SOG Section 8 - Medical Flashcards
What considerations should be given during a medical response?
Personnel with broken facial skin wear a face shield in lieu of goggles/safety glasses
Proper PPE is worn at all times
Bring air-monitoring if seemingly necessary
All non-essential personnel are out of working area, including during transport phase
Notifying responding PRP and EMS of potential hazards
When should personnel upgrade PPE in medical situation?
When they feel it is warranted or directed by CAPTAIN
When should Medical Training Officer or alternate be contacted?
When more thorough decon and cleaning may be required and determine proper decon or retirement of exposed equipment
What shall be done if medical waste bag is too large for receptacle?
Place beside receptacle and notify A&M to contact disposal company and arrange pickup
What special precautions are to be taken during a pandemic?
Personnel wear pandemic specific PPE
Assess and care for patient from a distance of 2 metres, where possible
When Paramedics onscene prior and ready to perform patient care, what steps should Fire take?
Stage on-scene and request Fire Control confirm with CACC is fire required. If so, only personnel required will assist
What shall Captain do if fire arrives prior to EMS during pandemic?
Ensure patient contacted is limited to 1 FF, unless determined by Captain for additional help
Captain will remain at entrance, with proper PPE, and maintain eye-line or radio contact with FF
What shall happen if a possible unprotected exposure has occurred?
Notify immediate supervisor
Seek immediate medical care if needed
Fill out workplace illness/injury report
What shall a supervisor do when notified of an unprotected exposure?
Notify on-duty Designated Officer (DC or PC) ASAP
What shall a Captain ensure is on a DNR form?
Serial Number
Patient’s name (spelled correctly)
Tick box confirming one of conditions has been met
Signature by nurse or physician
Date form was signed
What steps may be taken if valid DNR on file?
Interventions or therapies for palliative care or to alleviate pain
-provide 02, suction, etc (no life-saving measures)
What must Captain do regarding MAR form with DNR?
Document event in remarks section and document serial number of DNR
What shall be done if no DNR presented?
If caregivers/family claim DNR on file and deny access to patient, remain on-scene until EMS arrives to transfer care
Where is serial number located on DNR?
Top right hand corner