Social impacts of globalisation Flashcards
Model Answer Plan
Evaluate the impact of globalisation on an emerging economy (12)
increase in middle class in Asia ‘new global middle class’
outstanding in Hong Kong and Singapore but uneven as poor standard in rural India+Bangladesh
more high speed railways and airports to major cities like Jakarta and more ‘extreme high rise development’ in cities like Hong Kong
but increase in slums like Dharavi, Mumbai
ENVIRONMENT decrease in forested land due to exploitation
how many poeple have escaped $1.25 a day poverty since 1990
how many in China alone
1 billion
500 million
how many middle class people will Asia be home to by 2030
3 billion
how many PhDs did China award in 2012
how much do those living in Dharavi slum live on a month
how much is the thriving recycling industry in Dharavi worth
how many does it employ
£700 million
employs 250,000 people
what is income per capita in China
$7500 in 2015
what does the term global shift refer to?
international relocation of different types of industry particularly manufacturing since the 1960’s
what are general problems associated with global shift
> unethical economic practices such as dangerous working conditions and child labour
unequal pay for men and women
polluting industries in lower income countries are TNCS which are subject to fewer environmental regulations
how many Indians in 2015 lived in a home that had no toilet
half a billion
regarding gap between rich and poor
costs and benefits of Indias call centers
outsourcing service jobs
\+ middle class standard pay for India standards \+ outsourcing companies like this have been very profitable with revenues of $9 billion in some companies in 2015
how much did extreme poverty in China fall by from 1990 to 2005
from 60% to 16%
how much do Honda employees earn a month in China
due to increase in pay of what % in 2010
(outsourcing manufacturing jobs)
after protests rose their pay from 30-65% more in 2010
which tech companies now manufacture in china
where are the very low payed ‘sweatshop’ jobs bases
how much does air polution in china decrease life expectancy
5 years which increased risk of lung cancer and strokes
flow diagram of inner city spiral of deprivation due to deindurstrialisation:
old factories close»»
land becomes derelict and jobs lost»»>
people leave inner city»»
fewer services needed so shops and schools close»>
more jobs lost and more people leave
low income groups stay»» little money goes into area
»»more crime and vandalism»»quality of life decline
what are the challenges faced by spirals of deline in places like Detroit
> high unemployment
crime - switched off in terms of globalisation can mean switched on in terms of illegal activity such as drugs
depopulation - decrease in house prices and has also reignited racial tentions due to “white flight”
how much is life expectancy lower in low income US urban districts compared to richer districts
30 years less
how many residents had detroit lost
1 million
how many abandoned properties in detroit
what are the main causes of urban to rural migration
> urban pull factors- employment and hopes of promotion and advancement in workplace and better healthcare and education
> rural push factors- poverty caused by popuation growth as there are not enough jobs for those that need them
also agricultural modernisation reduces rural labour
> ‘shrinking world technology’- satallites TV and radio make areas switched on in terms of globalisation and poor individuals in places like Africa also begin to use technology knowledge is shared as well as improved transport which has removed barriers of migration
what % world live in urban environment
50% in 2008
what are intervening obstacles
barriers to migrants such as political borders or physical features like mountains and deserts
how many internal migrants in cities in 2013
what proportion in china
750 million (int. migrants are migrants within country)
1/3 were Chinese rural-urban migrants
Sao Paulo recieves how many new residents annually from migration
half a million
leads to increase in informal housing which in some places like Rio has become desirable due to electrics in shanty town Rochinha which also has a McDonalds and hair salons and health clinics
how much has the population of mumbai increased by since 1970
doubled in size
now 22million
effects of rapid megacity growth in mumbai
+more big brands like Starbucks and Hilton which increase employment
+/-wealthy people in Bollywood areas and high house prices
+recycling industry with 5000 employed in plastic recycling
-rising land price increases pressure to redevelop slum areas
effects of rapid megacity growth in Karachi
(capital of pakistan before 1960)
-was the second most populated megacity at a time
