Class Inequality Flashcards
Managerial Backgrounds with 5 A* to C
In 2002, 77% of students from managerial or professional backgrounds had achieved 5 A* to C, compared with only 32% of those from unskilled manual backgrounds.
Unskilled Manual Background 5 A* to C
Those from an unskilled manual background, in 1992, 16% achieved 5 or more GCSE’s A* to C.
Suggests that working class parents take less interest in their children’s education and are less likely to attend parents evenings.
Smith and Noble
Working Class families aren’t able to afford educational resources and working-class children may miss more school due to poorer health and diet.
Higher Social Class Health
In 1997-99 men in the highest social class would live 7.4 years longer than men in the lowest social classes.
Infant Deaths between classes
A difference of 2 infant deaths per 100 live births between social classes 1-4 and 5-8 in 1998 to a difference of 1.2 in 2008.
The Acheson Report (98)
Long-term illness - 17% of profession men aged 45-64 and 48% of lower class men aged 45-64.
Poor men death %
Poor men are 68% more likely to die in middle age then richer men.
Men in Dorset
Men in Dorset live 8.3 years longer than men in Manchester - Healthcare Commission
Prison pop
41% of the prison population are from lowest classes.
Lea and Young
The working class commit more crime because of relative deprivation and social marginalization.
Prisoners with experience of care
1991 Home Office Survey - As many as 38% of prisoners under 21 reported they had experience of care, compared with only 2% of the general population.
Prisoners with permanent residence
13% of prison population said that they had no permanent residence just before the imprisonment.
MPs attending independent schools
Almost one third of current MPs attended independent schools, which educate just 7% of the population.
Professional occupations earnings
Those in ‘Professional occupations’ will earn an average wage of 33,741 a year, where as those in the group ‘skilled trades occupations’ can expect an average of £21,060 per annum.
MPs educated in comprehensive schools
42% of MPs were educated in comprehensive schools, with the remainder having attended either state grammar schools (25%) or independent schools (32%)