Sollars - Chromosome Abnormalities Flashcards
Addition or Loss of Chromosomes
2n - 1
Trisomic? Major conditions (e.g. survivable)
2n + 1 13/18/21/X/Y
What is the source for most polyploidies?
Nondisjunction in Meiosis 1 or Meiosis 2
What is the process for nondisjunction in mitosis?
Sister chromatids fail to migrat to opposite poles during anaphase; can result in mosaicism
Trisomy 21 Mosaicism
If nondisjunction occurs after the first division, but early in zygote development
Trisomy 13
Patau 1/25,000 Cleft lip, extra digits, ocular abnormalities; usually lethal by 6 mon
Trisomy 18
Edwards (Eighteen = Edwards, E’s) 1/8,000; 95% spon aborted 80% Female, elf ears, clenched firsts, rocker-bottom feet; usually lethal by 6 mon
Trisomy 21
Downs Most common trisomy Mental retardation, palmer crease, specific eye and facial features; majority cause is maternal non-disjunction; increases with mother age
Tris 13/18 account for what percentage of spon abortions?
What is one of the few main autosomal monosomies?
Turner Syndrom (Xo)
What is the translocation that occurs in “hereditary” downs?
What is the main source of DS?
75-50% = M1 nondisjunction in mother M2 account for remainder
Hereditary/Familial Aneuploidy
More rare; mutation present in all germline and somatic cells
1o Non Disjunction
2o Non Disjunction
Primary - Nondisjunction occuring in cells with normal chromosome number
Secondary - Nondisjunction occurs at higher frequency in aneuploid cells
General frequency of chromomal abnormalities
~.6% of live births in general population
Of this, half are trsiomies, half are structural
Rough Percentage of Maternal vs Paternal contribution for:
Trisonomies: P = 15, M = 85
45, X: P = 80
47, XXX: M=95
47,XXY: 50/50
47,XYY: P=100
How would you determine parental risk for Robertsonian translocation?
What region of 21 has been identified as a likely candidate for mental retardation phenotype?
Contiguous Gene Syndrome
Deletion of a segment of DNA containing portions from multiple adjacent genes – e.g:
Loss of function of multiple genes next to eachother