+produces skilled graduates at the university which go on to work for software comanies and media
+range of sectors such as shipping banking and retailing
what are the social and environmental challenges of megacity growth
> > > Environmental problems and sustainability
water pollution, sewage, exhaust pollution cities in pakistan and india face high intensity rainfall in monsoon season, smog
Social problems and sustainability
inadequate housing, healthcare and education, also extremist political movements
improvement needed in these places as places like Lagos, Nigeria have doubled in size since 2000
what are the 3 types of population that have led to the growth of global hubs
- elite international migrants (highly skilled/socially influential individuals some have multiple homes in dif. countries)
- low-waged international migrants (legal and illegal work in domestic/ kitchens/construction)
- internal rural urban migrants (main driver of growth in emerging economies less a role in Europe)
what are the costs of migration for host country
- Political parties change polices to address public concerns such as reducing migration
- new markets develop bringing visible changes to urban built environment
- social tensions arise if host country believe migration is to blame for lack of jobs
-pressure on rented sector of housing market
what are the costs of migration for source country
- reduced economic growth as consumption falls
- loss of key workers/ skilled workers and brain drain affect
- fewer young people
what are the benefits of migration for host country
- fills particular skills shortages such as many indian doctors arriving in UK in 1950’s
- economic migrants willingly do labouring work that locals may be reluctant to eg) polish workers on farms in Peterborough
what are the benefits of migration for source country
- some government spending costs are tranferred to host region
- less pressure on services, spending on housing and health
what does international migration cause over time inevitably
interdependence (as does globalisation)
what is interdependence
each country depends on the economic wealth of the other for its own continues well-being
-Uk economy dependent on east europe for labour and east europe rely on money coming in from uk
(in 2009 many building projects cancelled in UK had large affect on estonias economy which shrank 13%)
-social and political ties form eg) large no.s of indian migrants to UK has strengthend Uk friendship with india
how much did estonias economy shrink by due to lack of income from workers in UK
what is cultural imperialism
practise of promoting culture of one nation in another.
usually case where one economy is large, powerful economically and military and other is smaller less affluent
what is soft power
global influence a country has from its culture, political views and diplomacy
USAs soft power comes from hollywood, harvard and microsoft
name some cultural traits
traditions language food religion clothing
evaluate the factors influencing the emergence of global culture
TNC’s - idea of glocalisation, shapes common culture like food clothes, bring cultural change - TNCS may adapt products to suit different places better like McDonalds
GLOBAL MEDIA- Disney, west festivals like halloween and christmas, bbc maintains uk cultural influence. overseas also Japan influence through anime which is non-western
MIGRATION AND TOURISM- take language and customs with them, eg) UK migrants love of cricket taken to other countries,
but is this meaningful or more superficial
what is glocalisation
adapting goods or services of business to increase consumer appeal in different local markets
this is what Maccies do :)
effects of rising middle class on consumption
more meat consumption affects environment eg) Chinese diets used to consist highly of veg but now higher in pork and beef due to affluence
challenges of urban growth
model answer
W aste
I nformal economy
S anitation
H ousing
eg mumbai
what was unemployement in poland up by due to migration
how much money goes to UK economy each year due to Russian Oligarchs
£7 billion
how many russians call London home
what % of houses worth over £5 million are owned by russians in UK
how much do polish migrants contribute to UK economy
£25 billion much more than russians
impacts on global culture due to globalisation:
model answer ideas
> Spread of westernised culture (cultural diffusion)
new oppertunities for disadvantaged groups (paralympics)
Cultural erosion (case study papua new guinea)
how many sites does UNESCO protect worldwide
how many listed buidlings in UK
how many cultural groups in papua new guinea
(with own languages, forms of art and dance and weaponary, skilled at hunting and farming)
became party britsh/ german colony in 1884
when was the first paralympic games
1960 in Rome