SOG Section 26/27 - Personal Safety/Tools and Equipment Flashcards
What is the max temperature for gear washing and drying?
40 C/ 105 F
What two stations, other than A&M, have gear washers?
206 & 213
What are the signs of Heat stress?
High core temp
Weak, rapid pulse
Shallow, rapid breathing
Blurred vision and dizziness
Loss of consciousness
Skin pale, cold, clammy
Nausea and vomiting
Who should be assigned to monitor FFs in a rest area?
Rehab and Medics
When should vitals be RECHECKED in resting firefighters to check recovery rate?
5 Minutes
How much rest should a FF be given during incidents?
Equivalent to exertion time
What is considered high ambient temperature for working conditions requiring rest?
20 C
How long can a FF work before requiring rest?
45 minutes or one cylinder
What does CBRNE stand for?
Chemical, Biological, Radioactive, Nuclear, Explosive
What is required for a possible biohazard contamination on gear requiring special cleaning?
Gear into BIO bag
BIO bag into clear bag
Label between bags
Place in black manufacturer’s bags and have A&M pickup gear
Who should Captain’s contact for repairs to bunker gear?
Supply and Equipment officer, who then contacts outside provider
What must accompany bunker gear for annual inspection?
Laundry tag and Special cleaning tagged labeled “Annual Inspection”
When can a supervisor initiate decon protocols?
Whenever they feel it is required
Where is decon to be set-up?
Warm zone
What can be done to minimize bed bug contamination while dealing with patients?
Do not place med bags where bedbugs may be
Stand when dealing with patients, where possible
Inspect everything after leaving a call
Who is to be notified if a bedbug contamination is detected or suspected in fire station or on clothing?
DC or PC
Division Chief of A&M
Joint Health and Safety committee
What is to be done with bedbugs in linen or clothing?
Double bag everything
Note infestation on laundry tag
Ensure personnel handling gear know what’s going on
What is to be done to areas in fire station believed to be infested?
Inspect everywhere bugs can hide
Vacuum thoroughly, then empty vacuum immediately into garbage bag, tie bag and discard
What is one way to control potential asbestos?
Wetting suspected surfaces to minimize fibre disruption
When trained personnel are unavailable to de-energize equipment for lockout, What can BFES do?
Take necessary steps to prevent further injury to patients and ensure safety of FFs performing rescue
What needs to be considered about equipment prior to lockout/tagout?
Amount and type of hazards or energy
Method of controlling main source
Potential Secondary energy sources or reserves (batteries, full pipes, pistons, etc)
More than one type of energy involved
What should be done after lockout to ensure lockout was successful?
Attempt to re-start equipment through normal procedures after cribbing is in place
Who retains the lockout key?
Person in charge of performing the lockout
Who can remove a lockout lock?
ONLY the person responsible for the lockout
What is blanking off?
Capping or sealing a pipe or line that transports hazardous materials
Why is blanking off required instead of just closing a valve?
Valves often leak and can still pose a risk
What should be done with equipment that cannot be locked out?
Place tag close to energy isolating device and assign personnel to stand-by, with a radio, to ensure the power is not inadvertently switched back on
Who shall be notified of lockout removal?
IC or Safety Officer
When shall another lock be attached by the responsible party during lockout/tagout?
Prior to BFES lock removal?
What shall be documented for lockout/tagout?
Staff applying locks/tags
Maintenance staff onscene
Personnel responsible for removing locks/tags
Where are the insulated electrical gloves located?
A&M vehicle
What are the electrical glove ratings?
Class 0 and 1000 volts
Where are the missing/defective med equipment forms found?
What steps are to be taken upon discovery of missing/defective equipment in station?
Check the station and boards
Contact, via email, all other stations to see if they can locate it
Return to suspected scene to see if equipment was left behind (VSA, etc)
Submit missing forms
Ensure note is made on whiteboard
Ff Defective, make note on whiteboard and tag and send equipment to A&M