Geopolitical Interventions Flashcards
name some humanitarian motivations for intervention in a country
- offering development aid to poorer countries
- protecting human rights
- encouraging healthcare and education
name some mutual benefit motivations for intervention in a country
- strengthening security and stability
- promote trade and protect routes
- assess resources
- encourage inward investment
name some military power motivations for intervention in a country
- providing military support
- increasing global or regional influence
when has development aid been given through history
- cold war given for political reasons to persuade countries east of west
- end of cold war to help poor
- 21st centuary in poor countries combatting extremism eg syria
- also to control migration in turkey and nigeria
what is Aid usually given in the form of
how much aid given by EU was:
- government and civil society aid
- humanitarian aid
-money allocated for specific purposes
- 2014 17% of EU aid was for government and civil society
- 17% for humanitarian aid
what is official development assistance
and what are ‘flows’
-term used by OECD to measure aid. widely used as an indicator of flows of international aid
Flows= transfer of resources eg money, services and commodities
what is the UKs bilateral aid target
and how much in aid in 2013
0.7% of GNI on international trade
equated to £11.2 billion in 2013
how much did Uk gov give to somalia in 2012
£86.8 million (somalia most corrupt country)
how much aid did UK give to afghanistan
£200 million
who is the biggest receiver of Overseas Development Aid ODA
afghanistan with $5,050 million in 2013 followed by Myanmar with $3,417 million
positives of south korea in Health and human rights
- world class education and healthcare
- impeached president due to bribery
when is military aid usually given
given to countries with a poor human rights record
-often given at a change of regime so that there is support for improvement in human rights
how is developmental aid imporving human rights in places like sub saharan africa
in Sub-Saharan Africa, UK and US aid is targeted at developing countries, and may improve human rights through meeting basic needs (education, health, food, water and shelter) but it is also about geopolitical influence by creating allies, fighting threats such as terrorism and countering influences from elsewhere (Russia, China)
bilateral aid meaning
Given from one country to another, either as cash grants, loans, or technical or military equipment.
explain how developmental aid can improve human rights (EXAM QUESTION)
> creating jobs creating infrastructure and transport which will improve human rights like article 4 which is freedom from slavery and forced labour. particiarly important in countries like Taiwan and south korea which were supported by USA and are now “tiger economies” and people can work to support families
> combatting extremism in places like Afghanistan and syria, this has improved education and health in these regions after wars such as the afghanistan war in 2001.
article 25 sees health as part of standard right of living. There has been increased gender equality in places like afghanistan in terms of education. fact on literacy rates
»in haiti after the earthquake and since 1980s Christian Aid has helped communities at rural level by providing 10,000 hygiene kits 7000 with clean water
how has development aid not reduced inquality in developing countries 20 marks
HAS NOT>encouraged corruption as there is large ammounts of money involved. and indirectly encourages authoritarian regimes.
> Aid given to Somalia in 2012 from UK which is ranked most currupt nation but still 3/5 children arent in school and many females are still violated
however development aid not only to blame as somalia also troubled by cyclones and droughts
>as well as aid in Afghanistan although education has been improved there is still a gender equality gap in this area and power vacuums have caused more corruption from uprising of groups
However it can be argued that military aid is to blame for this
An analysis of cases between 2007 and 2012 found sanctionable fraud or corruption in 157 contracts worth $245 million, according to world bank
HAS NOT> small scale charities like christian aid helping in rural communities rather than NGOs in urban locations. In 2015 5 years after earthquake 85000 still living in temporary housing. and although haiti are still facing problems the amount of intervention there has been decreasing recently
large amount of haiti still live in poverty
In haiti after earthquake only 2% of the aid made it to the haitian civilians of the $13billion
HAS REDUCED> ECONOMIC AND creating jobs creating infrastructure and transport which will improve human rights like article 4 which is freedom from slavery and forced labour. particiarly important in countries like Taiwan and south korea which were supported by USA and are now “tiger economies” and people can work to support families
HAS REDUCED- GENDER INQUALITY The £143 million programme — delivered through direct cash transfers — has reached 600,000 people in emergencies — including 71,000 families in northern Kenya with severely malnourished children, and pregnant and breastfeeding women. BECAUSE OF UK AID decreased inquality of gender
what % population in haiti live on less than $2 a day
in 2015 how many in haiti still living in temp housing
according to world bank how much aid was lost due to corruption of governments
$245 million
why can trade embargos be effective in bringing about change
-exports and national income is reduced which forces countries to change there ways
what was the trade embargo in iran due to
lifted in 2016- concerns of enriched uranium being used in nuclear weapons
USA pulled out of nuclear deal it made other european countries feel obliged to too
when was there a trade embargo in South africa
effective trade embargo during apartheid years of 1948-1994 figures such as nelson Mandela fought for rights
(more successful example) brought about change
what was the apartheid
Apartheid was a political and social system in South Africa during the era of White minority rule. It enforced racial discrimination against non-Whites, mainly focused on skin colour and facial features. This existed in the twentieth century, from 1948 until the early-1990s.
what was the USA Cuba trade embargo
how much did it cost both countries
when was it lifted
codemned by UN
- cost cuba $685 million a year but cost USA $1.2 billion a year
- lifted in 2016 under Obama