Software Flashcards
What is Software?
Software is a set of instructions that guides the computer and tells it how to accomplish each required task.
Eg. Google Chrome and Adobe Photoshop.
Types: System and Application
What is System Software?
A program or set of instructions that can protect, maintain and manage the resources of a computer system.
Eg. The Operating System, Utility Software and Language Translators.
What is Utility Software?
These are specialised software that tries to protect and maintain the system software and the entire computer.
Protects System Software:
a. Anti-virus
b. Anti-malware.
Maintains system software:
a. File Compression
b. System Backup
c. System Recovery
What is the Operating System?
A collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs.
1. File Management - creating/deleting files/folders
2. Memory Management - virtual memory
3. Input/Output Management - device drivers
4. Process Management - Timesharing
5. Provides a UI - S.U.I.
6. Security - passwords
What are Translators?
Programs which convert program code to machine language or code (1s and 0s).
What is Application Software?
Application programs are written to solve end-user problems.
- General-Purpose
- Custom-Written
- Customisation of General Purpose or Customised
- Specialised software or Special purpose
- Integrated Software Package
Eg. Payroll
Stock Control
What is General -purpose application software?
Used by a large number of people in a variety of jobs and personal situation:
- Word-processing
- Spreadsheet
- Database Management
- Communication
- Graphics/Presentation
What are the advantages of general-purpose software?
- You can install it yourself
- Cheaper than employing a programmer
- Easy updating and revising
- Familiarity
- Help is easy to find.
What are the Disadvantages of general-purpose software?
- Package may be poorly documented.
- Package may have hidden problems.
- Package may not fit the user’s needs exactly.
- Package may not be user friendly.
What is Custom-written Software?
Software that has been designed or created by a programmer to meet the unique need of a user or organisation. For example: a specially written software for your accounting firm.
What are the advantages of custom-written software?
- Meets the need of the user specifically
- Can grow with the company.
- Relieve stress placed on employees and save money from hiring additional staff.
What are the Disadvantages of custom-written software?
- Budget hard to project as expectations may change mid-way.
- An experienced software team is needed.
- You need to retrain new users of the software.
What is Customised software?
A generalised software package that has been tailored to meet a usr or firm’s specific needs.
Areas that can be customised include:
1. Screen colour
2. Page size and arrangement on the desktop
3. Navigation to available menus.
What are specialised software packages?
Software packages written for a specific discipline. Eg. an expert system.
- Business Application: programs that perform the information processing tasks of important business functions or industry requirements.
- Scientific Application: programs that perform information processing tasks for the natural, physical, social and behavioural sciences.
What is an Integrated Software Package?
A combination of several programs joined together in one program (for example: word-processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation- Microsoft Office.)
What are User Interfaces?
A user interface is the part of the operating system controlled by users, allowing them to interact with both software and hardware components.
- Software User Interface
- Hardware User Interface
What are the types of Software User Interface?
- Graphical User Interface.
- Command-driven Interface or Command - line.
- Menu-driven Interface.
What are Graphical User Interfaces?
Allow the use of graphics (images), menus, icons and keyboard strokes to choose commands, start programs and see lists of files and options. It is the easiest to use
What is the Command-line user interface?
Requires users to type commands using a special language and code. Commands are typed at the prompt on the display screen. Eg. C:/> prompt., MS-DOS
This is the hardest.
What is a Menu-driven Interface?
Provides a list of options for the user to choose from. The interface allows the user to use either the mouse or cursor to make selections from a menu. - Pulldown/Popup
A. Drop down - list stretching across the top of the screen which displays a submenu below when activated. (L-click)
B. Pop-up: appears on the monitor where your mouse is positioned. (R-click)