soft tissue dif dx principles Flashcards
For Soft Tissue Lesions what should we consider?
- Texture/ Consistency
- Association with surrounding tissue
– Fixed vs. Moveable
– Displacing vs. devouring - Anatomic Location Changes DDx
For White lesions, examine:
* Wipe?
* Sources of?
* Chemicals?
* Heat?
* Alter what? then?
* White lesions risk? location?
- Wipe first
- Sources of Friction
- Chemicals
- Heat
- Alter environment & Re-evaluate
- White lesions are mostly “low-risk” lesions
– But location matters
For Red Lesions
* 1st step?
* Location?
* Habits?
* Trauma?
* Medical History?
- Diascopy
- Location!
- Habits
- Trauma
- Medical History – Coagulation
For Red/white Lesions
* Social history?
* Tooth paste/floss?
* Mouthwash?
* Candies, gums, mints, Tic Tacs™, lozenges?
* Herbal supplements?
* Oral Habits?
* Changes in medicines?
- Social history
- Tooth paste/floss
- Mouthwash
- Candies, gums, mints, Tic Tacs™, lozenges
- Herbal supplements
- Oral Habits
– Tooth picks - Changes in medicines
what to note for pigmented lesions
* Size
* Onset
* Distrubution
* Borders
* Location
– Other areas of the body
what to note for ulcers
- Number
- Size
- Onset
– Speed
– Prodrome - Frequency/Duration
- Location
– Other areas of the body
- A small circumscribed elevated lesion usually less than 1cm in diameter, usually contains serous fluid
- Circumscribed elevated lesion that is around 1cm in diameter, usually
- Various sized circumscribed elevations containing pus
- An area that is usually distinguished by a color different from that of the surrounding tissue: It is flat and does not protrude above the surface of the normal tissue.
- A small circumscribed lesion usually less than 1cm in diameter that is elevated or protrudes above the surface of normal surrounding tissue.
- A circumscribed lesion usually greater than 1cm in diameter that is elevated or protrudes above or below the surface of normal surrounding tissue.
- A patch or differentiated area on a body surface
A cleft or grove, normal otherwise, showing prominent
Resembling small nipple-shaped projections or elevations
found in cluste
possible actions for lesions once noticed
–Alter environment
* Not “active neglect”