Outline and Assess Marxist explanations of gender inequality Flashcards
Marxist explanation
Gender inequalities are the result of capitalism which exploits them.
Beechey (76)
Marxist - Women are less likely to join trade unions and more likely to accept low wages as their income is frequently supplementary to that of the male breadwinner. Relatable to reserve army of labor.
Engels (72)
Marxist - men gained control over women through their initial acquisition of private property - many Marxists agree with this however it doesn’t explain why it was mean and not women, who gained control of private property.
Radical feminists
Society is patriarchal leading to men being able to exploit and oppress women to their advantage in the labor market.
RF - Men use sexual harassment to intimidate women who seek to enter into areas of traditional male employment.
Stanko criticism
Stanko only looks at one source of inequality in the workplace and doesn’t take into account the operation of the labour market as a whole.
Socialist feminists
Argue that women are exploited by both patriarchy and capitalism (dual systems theory). Dual system theory includes that women are exploited both at home and at work.
Socialist Feminists Criticism
don’t make it clear how patriarchy and capitalism work together to create inequality for women in the workplace.
Black feminists
Critcise the views of radical, Marxists and Social feminists for failing to look at affects of racism.
BF - The other feminists have forgotten to look at ethnicity as there theories are ethnocentric.
BF criticism - Argued that women were exploited in 3 systems of patriarchy - capitalism and racism showing that ethnicity had not been forgotten.
Liberal feminists
Gender role socialization is responsible for reproducing gender inequality in the workplace. They believe this leads to sexual division of labor where masculinity is seen as dominant and femininity subordinate.
LF - women do less well in the labor market as a result of the mother-housewife role. Women are taught to believe they should work part time, leading to male dominance within the labor market.
Post Feminists - Hakim
Argues that gender inequalities in the workplace aren’t due to structural factors but due to the natural choices that women make.
Post Feminist Criticism
Other feminists have criticized Hakim for twisting the data to suit her arguments and challenge the statements saying the pay gap can’t be explained that easily.
Patriarchy and inequality can no longer be explained in terms of gender. Women are too divided to be able to draw clear conclusions. Women’s experience in the labor market will vary dramatically depending on the work they do. However, there is still a clear difference in pay between men and women.
Weberian (Not 100% necessary)
Dual labor market theory - primary market has highly paid status, good working conditions hobs and secondary market had low paid, insecure, poor condition jobs. Men and women are found in both but fewer women in primary labor market.
Beechey - Weberian Criticism
Many women are found in the primary labor market in jobs such as teaching, nursing and social care. this theory only really explains differences within the manufacturing sector.