Sollars - Gene Mapping Flashcards
Gene Mapping
Assignment of genes to specific chromosome locations
Genome Scan Linkage Anlysis
Aren’t sure, bumping against strandard–casting a wide net
Candidate Gene Approach
Gene suspected to lie in a particular region. Used to rule out or rule in suspected disease gene that has already been mapped.
Have an idea, specific testing–soda straw
Genetic Map: Cytogenic Map
Places genes into specific cytogenetic bands of karyotype
Genetic Maps: Linkage or Genetic Map
Orders genes and genetic markers by recombinatyion distance (cM)
Genetic Maps: Physical Map
Orders genes and geneteic markers along the DNA strand of a chromosome; d measure in kb
Genetic Maps: DNA Sequence
Array of all genes and markers it encodes
Sort of a map..
What are some important usage of genetic mapping?
Understand function of human genome
Segregation of genetic disease
Gene therapy strategy development
Clinically useful linkage information
What is required for loci to be informative in genetic mapping?
Need heterozygosity at the marker locus and disease gene locus
If Phase is known, what is result of statistical power?
Need heterozygosity and haplotypes for at least three generations
What can throw off calculated genetic distance vs actual physical distances?
Not all regions form chiasmatas with equal efficiences (interference)
LOD Score (Z) Method of Determining Linkage
Log of ratio of likelihood that a given pedigree can be obtained given a recombination frequency, theta, compared to the likelihood that the pedigree arose with no linkage.
Allows determination if genes are linked and the distance between them (cM)
Z must be >3 to assume linkage
Does NOT require phase, but knowing it can double the power
Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs)
Variations occuring within a species in the lngth of DNA fragments generated by specific endonuclease. Creat or abolish recognition sites for these enzymes.
What must you know for RFLP analysis?
How is it commonly used (disease-wise)?
Genotype for disease and RFLP locus
Distance between loci in cM
Determination of PKD1, PKD2
Cystic Fibrosis
Autosomal Recessive Pattern
Most common leathal disorder in caucasians; first identified using positional cloning
Positional cloning
Cloning a gene on basis of it’s map position, without knowing what gene does or its molecular function