Command of Initial Emergency Operations Flashcards
What is NFPA 1561?
Standard on Emergency Services Incident Management System and Command Safety
What are the three levels of Command?
Strategic - overall directions and goal
Tactical - Actions necessary to achieve goals
Task - Assignment of actions to be taken
What is the only position that is always filled at an incident?
Incident Commander
What dictates how a scene will run for the next hour?
What the first arriving officer does in the first 5 minutes
What does management of an incident require of an officer?
Developing strategies and tactics, Determine resources and their use
What is span of control for emergency operations?
What are the three strategic priorities of the IC?
Life Safety
Incident Stabilization
Property Conservation
What are three other responsibilities of IC?
Building a command structure that matches the organizational needs of the incident
Translating the strategic priorities into tactical objectives
Assigning resources required to perform tactical assignments
What are the three initial operational modes?
Fast Attack
What three situations will end fast attack mode?
Situation is stabilized
Situation not stabilized and officer must withdraw to exterior and establish command post
Command is passed to another officer
What are the nine functions of Command?
Determine strategy
Select incident tactics
Establish IAP (Incident Action Plan)
Developing ICS organization
Managing resources
Coordinating Resource activities
Providing for scene safety
Releasing incident information
Coordinating with outside agencies
What three command functions are immediate and must be completed during size-up?
Determine strategy, Select tactics, Establish IAP
What is the two in/two out rule?
Minimum 2 FF in IDLH atmosphere, 2 FF staged just outside IDLH atmosphere who can account for other crew and be capable of rescuing the other team
When are PAR checks required?
Every 20 minutes
The incident drastically changes
A FF is unaccounted for
What are the four differences between Modern and Legacy homes (pre-1980)?
Larger homes (up to 2x)
Open concept
Increased fuel loads
New construction materials
What are the “Incident Commander’s Rules of Engagement for Firefighter Safety”?
Obtain 360 size-up
Determine occupant survival profile
Conduct initial risk assessment and implement safe action plan
If proper resources aren’t available, consider defensive
High Risk, High Reward/Low Risk, Low Reward
Limited risk for saveable property only
Vigilant and measured risk to protect and rescue saveable lives
Act upon reported unsafe practices and conditions that can harm FFs. Stop, Evaluate and Decide
Maintain frequent 2-way comms and keep interior crews informed of changing conditions
Obtain frequent progress reports and revise action plan
Ensure accurate accountability of every FF
If after primary, little/no fire progress achieved, consider defensive
Always have RIT
Always have REHAB
What is size-up?
Systematic process of gathering and processing information to evaluate the situation and then translating that info into a plan.
When does size-up begin?
Initial call receipt
What is involved in a comprehensive evaluation of a situation?
What can be seen
Reasonable assumption of what can’t be seen
Anticipation of what is likely to happen
When can a plan be adjusted?
When more information becomes available
What is one of the most significant factors in size-up?
What is “softening a target”?
Applying water for 30-90 seconds into the compartment to slow fire progress and improve conditions
What is crucial with ventilation?
Evaluating fire conditions and co-ordinating with interior crews.
What smoke consideration should be given with new construction?
Fire may have become ventilation limited when no smoke showing or very slight smoke. Should increase officer’s caution and awareness.
What is the 5 Step Size-up process?
Plan of operations
What is the National Fire Academy (3-step) Size-up process?
Preincident info
Initial Size-up
Ongoing Size-up
What is RECEO-VS?
What is SLICE-RS?
ID and control flow path
Cool space from safest location
What is OVEIS?
Which direction are sides labeled A,B,C,D?
What incidents may cause a firefighter to have to disrobe at a call?
Asbestos exposure
Hazmat/Drug labs
Chemical/Bio Weapon exposure
Who is in the initial rapid intervention team?
Two members from first attack crew, when situation dictates
What is the standard of procedure for Pass Command?
Officer assuming command communicates over Radio or face-to-face preferably when possible.
Initial IC briefs new IC
Command is only transferred when new IC is briefed
New IC is communicated to dispatch and all units onscene