Gender Inequality Stats Flashcards
Percent in senior roles (company directors, police officers etc)
The EOC - Although women represent 45% of the workforce, only 9% of company directors, 7% of senior police officers and 6% of high court judges are women.
Pay Gap (%)
Still an 18% pay gap between men and women. In 2008 it was reported by the ONS that this pay gap was 22%
Part time workers
Labour Market Stats (2000) - 15.4 million men employed in the UK compared to 12.5 million women. 5.5 million part time women workers compared to 1.4 million men.
Average weekly pay of women in their early 20s
In 1998 the EOC noted that, in their early 20s, women earn 92% of the male wage. The average gross weekly pay of all women is only 72.5% of men’s earnings.
Time until women will achieve equality
EOC (1999) - at the present rate of change women will have to wait until 2040 to achieve equality in pay.
Median gross weakly earning for part time jobs
ONS (2008) - The median gross weekly earning for part time jobs for females is 149.8 where as for men i was only 136.8
Rank for Women’s equality
The World Economic Forum on women’s equality ranked Britain 13th out of 130 countries in 2008 in terms of gender inequality, with a 4% drop in wage equality.
Number of tribunal cases of sex discrimination
In 2006, the EOC showed that over the 30 years from 1976, there were a quarter of a million employment tribunal cases of sex discrimination with 67,000 related to equality.
Likely to be victims of crime
Men are twice more likely to be the victims of crime than women, but women are more likely to know their attackers.
Murder Victims
30% of murder victims were women who were killed by a partner or former partner, according to the 2000 BCS.
Women experienced rape
The 2000 BCS suggested that probably 5% of women have experienced rape.
Women MPs
Women remain less than 20% of all MPs
State Pension
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation found that women are more likely to rely on state pensions.
Arber and Cooper (99)
Found that women are far more likely to have been in low status employment with few rights or benefits.
Pay gap
Clear pay gap with women earning an average £394 a week and men £496 (ONS, 2007)
Managers and senior post holders
Only 11% of women are managers and senior post holders, compared with 18% of men.
Likelihood to be employed
Women are less likely to be employed than men with 70% of working age women in work compared to 79% of working age men (ONS)
Berthoud (2002)
Women are more likely to live in poverty than men and spend longer periods in unemployment.
Seager (1997)
found that women spent much more time each on domestic tasks than men and that men had more leisure and rest time than women
Female MPs and House of Common Lords
In 2007/08, only 19% of MPs and 20% of the House of Lords were female.
Number of female members of the cabinet. - From 2006/07, the number of female members of the cabinet fell from 35% in 2006 to 26%.
Gender pay gap, in comparison to Europe
In 2006 it was reported that the gender pay gap in the UK is one of the highest in Europe: women who work full time earned 17% less per hour than men and women working part time earned 39% less per hour than men working full time. Fawcett Society (2006)
Men in terms of crime
Men are hugely disadvantaged in terms of crime and violence; men are convicted of more crime than women. Women make up only 6% of the prison population (HM Prison Service).
Male prisoners released from prison
8% of male prisoners released from prison are re-convicted within 2 years (Social Trends, 1998)
Male population found guilty for an offense
In 2001, 167 per 10,000 of the male population were found guilty or cautioned for an offense compared to 3.7 per 10,000 of the female population.