icelandic eruption
how many villages destroyed in sumatra 2004
how many left homeless in sumatra in 2004
how many structures in somalia were damaged by 2004 tsunami
how much did tourist industry lose in 2004 in thailand and how many lost their jobs
$25 million a month
120,000 lost jobs
what was the overall cost of the 2004 indian ocean tsunami
$10 billion
what caused tsunami in 2004
estimated 9.0 magnitude earthquake heaved ocean floor up 15m sending out shock waves
how far did vegetation and top soil move inland in 2004 tsunami
vegetation and top soil moved 800m inland
what was the number of people dead and missing of the 2010 haiti earthquake
what % of villagers killed in coastal villages in tsunami 2004
what % of people over 60 live in less developed regions
what factors does PAR model include
pressure and release model
1= root causes eg limited access to resources or ideolgies
2= dynamic pressures such as lack of training and skills or macro forces such as deforestation or population growth
3= unsafe conditions such as fragile economy, environment, particular groups at risk
what is the GDP per capita in Haiti
what was the magnitude of the 2011 japan earthquake and tsunami
why was it hard to access coastal communities in 2004 IOTsunami
jetties had been washed away and much of the infrastructure lost
what % of sri lankas industrial infrastructure and fishing fleet destroyed
what was the economic cost of the 2010 haiti earthquake
$14 billion
what is the GDP per capita in japan
$39, 473
what was the magnitude of the 2008 china earthquake
what was the number of people dead and missing of the 2008 china earthquake
what is japans hazard risk score
133/190 nations
what was the number of newly homeless people in the 2008 china earthquake
5 million
what % of earthquakes in world effect japan
what is the GDP per capita in china
what was the economic cost of japans 2011 E + T
$240 billion
how many more passengers did eurostar see after icelandic eruption
what was the number of newly homeless people in the 2010 haiti earthquake
1.3 million
how many made homeless in japan earthquake and tsunami
number of dead and missing in 2011 japan earthquake and tsunami
what was the economic cost of china earthquake
$125.6 billion
how many relief workers died during china earthquake
how many tonnes of debris left over from earthquake and tsunami in japan
25 million tonnes
how many buildings destroyed in japan earthquake
magnitude of haiti earthquake
how much did chinese gov pledge to rebuild
$10 billion
within 2 weeks already rebuidling
how many people lost homes in haiti earthquake
in 2015 how many still homeless
1.3 million as it hit HISPANIOLA
2015 80,000 still displaced
what % in haiti live in poverty
what % of chinas gdp do the 2 regions worst hit acount for
how many troupes released in 2011 japan earthquake
how much in aid was donated to Haiti
$13 billion
how many struggled with after effects of 2010 earthquakes cholera outbreak
7000 died
720,000 effected
what is the overall trend with economic cost in natural disasters
increasing cost
in 1990 $20 billion
this increased by $100 billion a year between 2000 and 2010
how hot are pyroclastic flows and how fast do they travel
-700 degrees
much faster than lava flows as they are 100km/h
how much higher is death toll from disasters in low income countries
how did japans energy mix change after the earthquake
before 27% was from nuclear
after- 44 reactors shut down and only 1% of energy was from a nuclear source
what % live in poverty in philippines
what were the effects of the 2006 earthquake in the Philippines
damaged or destroyed buildings
15 deaths
injured 100
destroyed 800
in California, when was the last time more than 100 died in disaster
1933 Long beach earthquake
how much did the icelandic eruption cost countries such as Kenya and Zambia who provide fruit to Europe
how many natural disasters was the Philippines hit by in 2013
3 in 3 months of each other
how many did typhoon haiyan in November 2013 kill
how many died in nepal earthquake in 2015
how much did 2015 nepal earthqauke cost
$5 billion 25% of their gdp
how many left homeless in 2015 nepal earthquake
example of when diverting lava flows was successful
successful in 1983 Mount etna
how many left homeless in the 2005 Pakistan earthquake
3.5 million left homeless
how did ngos help in the 2005 Pakistan earthquake
-provided over 500,000 tents and blankets and safe water for 700,000 and helped w/ emergency medical care eg Red Cross
how did hurricane sandy effect recovery efforts in haiti
slowed recovery