developmental and odontogenic cysts day 2 Flashcards
“Globulomaxillary Cyst”
why is this odd?
- The globulomaxillary position is located at the junction of maxilla with premaxilla, between maxillary lateral incisor and canine
- No developmental fissural cyst in this position
- A developmental “globulomaxillary cyst” does not exist
Globulomaxillary Position
globulomaxillary cyst radio
presents as a well enscribed lucency in C/LI region, may be at apex or lateral
cyst in globularmaxillary region can cause what?
root divergence
Globulomaxillary Lesions likely dx’s
- Periapical cyst 50%
- Periapical granuloma 15%
- Lateral periodontal cyst 10%
- Odontogenic keratocyst 10%
- Giant cell tumor 7%
- Other lesions 3%
central vs perihperal lesions
central: arise in bone
peripheral: arise outside the bone
other lesions that can also present as globulomaxillary findings
combined 3% probability for these
* Gorlin cyst
* Odontogenic myxoma
* Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor
* Neurofibroma
* Hemangioma
Lateral Periodontal Cyst
Botryoid Odontogenic Cyst
Gingiva Cyst of Adult
Dental Lamina Cyst of Newborn
Lateral Periodontal Cyst
arises from?
teeth? predominant demo?
common areas?
- A developmental cyst that arises from dental lamina rests (rests of Serres)
- Vital teeth of adult males (3:1)
- Mandibular premolar area most commonly
- Maxillary incisor-canine area
dev cyst and inflamm
usually none unless infected
epi lining of lat perio cyst
alternating thin and thick strat squamous lining
lateral periodontal cyst radiograph
well circumscribed, unilocular radiolucency at lateral aspect at most often vital man PM
Botryoid Odontogenic Cyst
usually presents as?
- Polycystic variant of the lateral periodontal cyst
- A developmental odontogenic cyst that presents as a multilocular lucency associated with the vital mandibular premolars of adults
- usually found in same areas as lat perio cyst
botryoid vs lat perio cyst
multi vs unilocular lucencies
Botryoid Odontogenic Cyst radio
multilocular lucency
Gingival Cysts
* arises from?
* teeth/demo?
* locations?
- Soft tissue counterpart of the lateral periodontal cyst
- A developmental cyst that arises from dental lamina rests
(rests of Serres) - Vital teeth of adult males (3:1)
- Mandibular premolar area and maxillary incisor-canine area
gingival cyst radio
not present, entirely in soft tissue
coloration gingival cyst?
bluish possible
bone with gingival cyst
can have pressure resorbtion
gingival cyst histo
alt patterns of thin thick epi, also oral mucosa opposite of lumen
Dental Lamina
Cyst of Newborn
small gingival/alveolar bumps, app whitish
dental lamina cyst of newborn tx
no need, usually subside
dental lamina cyst of new born histo
many cystic areas filled with keratin with thin epi lining
palatal cyst of newborns
bohns nodules and epstein pearls
Cyst of Newborn types
- Dental lamina cysts - epithelial remnants of dental lamina from odontogenesis, occur on alveolar ridge= Odontogenic cysts
- Epstein’s pearls - epithelial remnants from palatal shelf fusion at midline = Non-odontogenic cysts
- Bohn’s nodules - epithelial remnants from minor salivary gland formation, all over palate =Non-odontogenic cysts
palatal cyst of newborns histo
all identical, class based on location
Primordial Cyst
likely to be?
- Radiographic term for a cyst that develops in place of a tooth, tooth not present (congenitally missing)
- Likely to be an Odontogenic Keratocyst (OKC)
primordial cyst radio
typically a well defined unilocular lucency at posterior mandible
Odontogenic Keratocyst
demo? location? growth? recurrence? radio?
- Posterior jaws (mandible) of teenagers, young adults
- Aggressive growth with 30% recurrence (high)
- A unilocular or multilocular radiolucency; imitates other lucencies
OKC distribution
Radiographic Presentations
OKC, %
- Primordial cysts 50%
- Lateral periodontal 25%
- Dentigerous 10%
- Globulomaxillary 10%
assume tooth is vital, what could this be?
lat perio cyst
odontogenic fibroma
what could this be? describe it?
well defined, multilocular lucency
dentigerous cyst
ameloblastic fibroma
odontogenic fibroma
what could this be, describe it?
well defined, unilocular radioluceny
residual cyst
primordial cyst
what could this lesion be? tooth is vital
lateral periodontal cyst
Extra-Osseous (peripheral) Odontogenic Keratocyst (OKC)
can also occur outside bone as a soft tissue lesion (bump on gum)
Extra-Osseous (peripheral) Odontogenic Keratocyst (OKC) radio
none, soft tissue involved only
Odontogenic Keratocyst
- Compact epithelium, no rete ridges, 8 to 10 cell layers thick
- Corrugated surface parakeratin
* Prominent, palisaded, hyperchromatic basal layer
lots of keratin in lumen
bipsy from posterior mandible cyst, what could this be? what would high power of the basale layer show to confirm?
OKC: keratin in lumen with a hyperchromic palisaded basale layer
why do OKC recur often?
daughter cysts present, usually locasted in conn tissue wall of the main cyst that is excised
Significance of the Odontogenic Keratocyst
* behavior?
* Recurrence rate?
* associated Syndrome?
- Aggressive behavior
- Recurrence - 30%
- Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome
Clinical Settings Odontogenic Keratocyst
- Non-syndrome-associated OKC - idiopathic
- Syndrome-associated OKC –multiple OKCs common in the nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
Nevoid Basal Cell
Carcinoma Syndrome additional names
- Basal cell nevus syndrome
- Gorlin-Goltz syndrome
- Gorlin syndrome
gorlin syndrome inheritence/genetic behavior
AD- highly penetrant and varible expression
basal cell nevus syndrome mutation
- Mutation in PTCH (PATCHED) tumor supressor gene at
Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome signs
- Skeletal anomalies: Bifid ribs
- Jaw cysts: Multiple OKCs
- Skin tumors: Multiple, early onset basal cell carcinomas
- Neoplasms: CNS –Medulloblastoma
multiple OKCs ID’d what could this be?
nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
an individual present with multiple BCCa’s and this image, what is possible?
gorlin syndrome
BCCa’s of gorlin-goltz syndrome
multiple possible early in life
palms of gorlin syndrome pts
may have indentations
falx cerebri with gorlin syndrome
can become calcified
Early Recognition and
Diagnosis of Nevoid Basal Cell
Carcinoma Syndrome
- OKCs present early
- Prevent disfiguring basal cell carcinomas
- Evaluate for medulloblastoma