Sociology Ethnicity Stats Flashcards
Black Caribbean men unemployment rate
14% - Highest of all ethnic groups
Bangladeshi and Pakistani women not working
75% Bangladeshi and 69% Pakistani women of working age aren’t working
Ginn and Arber (2001)
Ethnic minority groups are disproportionally dependent on state pensions having earned less through their life
Modood et al (97)
Male Occupations = total non manual: White - 51%, Caribbean - 31%, Pakistani - 32%, Bangladeshi - 29%, Chinese - 67%. Total Manual: White - 49%, Caribbean 69%, Pakistani 68%, Bangladeshi - 71%, Chinese - 33%.
16-24 year old Muslims unemployed
In 2004, 28% of 16-24 year old Muslims were unemployed , compared with only 11% Christians at the same age
Five or More A* to C
67% of Indian, 48% of Banladeshi and 45% of Pakistani pupils gained five or more A* to C compared with 52% of White British pupils.
British Muslims leave school with no qualifications
Nat stats - 31% of young British Muslims leave school with no qualifications compared to 15% of the total population.
18 year olds with one or more AS/A level
2002 = White - 42%, Black 42%, Indian 56%, Pakistani/Bangladeshi 26%.
Hernstein and Murray (1994)
The average IQ scores of Blacks are lower than that of Whites.
Mac an Ghaill
Ethnographic study of 25 Afro-Caribbean and Asian students studying A Levels in a sixth form college in the Midlands, where he found some teachers held racist attitudes.
Black Caribbean boys A* to C
ONS 2005 - Just over 20% of Black Caribbean boys in Britain attained 5 or more A* to C compared with 45% of white boys in Britain.
Gillborn (2002)
City Road Comprehensive indicated teachers operated with stereotypes of ethnic minorities - low expectations of black pupils and criticized them frequently
Mirza (92)
Found black girls in her study were held back by the well-meaning but misguided behaviour of the teachers.
Prison Population
81.9% White, 12.1% Black, 2.8% Asian, 3.15 Other = 2000/01
Male Prison Population per 100,000
1,900 black men compared to 200 White and 300 Asian = 2002.
Stop and Search incidents
Home Office Stats - 302% increase in ‘stop and search’ incidents among Asian, compared with 118% among White people.
Stop and Search incidents with Blacks
Even though Black people made up 2% of the population, 14.6% of stop and search incidents were on black people.
Households below average income
Department for Work and Pensions - Between 1994/95 and 2000/01 just under three quarters of Bangladeshi and Pakistani children (73%) are living in households below the poverty line
Berthoud (1997)
Named Pakistani and Bangladeshi households as among the social groups most likely to be living in poverty.
Muslims don’t own their own home
In 2001, 52% of Muslim households did not own their own home
Distribution of equivalised disposable income
Department for Work and Pensions - 2006/07 - 21% of Whites in the top fifth, 13% of Asia or Asian British in the top fifth , 4% of Pakistani and Bangladeshi in top fifth but 45% in bottom fifth.